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Everything posted by hansnl

  1. And what solution does that party offer? Shoot a few thousand "druggies" and a few thousand possible owners of illegal guns?
  2. The existinggun laws are pretty conclusive. Thing is, illegal guns are uncontrollable.
  3. Like killing a cool 2000 so-called drug users?
  4. Next issue to address: Double pricing, including in state hospitals, museums , parks, etc.
  5. The opposite, probably. The Chinese "leaders" need an outside enemy to stay relevant.
  6. Connecting ad relying too much on China is playing with the devil.
  7. Wrong! If you dislike tattoos easy to think they are indecent. I agree
  8. Any girl or woman with even a tiny tattoo is not for me. It's awful.
  9. He killed them? Or was it an accident?
  10. What you mention about the situation in Thailand is also valid in (most) othet countries, all over the world. There seems to be no government, anywhere, that had or has an answer to the changes.
  11. It might be wise to contact Wise about a transfer that size, it seems there are different fees for bigger amounts if arranged with the Wise admin.
  12. As they maybe are reverse engineered MTU engines or duplicated German engines I would not be happy. Besides, it is getting a bit long in the teeth this buy, so the design is oldfashioned.
  13. Gangs from Korea? Gangs from Malaysia? Some local gangs? Not from China? Really?
  14. The whole idea of different prices for anything based on skin colour, religion, language or whatever is very racist. Shameful!
  15. If you remove this government something the same will come back. It is as if they look too much to China.
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