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  1. So.. around 45 days prior to the expiration of my marriage visa, I just go to CW and apply for a retirement visa, sans the house photos and marriage cert but with THB800K proof of funds banked in two months prior. If I have a House Book (in my name) of a condo, can I use that for address purposes and no need for my wife to be present at CW?
  2. I'm contemplating to convert my Marriage Visa to a Retirement Visa when my Marriage Visa's extension expires next year in April. I have been on the Non-O Marriage Visa for over 6 years now in Bangkok. The main reason for the change is that I feel the paperwork for a Retirement Visa is less fussy than those for a Marriage visa eg house photos, wife to be present, update Kor Ror 22 etc. I'm okay with the increased proof of funds from THB400K to THB800K. Appreciate if anyone can provide me the following: 1. Procedures in converting from Marriage to Retirement, including forms, documents, time frames etc 2. We live in a house that is in my wife's name. How do I prove my accommodation address under the Retirement Visa process? Do I need to sign a rental agreement with my wife? 3. Any other advice or experience in this conversion? Thanks in advance for any help.
  3. With the ongoing development of a park outside the Government Complex at Chaeng Wattana Bangkok, the regular outdoor parking spots are now not accessible. Are there any parking spots (both indoor and outdoor) when entering from Gate 2?
  4. Recently when applying for a Non-O Visa (by Marriage) extension, we were told to "update" our Kor Ror 22 Marriage Cert that was issued 12 years ago at our Amphur in Bangkok. 1. What documents do we need to bring for this "update" at the Amphur? 2. I recalled that we needed 2 Thai witnesses when we first applied for the Kor Ror 22 twelve years ago; do we need any witnesses for this update? 3. Do I need to go through the hassles of securing (a) my home country's Foreign Ministry to authehticate my marriage cert (b) get the Thai Embassy at my home country to translate my marriage cert. 4. Any other documentation needed? Appreciate any advice and guidance. Thanks.
  5. Was at CW this morning to do my annual visa extension (by marriage). This was probably my 8th extension. Had a confirmed appointment with a docket showing a Queue Nbr and Counter 29 at Section L1. New Changes/Requirements (?): 1. When my Nbr was called, I was told to proceed to Counter 30 to have my documetns checked by a young boy. Took about 10 minutes. 2. Then we went over to Counter 29 to see the IO for her to do thecustomary stamping and signing. Took another 15 minutes. Was then told to wait outside for my passport to be signed by a senior officer at Counter 28. 3. After another 10 minutes, was called in by the IO at Counter 28. She told us that in future, she will only accept photostated copies of the documents BUT NOT SCANNED COPIES. 4. In addition, we need to UPDATE/GET A NEW Kor Ror 22 Marriage Certificate that was issued by our Amphur 12 years ago based on our overseas marriage certificate. Hope above will be helpful to you.
  6. TQ all for your advice. Guess I'll have to reschedule my return trip to be back in early to mid April to apply for the 1-year extension. Cheers.
  7. Thanks Dr Jack and yeahbutif, I can't do the extension earlier as I'm restricted by the 2-month 400K sanitization of my funds. The earliest I can do the extension is in the week of 8 April and I'll be away then. Guess I;ll do the 60-day extension first. What's the earliest date I can do the 60-day extension if my visa is expiring on 15th April? Do they need the 400K sanitizatio too?
  8. Dr Jack I'll be away from 10 Feb to 20 April. I have never obtained a 60-day extension; only 1-year extension. My IB is at Chaeng Wattana.
  9. My current visa annual extension (marriage) will expire on 15 April 2024. However I may not be able to renew it on time as I'll be away. Do I get any grace period to apply after 15th April? The THB400K has been sanitised in my account since early February. Any advice appreciated.
  10. My annual Non-O Marriage visa will be expiring in mid-April 2024. Just checking if there are any updates to the requirements (My IO is at Chaeng Wattana, Bangkok): 1. Bank account showing >THB400K "seasoned" (lay-over) for >2 months prior to application date. Is this still the requirement as I read somewhere that we need to "seasoned" the deposit for >3 months prior to application date. 2. New TM30 approval required using the new TM30 website process? My TM30 was done 5 years ago and I am still living at the same address and my 90-Day report is current, at the same address. 3. Other "changes", if any since March 2022. Thanks. Appreciate any feedback. PS: Apologies if the above had been addressed elsewhere in this forum.
  11. My current TM30 was approved 5 years ago and I am still living at the same address. Do I need to apply for a "new" TM30 using this new tool? My 90-day report is still current and at the same address.
  12. I have a MULTIPLE Re-Entry Permit valid until 15 December 2023 (same expiry date as my Non-O Marriage Visa). I have just applied for an extension of my visa and has received the "Under Consideration" stamp valid until 28 December 2023. However I need to travel overseas on 22 December 2023; can I still use my Re-Entry Permit or do I need to apply for a new one? Any advice appreciated.
  13. I was at Chaeng Wattana (CW) on 30 Aug to submit my TM47 in person because I had yet to receive approval for my online application made on 16 Aug. According to the officer at CW, the reason for the delay was because of long holidays and unusually large number of online applications. Here's my guide for anyone wanting to apply in person for the TM47 at CW: 1. Make an appointment online via https://www.immigration.go.th/?page_id=20131 which you will subsequently receive a system generated email confirming your appointment. 2. On the appointment day, bring along your passport, the previously approved TM47, copy of the email confirming your appointment and a duly completed new TM47.. 3. At CW, proceed to Counter 4 to submit your TM47 form and email confirmation. You will then be given a Blue Docket (a 3"x 3" plastic docket). 4. Proceed to Cubicle B66 (not Counter A as indicated in the email). Present your documents to the officer there when he/she is available. They will attend to you even if you are 20 minutes or so early for the appointment. 5. All in all, from Counter 4 to getting the new TM47 approval, it took no more than 15 minutes. Hope the above will guide you accordingly.
  14. Tks Dr Jack. As the old post was done in 2016, I think there will be changes since then. Anyone care to chip in?
  15. I am on a Non-O Marriage Visa and we plan to move from BKK to Hua Hin soon. Appreciate if anyone can advise on the following: 1. Are the Immigration processes and procedures in Hua Hin Immigration exactly the same as those in Chaeng Wattna for Marriage Visa Extension? If not, please elaborate. 2. -ditto- for 90-day report and TM30 Notice of Address. Thank you in advance for any pointers.
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