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Everything posted by RanongCat

  1. I am well aware of the role of the ICTJ and ICTR . Remedial organisations . The ICC has a higher role but often with blunt teeth.
  2. Unfortunately the ICTJ is a formative/legislative body and not the ICC. Hamas is guilty of terrorism. Have they, on behalf of the Palestinian Territories answered to declaration of War ?
  3. Ask the ICC for an opinion. Oh oops. ! Israel is not a signatory in same as US . Palestinian Territories are signatories. Problem there is that Hamas are not considered a legitimate Authority.
  4. I find that a strange distortion of reality. It is those members who genuinely find reason to challenge the retaliatory actions of Israel that face the barrage of insult, ridicule, and threat as the means to suppress honest opinion. To their credit I have noted the patience and tolerance of the Moderating team thus far.
  5. The actions of Hamas have been noted as crimes against humanity . Unfortunately they escape definition as war crimes but are acts of terrorism. Retaliatory actions taken by Israel after having declared war under under scrutiny including the militarily enforced blockade of humanitarian aid. Gaza is not Israeli territory so Israeli incursion is very subject to conventions on war. Infractions by Israeli forces are invariably going to be denied . To a horrified global audience sympathy for the disproportionate number of civilians does not amount to support for Hamas or any of the multiple militant groups active within Gaza. That you and others persist in colouring that sympathy so is indicative of bloody minded ignorance !
  6. Also https://www.dw.com/en/are-war-crimes-being-committed-in-israel-hamas-conflict/a-67103187
  7. No doubt you consider yourself clever as some sort of forum version of a coitus interruptus distraction but I think for many observers is nothing short of a temporary itch ! My reply is obviously no more nor less "off topic" or "trolling" than your own posts. Do you get paid in cash or kind ?
  8. Unfortunately confirmation of the right to "believe" whatever person wants is indisputable. if considered a human right. For that same reason there should not exist any justification in religious conviction as superior motive in any sense. Legally in most jurisdictions that right exists both for and against because there is no "fact" in belief. Apply that to conflict and analyse inevitable conclusions.
  9. Is Israel not in the "ME " ?
  10. Nice brush over ! Ignoring basic issues that became apparent problems that have never gone away as being witnessed now. Truth of fact is that the situation was enforced under duress but of no concern at the time to the enforcers.
  11. Have I said different? Although I would question the concept of Israel being free, democratic and decent while being directed as is current by a leader who to avoid probable conviction of multiple criminal charges makes attempts to override a legal system so as to exonerate himself and likely install himself for life. All put on hold due to "war status" .
  12. Jews by religion? Arabic by race? Do you know? The individual known as Jesus was a Jew too. Was he an Arab or not?
  13. In another world that fantasy does not match the reality of the creation of the modern Israel. In fact it was enforced by the US over objections from the UK but who had to comply with threats from the "saviours " of US financial blackmail. How would any honest determination of a populations IQ be established within asame population that has been satrved in almost every aspect of animal existence ?
  14. Two minds of thought. Slight overkill or <deleted> exactly right preps.
  15. I think that actually he was suggesting that in terms of current topic what is happening is of no real surprise.
  16. Not sure of relevance but the Israeli currency is tanking fast. No doubt an opportunity for opportunist opportunity ? Water supply ? Hmmmmmmmm? Food supply chains ????????? Hmmmmmmm!
  17. Have you ever considered actually offering some meaningful content in rebuttal instead of personal attack?
  18. If she exists you might need her !
  19. Ridiculous
  20. If I were a troll then Admin would surely act on it.Or not? That I and others submit opinion that does not either coincide with or enforce your own in objection to endorsed retaliation by the IFD that ignores humanitarian considerations is an issue you need contemplate seriously. I have yet to see a single member of this forum endorse anything other than the motivation of Palestinian resistance which does not include endorsement of Hamas tactics. It is witnessing the barely restrained response which became qualified under the declared rules of war that is the basis of my comment. I categorically do not endorse Hamas nor do I endorse the incremental subjigation of Palestinians now being excused under conditions of war. That being in Gaza or the surreptitious escalation of "settler" attacks in the illegally occupied West Bank supported by IDF .
  21. And you follow that to the letter? Or do you assume yourself to be credible ?
  22. For people with rational recall it is not as nonsense as you would prefer to convince your audience.
  23. You suggest the thread be locked because no 100% consensus has been reached on obliterating a couple of million people as a solution to a very sad long term conflict ? Ok, bye.
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