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Everything posted by hansnl

  1. It is known insurance companies will do anything to not pay.
  2. KTB or GSB. Both will do just fine.
  3. But the question is, which foreigners don't pay the hospital bills? The tourists? The people living in Thailand?
  4. Haiter is available in 5 liter cans, and also 10 liter.
  5. The Germans had "Lebensbronn" Maybe an idea?
  6. Fact is private hospitals are there to make money, the medical care is not that important. Not my words, but of a professor. Went to a private hospital for a checkup relating to insurance, the doctor told me I had a heart attack in the past. Wanted to know more, went to a state heart hospital, after half a day tests, no heart attack. My last visit to any private hospital.
  7. A lot of revenue will be sorely missed.
  8. Another not so good idea, Don Muang is very well served by long distance trains. And HS trains will not succeed.
  9. The implication is quite clear and xenophobic if not racist.
  10. Creating money is the business of the state how much there is. Banks create no money, just zeros and ones in some computer. That sir, is a rather "innocent" and very dangerous declaration. Why must Banks know exactly where I spend my money on, how much, where, when? Or why should a government know all this? I decided to pay only cash from now on Governments using all these data is bloody dangerous, but banks getting all the payment transactions first is pure horror.
  11. There is a group in Belgium who tend to do just that. Again, again, again.
  12. Being Chinese both know the vivid measures are just used to express some sort of irritation of Xi. Covi
  13. Creating money is a government thing, bank just create computer lists. Not good!
  14. Like all government tourist plans this plan is geared to the "well healed". I guess many Chinese will "invest".
  15. It seems, AC friendly installer told me, there is a growing market for the so-called window units, although most are installed in a hole made in the wall. Ease of installing and choice of lower output (below 9000 BTU) are the reasons. Even available through Lazada and Shopee......
  16. Chinese links to illegal doings? In Thailand? Really?
  17. This is not good, no way these guys should have done that. That said, netizens are in a tiffy about this, will they also be if a group of Thai "brazenly" attack a foreigner? Don't think so.
  18. Maybe some attention could be given to the mother of the perpetrator. She is very ashamed, also lost a grandchild by her own son's hands and now is threatened by her neighbours.
  19. Thaksin, both, would do better, you think? Last time I looked both got filthy rich during their tenure.
  20. I seem to remember Thaksin and sister did a magnificent job looting the coffers, in fact they got filthy rich in their time in power. I figure you have a shortvor a very selective memory. That said, I read in internet, papers, whatever, things are not going dandy elsewhere also.
  21. Chinese tourism will not bring any relief, Chinese tourists don't spend locally, only to big operators.
  22. The deeds of the press re disgusting in this matter. Hounding the mother of the killer is so shameful, she also lost a grandchild and has to live with the shame. Leave the woman alone, leave the parents and family of the dead alone!
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