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Posts posted by AMFWolfie

  1. 6 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    Why can't they open bars (the type you see Soi 4) and Pattaya and many sport bars along with all restaurants and just keep night clubs closed.

    Just make hours closed at 11 pm or even 10pm.

    Between this wave and previous wave I would sometimes wander into stumble Inn soi 4. Over new year Pattaya same around soi 7/8, it was dead. There are no tourists here. 

    Open the bars and keep night clubs shut.

    Shout out to Udon bars. Hang in there.

    Can understand enclosed bars but pretty much established in the rest of the world outside is good and 10 times more safe with social distancing...same old same old, get on with the vaccinations...


  2. 9 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    The man is pretty much spot on.  So even if Phuket gets 70% of its population vaccinated, the returning workers from Issan won't be vaccinated.  A little short sighted this government is 

    I think the issue with foreigners tourists coming into the county with Covid after both vaccinations and a proper Covid test if far less of a risk then Thai, Cambodian and Myanmar workers, most illegals,  that wont be vaccinated. Just watched a South East Asia report on Sky News a few minutes ago saying how Phuket is taking its first tentative steps in re-opening Thailand and hope to have 70% of the population vaccinated by July. Find this a little surprising considering they were promising 100% vaccinated by July for Phuket population!!!

  3. 4 hours ago, Excel said:

    Well I suspect very few but realistically I would suspect that the vast majority of businesses run with anyone with a modicum of common sense were not planning to open anyway despite the governments rhetoric, as it was obvious to any sane person the whole sandbox thing would be nothing but a disastrous sham.

    It did seem a half hearted effort after making the decision which on its own merits of quarantining on an entire island had merit. Problem was/is the preparation. No mass vaccination of Phuket population including the workers, restricting coming and going to Phuket which just never happened. A perfect opportunity to test the waters and allow safe entry to Thailand. I for one and my wife would be quite happy taking a week or two in Phuket before returning to Pattaya when we decide to return from the UK. After both doing the 15 days quarantine back in Nov Dec 2020 on our return to Thailand, we have decided not to do it again under any circumstances and nothing to do with the cost, purely the utter boredom of the whole process. A holiday on Phuket on the other hand with EVERYTHING open was not only good for us but for their economy. In fact why stop there, Koh Samui, Koh Chang, all easy to vaccinate the population and isolate, an opportunity lost....

    • Like 1
  4. 18 hours ago, Tharnbiz1971 said:

    I know many from taxi driver to hair salon who can survive no longer. 

    Just imagine if the Thai government HAD started the vaccine rollout in earnest back in February and had vaccinated most of the country as they had promised, they could have been on the UK's Amber or even Green list and would have been swamped by brits and Europeans that have had both jabs  that not only regularly visit Thailand but loads of new tourists with fewer places to go just itching to go on holiday somewhere.... how short sighted!!

  5. 5 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Thailand's 47 new coronavirus deaths reported on Thursday set a new national record for daily deaths for the second day in a row, following on the prior record 41 deaths reported Wednesday -- only the second time that has happened here thus far in current third wave of the pandemic.


    The high deaths report came as total new cases of 3,323 exceeded the 3,000 threshold now for five out of the past seven days. But a higher share of that increase came from the 1,219 prison cases, the highest prison total in the past eight days, while the general population case total of 2,104 is the second lowest figure of the past week.


    The rise in general population cases from 1,976 on Wednesday to 2,104 on Thursday reversed what had been three consecutive days of declining numbers from the record high of 2,922 general population cases reached on May 23.


    The 47 new deaths reported on Thursday also marked a grim new milestone. The country's daily total for new coronavirus deaths for the first time reached a level roughly equaling the nation's typical daily death toll from road accidents, with Thailand having one of the highest road fatality rates in the world.


    The last time Thailand set back-to-back daily records for new coronavirus deaths was on April 24 and 25, when the daily totals of 8 and 11 were at the time the highest ever for the country. Thursday's total of 47 more than quadruples the then daily record of 11 deaths set just over a month ago.


    The record high number of new deaths during the past two days came despite the nation's reported numbers of hospitalized coronavirus patients in critical condition (1,201 as of Thursday) remaining more or less stable at levels slightly below their peaks. In all, though, 46,469 COVID positive patients remain quarantined in Thailand in some type of hospital facility (as shown in the light blue colored box in the chart below), which also set a new record high on Thursday.










    No mention if the prison staff have rushed to get the vaccine to protect them and their families so would guess the prisoners are <deleted>*d and left to their own devices..


    • Like 1
  6. 20 hours ago, DirtyHarry55 said:


    So only 66% confident in the AstraZeneca shot so what about Sinovac no numbers published? That would be interesting.
    In any case as soon as AstraZeneca is available I'll happily take it compared to Sinovac which I wouldn't take if they paid me. One thing I've noticed they always try and merge Sinovac and Astrazeneca in any PR propaganda news.



    I had first dose of Astra Zeneca 3 weeks ago and like a lot of people, felt like <deleted> the next day with blinding headache and flu like aches.  Day after that felt fine and back to normal. Same as my Thai wife, same effects except her arm ached for nearly a week. Whilst I understand the reluctance of Sinovac the real world figure, especially after the 2nd dose are very good and should not be ignored if no other vaccine is available. With 88% protection its got to be had rather than not being vacinated https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-05-11/china-s-sinovac-shot-found-highly-effective-in-real-world-study Until everyone has had a vaccine, people will still die and it will not go away.

    • Like 1
  7. 7 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    The caveat being the last sentence in the quote above.

    Doses are few and far between, with the schedule as such. 

    So when will the vaccines they have on hand run out, as they have to shift the vaccines to ward off the virus in prisons, factories, and such.  Are only Thais in prison, and working in factories getting vaccinated or are they vaccinating all.  The world wants to now.

    Seems its always next week, next month, next year. Sounds more like just stringing everyone along hoping it will go away......heads in the sand...


  8. 5 hours ago, bkk6060 said:


    Look into what?  Thai Friendly alone has over 2 million members good luck.

    What are they expected to do,  starve?

    What a big waste of time any of this will be.

    Just dumb.

    Agreed. What an inept government. Just when you thought they couldn't get any more stupid, Wham, they prove you so wrong. With no benefits, social services or support of any kind, what do they really expect their citizens to do!! Just fortunate for the few that can do something to support themselves and probably their families because you can rest assured the government wont be doing anything. Stop blaming everyone else, should have rolled out the vaccines in February when promised but to busy working out how to make money for themselves and now blaming anyone and anything for this predicted rise in Covid infections...to stubborn or loss of face to listen to other countries governments that have proven which way forward...

  9. 12 hours ago, onebir said:

    "A week is a long time in politics"

    "Soon is five months in Maibpenrailand"

    Seems to be the same old news regurgitated in one form or another but no clear cut, defined plan. Actually getting fed up responding to what is almost coming over as fake news. Until the vaccine rollout actually happens in earnest and haven't even seen a list of hospital that are offering it yet let alone which one and how much and I don't mean all the government lists saying what has been approved and what is about to be approved because it means nothing until its actually available. Regarding the vaccine certificate, the NHS APP for all the UK has the details of your vaccines, which one and when had and I would say difficult to forge as its tied to your NHS number and would be adequate proof for entry to a country requiring proof of vaccination. Wouldn't have thought it much of an issue to let another country have access simply to view this information for inbound tourists.

  10. 2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Add this to the 300 baht fee already charged to assist with the medical funds that they put in place years ago.  Whose pocket will this now go into....always a grab for money.  Just call it a Visa on Arrival fee and then you can do with it whatever the hell you want....sheesh.  Timing is everything with the Tourism schemes and then Covid.....


    "Mr Phiphat said there was still a chance the Phuket sandbox could go ahead but cases on the island would likely need to be zero and at least 70% of the island’s population would need to have received the vaccination".

    .......So July 1 is out and maybe October, good to know Phipat.....

    I believe Phuket has a population of around 70,000. Add possibly another 10,000 unregistered during peak periods and you would have to vaccinate about 1000 a day to get the 70% "magic" figure vaccinated by 1st July. After just having mine and the wife done at a Portsmouth hospital this week with literally 50 plus volunteers and countless hospital staff actually carrying out the vaccinations, on a continuous, extremely well organised, walk though, they were manging 1000 a day so it can be done but with a positive commitment that I feel the Thai government doesn't actually have. Of course, requiring two doses in most cases at a minimum of a month apart, I would guess, the 1st July deadline is looking highly unlikely. Friends in the UK desperate to get back to Thailand without quarantine but liked the idea of a sandbox Phuket have already abandoned those plans of returning in July and doubting anything positive will happen in Thailand now till next year and I would guess many people are doing the same choosing not to believe anything the Thai government are saying.. The 300 baht fee is incidental and almost insignificant on the grand scale of things..

    • Like 1
  11. 7 hours ago, henry213 said:

    I'm not living in Thailand anymore because of this poop! left end of 2019 just before it all started, There are Thai's all over the world getting treated as they should as anyone else in a country, But good old Thailand NOT they don't like us at all, WE ARE POOP TO THEM........

    Having the option to flip between UK and Thailand is beneficial to say the least although I appreciate that is not possible with many ex-pats living in Thailand. Whilst I agree with the above I think "Them" and "Us" needs a bit more definition. The majority of Thais are quite happy with foreigners and investments. Personally I think the ruling classes are terrified of western influence on the poorer, downtrodden Thai population and the reason they do everything they can to chastise us is they are rightly worried they will lose their power over the masses and with it, their wealth and influence.....The majority of Thai's are easily influenced by media, both "official" and social. I listen to the <deleted> my wife tells me that some politician or news channel has spouted out which is blatantly fake news or at the very best "twisted the truth" but they take it all in and discuss it amongst themselves until suddenly... it real......... it actually happened !! Its just controlling the masses and we are just another tool for doing that... It wont change until they have many more educated people as we are seeing with many of the students in Bangkok...


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  12. 9 hours ago, impulse said:

    Thailand lures the rich with yet another big, juicy nuthin' burger.


    If they wanna attract anybody, they need to get their population vaccinated so they can do away with the quarantine.  Until the quarantine requirement goes away, nothing will work.


    AND!!! owning your own land and property, run your own business without the ludicrous restrictions. Basically what foreign investors are afforded in most other countries..... Thailand's higher echelon are terrified of loosing their grip on the country and its wealth. Establish a working middle class and see how it changes!!

    • Like 1
  13. 6 hours ago, pseudorabies said:

    The Moderna vaccine is in use in many countries with extremely competent and strict regulator agencies.  I doubt that Thailand's FDA is going to uncover something that these countries' agencies haven't noticed.  In light of Thailand's situation this should be a rubber stamp at this point.  But that's IF the government truly wanted to import this vaccine.  So far I haven't seen anything from them indicating any interest in importing western vaccines.


    We're going to see this daily drip of press releases from the government in place of action from now until Siam Bioscience finally releases vaccine for public distribution.  And this daily drip includes starting appointment registration for vaccines that don't yet exist.

    \from previous reports Siam Bioscience will/can only  produce 5 million doses a month and with no other vaccines imminently appearing in quantity, still going to be a long time to vaccinate the population of 70 million with 2 doses plus a booster in 12-months to combat the variants or at least that's how the UK are approaching it stating a Covid booster for all vaccinated this winter in the UK.... Going to be interesting time for Thailand but think their tourism industry is well and truly scuppered unless that was the plan all along!!!


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  14. 2 hours ago, Hayduke said:


    Speaks volumes on how much Thais disbelieve and distrust this hopelessly corrupt government.




    Its probably more to do with most of the over 60 in rural areas don't have smart phones or know how to use the app. Unlike the younger Thai counterparts, the older generation have no interest in anything but making and receiving calls on their phones which is probably true with many older generations in most countries. That said, the massive hype and publication of when one thing goes wrong with a vaccination, far outweighs 100 positive statements in the media. After  just returning to the UK and completing 10 days quarantine myself and my Thai wife go for our Vaccines today and she's more terrified of the vaccine than catching Covid!!  Even asking why we are going so late in the day when her friends all say we should go early then when something happen we can still go to hospital!! Unbelievable Thai logic and mistrust..

    • Like 2
  15. 4 hours ago, WineOh said:

    or in other words, not a single tourist from any country has expressed any interest whatsoever in goin to Phuket for a holiday.


    the golden goose is dead and buried, am I the only one that can see it? ????

    Not strictly true. Many people from the UK desperate to get back to Thailand without quarantining in a hotel, had expressed a keen interest  to "Quarantine" in Phuket for 2 weeks PROVIDING its very clear  they can use the island facilities unencumbered rather than being restricted to a hotel or resort.. This is on the understanding they have had 2 vaccinations and a negative test before flying and they are then free to travel around anywhere in Thailand. The big problem at the moment is most of Thailand is in lockdown of one sorts or another and rules are changed almost daily making everyone very nervous of actually booking. As of 17th May UK can travel which is the start of it but with no clear cut, definitive rules on visiting Phuket, coupled with Thailand suddenly "changing" the rules to suit themselves, most I have spoken to are now back peddling and not booking or at least no yet. To be fair, after just returning to the UK and currently in the middle of 10 days home quarantine, one of the options to return to Thailand before October when Quarantine cease altogether, was Phuket. 2 weeks holiday in Phuket enjoying the island before returning to Pattaya was on the cards and still is, PROVIDING everything is set in stone and not subject to change.


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  16. 2 hours ago, Marvin Hagler said:

    Questionable numbers?

    How did they arrive at 326 cases from people entering quarantine? What does that even mean?

    Basically everyone entering Thailand that goes into 15 day quarantine from a flight mainly, but dare say others across a land border has shown to be positive on day 5 of testing. When you consider everyone but Thai nationals have to have a negative Covid test and fit to fly certificate 72 hours before boarding a flight to Thailand it can only mean they were all Thais repatriating to Thailand that didn't need a test, or at least don't to board a Thai airways flight, or they were persons that suddenly got a negative result when should have been positive (unlikely) or they had forged/faked coved test from a clinic in their home country which is more likely as the airport check-in staff have no way of checking if the document is genuine or not. If they can save £150/£250 not to have a test people will....

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  17. 13 hours ago, Snig27 said:

    More idiocy - many of the people who visited families are hands on workers - cab drivers, cleaners, shop staff and such. How do they "work remotely"? It shows again how totally out of touch the governing elite are with Thailand.

    Thailand is clearly battling governmental incompetence as well as COVID.

    Agreed, they have no clue how to control this new wave. The vaccine rollout is an utter joke, they are liberal with the truth to put it mildly and point blank refuse to listen or take advise from other countries with considerably more experience of Covid-19. As at this morning Banglamung hospital has cancelled all admissions unless critical road accidents solely to cope with the Covid influx so its everywhere now.

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