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Everything posted by RanongCat

  1. What you fail to identify in your discourse is that the sniper fire was often fatally directed to targets such as teens throwing rocks at IDF people in full kevlar body armour or even simply at a wall. Target practice for late teen aged involuntary inductees of the IDF. Paint any picture you want. If it is honest it will demonstrate gross abuses more often or not on territory legally not Israeli.
  2. Or was it a primary instigation of counter tactics eventually manifested ?
  3. Nor you!
  4. Why so much effeort to lead me off topic ? Fear of truths? As the progression of retaliatory military destruction of Gaza civilian infrastructure and civilians continues so does international sympathy for the Israeli position which despite denials is demonstrating long held objectives in the demands of some with respect to Gaza and the more desirable territories of the West Bank et6 al. Unfettered access to the Port of Gaza is a desirable with elimination of territorial issues. Elimination of "illegal occupation" status in the West Bank achieved in contrivance of current military action a further ambition.
  5. The stand in steps up ?
  6. I am thinking you have a semi literate stand in who does you little credit. Bro .
  7. Did they been ? Kinda funny how?
  8. So former leader who undoubtably has some better insight than you or I about Netanyahu's "motivations" can be summarily dismissed by yourself?
  9. "We" being ?
  10. So you would approve a dismissed Israeli MP's suggestion to use nuclear weapons to accelerate the genocide?
  11. And you have no questions about how the various "brands " of water sold at nominated outlets get filtered? Do you check their use by date?
  12. Fair enough. It does risk feeding their vile egos' .
  13. TRy not take too much issue with Morch. He/she/it/they take journalistic pride in regurgitating home office propaganda . It is on occasion there is personalized output recognizable by a distinct change in concise intent of meaning and grammatical construct.
  14. Lol. Not. Clever attempted entendre . Will he get it?
  15. So because you consider a point debated it is history ? Get over yourself !
  16. The world is so lucky ! Now Winky Blinky has announced neither Hamas nor Israel will be "permitted" to "Kontrol" Gaza when this war is over . That is ...if there is anything left of Gaza ....and possibly Israel if things erupt.
  17. Are you letting Tranny dictate your commentary ?
  18. Devoid of rationale.
  19. A meaningless glib deflection to disguise trolling?
  20. Deflection fail ! Are you tired of defending retaliatory atrocities?
  21. Sacrificed civilians who perish at the hands of the IDF who aimlessly attempt to bomb those they know are safe underground ! Bunker buster bombs are not so great at penetrating underground through masses of building debris. The IDF military commanders are well aware of that yet still bomb civilians regardless. Declarations of success and reticent revelations of IDF casualties are as much a part of the propagandist tactics Hamas is accused of. No less so that Winky Blinky Blinken parading as some robotic commentator on morality and peace bringer to pretend , as usual, false humanitarian concerns. Not yet has he teared up over the "poor innocent children" as he did for Ukrainian equivalents of far less equivalent numbers ! "We" is a primary reference in opined references to Israeli activity by such as Blinken. Unfortunately the eventual outcome will be a degradation of global opinion of the US and any allies who insist on kissing nether regions to visibly under a mountain of dead bodies yet again as evidence of "world" control.
  22. First genuine concession to the reality of this manufactured "war". Bibisan has and is enjoying his "state of war" status that probably will enable him to continue to defer multiple criminal corruption charges for as long as he can prolong said status which he has already declared would/could be a "long " time. Climbing onboard his "War Cabinet" are political opposition figures who by default attain same said authority ( and no doubt salary ) to dictate the application of a counter terrorist terrorist militancy funded and supplied by the US in a corporate clawback of several billion $US annual fundings while maintaining a significant degree of political ME influence that is incrementally being ignored .
  23. You can provide an approved source link verifying your statement ?
  24. But but... I have witnessed obsessive demands for backup . > Am I denied by the cabal?
  25. 1 bomb: 1 civilian ? Jeez ! depopulated already .
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