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Posts posted by AMFWolfie

  1. 4 hours ago, robblok said:

    Slight reduction, i wonder how much of the reduction is because of less testing and people being on holiday not caring about tests.


    Im actually surprised it still that high given Songkran and less tests. 


    It will be more interesting to see what the result will be after this holiday when people are back and tests are being done more regularly. 

    Don't fully understand about these tests and who's doing them and where.  Most private hospitals are turning people away today who simply want to get tested but for no other reason quoting insufficient test kits. We've had to book a Covid test two weeks before we fly without to much difficulty at THB 3,800 per person but really cant see how the government are just randomly testing...

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    As he has said the above should occur or should have already been done.  However, that's not what occurred.  A day late and a dollar short. Can you imagine a Thai Chana qr code at the entrance to a small village. 

    If Bangkok Pattaya Hospital is an example of how not to spread the virus then then Thailand is in deep trouble if what I saw this morning is anything to go by. Queue to get in for a test in the main entrance with people running to the front of the queue because they simply want to get in for other reasons than a test. Stand for several minutes while they take your details from passport or ID card. Hand back and proceed inside where told to put completed form and ID on the counter then told to sit down and wait in the inside waiting area. Some sat with masks pulled down and many more passing through with masks on but very busy. After 10 minutes got fed up waiting and went back to the counter, took passport and left without being tested. Wife slightly more patient got her ticket and told to wait in outside waiting area with about 30 other people all waiting for Covid Test. Seats about 1 meter apart to conserve space and typically off most Thais, all talking together to pass the time. After about 30 minutes called inside upstairs to another waiting area/room, again with seats 1 mtr apart and told to wait again. At that point after being given the choice to sit next to a man shivering with a blanket wrapped around him, she also decided enough was enough and left. 


    Now booked 8am appointment at a different hospital for 20th April ready to fly back to UK on 22nd where both of us because of age have been offered the vaccine. Will come back to Thailand hopefully once someone here sorts out all the nonsense probably in October




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  3. 2 minutes ago, AMFWolfie said:

    I have to assume the lack of mass testing is down to the incredibly short sightedness of this government to order enough testing kits. My wife, and I now assume myself, are in a chain of 6 on a track and trace scenario where no 1, has tested positive for Covid after coming back from Bangkok. He then visited two more people who have also tested positive yet their spouse and children came back negative. One of those 2nd two visited the 3rd in the chain who came back positive and he in turn visited number 4 in the chain, also positive as of yesterday. No 5 in the chain, senior policeman, has packed a bag and gone for testing today fully expecting to get a positive test and remain in hospital. That leads me to number 6 in the chain, the wife and myself, who has to wait for number 5 results BEFORE they will test us. We have been self isolating for 3 days since informed of the situation seeing no one and going nowhere and when I asked why we simply cannot go and get tested, the response was NOT until everyone on the chain above us has been tested and results given which is ludicrous. When pushed the response was the local hospitals here in Pattaya reckon they have tens of thousands of people wanting tests and not enough kits to do everyone so the chain scenario we are in seems to be the only solution currently available. We also have to pay for the test because none qualify for free testing whatever that means.


    Despite promises of vaccine's going to be available to purchase by everyone who wants to pay and mass vaccination rollout supposedly commenced February, there is still absolutely no movement despite all the hype in the press and on TV. If this latest infection does get a hold this country is in dire trouble and all the pandering bul<deleted> will not save the tourist industry or the country no matter what anyone says.


    Quick update. Apparently Bangkok Pattaya hospital have no more tests and have to book on line and now go to Rayong...


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  4. 2 hours ago, mike1967 said:

    If the UK variant has made its way into Thailand then the only chance they'll have is to put the whole country into lockdown now. You can't stop this variant by shutting pubs alone. Surely then can see what's happening across the rest of the world? This is seriously serious!!!

    It cant be stopped simply by shutting everything down. Everyone coming into Thailand from abroad goes into quarantine where the news reports it as "imported cases" if they show positive after 5 days of quarantine. That should never happen as everyone except Thai nationals have to have a negative test before flying  so it stands to reason this is not where the infections are coming from. Migrants travelling freely across borders ignoring or bribing their way back and forth can be the only logical reason and still nothing being done about it until there's an outbreak somewhere where they all work and  THEN its locked down. With the greatest will in the world some get through or have already left. Tighten the borders, stop corrupt officials and really lock it down coupled with a proper vaccine rollout is the only way this is ever going to be stopped...


    • Sad 3
    • Thanks 2
  5. 21 hours ago, robblok said:

    Its not often that the west (in this case the UK) copies and improves stuff. But just when you when you don't want it they improve and export something ????


    Anyway this is bad news, it might increase the infection rate a lot.

    I'll say it again because the reporting is as clear as mud and misleading "had detected the variant in a family traveling from Britain, who were isolated" What nationality was that family??? because unless they were Thai, that don't apparently need to be tested, every member of that family would have had to have had a negative Covid test before leaving the UK and I cant believe for one minute not one of them came back positive and should never had boarded the flight where they are free to infect anyone on the same flight. Technically they should all have gone into quarantine where it would be picked up but does beg the question how it progressed outside that flight...


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  6. On 4/3/2021 at 10:19 AM, YetAnother said:

    only 10 ?

    Still not using proper Breathalysers so who would want to blow into a tube 100 other people have just done. Viruses pass quickest with droplets from the mouth.. brilliant thinking on someone's behalf. Wonder if the actual bodycam picks up all the T money or will that be one designated officer with no bodycam???

    Don't need roadblocks to curb traffic offences, just police major intersections and stop all the traffic light violators will half actual offences. Teach them to NOT fill up yellow box sections just to get in front of the queues or why paint them in the first place. Basically everything most Farangs already know and of course lets not copy them as we do no better or at least have been taught the proper way to drive although after being here a while its easy to forget... On their phones while driving a motorbike means they have to hold in left hand leaving the right hand free to use the throttle and only have access to the front break on all automatics and anyone driving a bike know the dangers of just using the front break to stop which is the only option with phone in left hand...could go on and on but little point ... TIT


    • Like 1
  7. On 3/27/2021 at 9:51 AM, Dellboy218 said:

    I agree.  You don't need a license to know that  you stop at a red light and road markings are purely for decoration.  After 30 odd years here it is  getting worse, certainly more selfish.  It should start in schools but the Police and teachers generally know no better.

    I wonder how they come up with the figures regarding no license. Is that taking into account all the 10-17 year old riders not legally able to have a license, have no insurance, no road skills whatsoever and when one of them crashes into you, its your fault. Schools are the worst offenders with police waiving bikes out through school gates with 3-4 young passengers and not a license or insurance between them. When you question senior police why they allow it, the response is "Well they don't have far to go" Obviously don't read world statistics where most accidents happen within a mile of home. I did a Thai motorbike test and apart from the computerised highway code test, the actual driving test with simulated stop, give, way, traffic lights, zebra crossing etc was an absolute joke. As for the safety movie compulsory to sit through, near everyone was playing on their phones. Change the system or nothing will ever change....

    • Thanks 1
  8. 3 hours ago, superal said:

    It seems that ordering the AZ vaccine is one thing but getting the delivery is another , not to mention that as you say the current vaccines will offer little protection to the forthcoming variants of the virus . So Thailand has to be more proactive and on the front foot as it would appear that the current vaccines will only be effective for the best part of this year . 

    One good point is the UK will be manufacturing the updated vaccines in the UK , so look out MR. E.U. 

    I thought the AZ vaccine was being produced by one Thailand's Bio Labs to the tune of 5 million doses a month so delivery shouldn't be a problem

  9. 19 hours ago, webfact said:
    Many private hospitals ready to offer quick Covid-19 jabs - expect to pay 2,000 baht a dose
    FILE PHOTO: Small bottles labeled with a "Vaccine COVID-19" sticker and a medical syringe are seen in this illustration taken taken April 10, 2020. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration
    Sources in the Thai business media have suggested that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will likely soon give approval for private hospitals to offer their own Covid-19 vaccinations.
    The hospitals say there is huge demand - as much as 10 million doses - for people to pay rather than wait for the government to get its act together and jab people for free.
    Hospitals are queuing up to offer the service - and of course make money in the process. 
    Some of the biggest names are among those interested.
    They will present documentation to the FDA whereby they will act as legal  importers of vaccine. 
    Among the hospital groups believed to be onboard are the Thonburi Group, Ramkhamhaeng Hospital, Bangkok Hospital (BDMS) and Kasemrat Group. 
    All manner of vaccine will be available including Pfizer, Moderna, Sinopharm, Sputnik and Johnson and Johnson, suggested the sources.
    Hospitals want to offer a variety to give patients choices.
    A source at Thonburi suggested that they would buy vaccine at a cost of $17 to $40 a dose.
    When the cost of sending it and service charges are added they expected to offer the vaccine to patients at 2,000 baht per dose.
    Having the recommended two doses would therefore cost 4,000 baht or a little under 100 UK pounds or about $US 133.

    Well here's a question. I would happily pay to get the vaccine here in Thailand for me, my wife and any staff, especially if, as they are saying, Songkran is going ahead, one of the busiest times for Soi 7 Pattaya and hopefully a kickstart to reopening Soi 7. Now, also due to other circumstances, due to fly back to the UK  where they have offered a free jab. Question is is their any benefit in having two, separate Covid jab from different manufactures or pointless? Not sure there is much information on it...

  10. 5 hours ago, nightfox said:

    Nothing new as they already started doing that in Israel for people who already received the full vaccine and have proof can enter bars, restaurants gyms etc....Like or not eventually it will be the new norm.

    Tend to agree. Smacks a little of big brother controlling the masses though, but would I feel happier knowing everyone in a bar, club etc has been vaccinated against Covid ? I don't actually think I would. Providing I knew I was technically immune the only advantage I can see is there would be far less chance of contracting Covid if everyone at the venue had been vaccinated rather than contracting Covid from an non-vaccinated person even if I only got mild, non life threating form of the virus. As you say, possibly the new norm but a logistical nightmare updating every time you have a booster for a new variant, staff on the ball, back handers to get in, checking forgeries and on it goes..

  11. 23 hours ago, HaoleBoy said:

    "Dr Apisamai also said that the private sector will be able to procure its own vaccines, providing the vaccines have approval from the regulatory authorities."


    Anyone know all the different vaccines that have been approved to date?  

    I don't want the Russian or Chinese vaccines.

    The Oxford AZ is being made under license here in Thailand. Apparently the lab can produce 5 million doses a month

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  12. 10 hours ago, brianp0803 said:

    I would guess that the world health organization would distribute the limited supply of vaccine to the countries that need it the most.
    With the Thailand government reporting incredibly low number of people being infected, they might be on the bottom of the list to receive the limited supply of vaccine available to the world. Reporting very low number of infected people may backfire in being put on a priority list to receive unlimited supply of vaccine

    Low numbers = low testing if recent examples are anything to go on. Anyway vaccines can wait until Thailand has joined the space program and bought their two new Chinese submarines costing billions of baht....lets wait until the country is on the bones of its <deleted>....

  13. 20 hours ago, Leaver said:

    The realization that the vaccination of farang in their home country is not the only part of reviving tourism to Thailand. 


    The vaccine has to roll out across Thailand also, before vaccinated farang will be allowed to visit, and obviously Thai's here don't have confidence in their government to expedite that.  

    Thailand say 5 million vaccines available every month free of charge to Thai starting June.. 70 million people ... two doses .. with the best will in the world that's 28 months for everyone to be vaccinated with 2 doses ..IF everything goes as planned

  14. 14 hours ago, webfact said:

    Thailand to get vaccine from Asia after EU export control, minister Anutin says



    FILE PHOTO: Vials labelled "COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine" are placed on dry ice in this illustration taken, December 4, 2020. Picture taken December 4, 2020. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/File Photo


    BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand will import the first doses of AstraZeneca's vaccine from Asia after Europe enforced export controls, the country's health minister said on Thursday.


    The European Union (EU) last week set restrictions on the export of vaccines from the bloc through to March to ensure it will secure the supplies it had bought in advance, including shots from AstraZeneca Plc.


    Thailand will still import the first 50,000 of 150,000 "early doses" of the AstraZeneca vaccine later this month, just not from Europe as previously planned, said Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul.


    "The producer will source the vaccine from another supply chain outside of the EU," minister of public health Anutin Charnvirakul told reporters.


    "It will be from somewhere in Asia," he said without elaborating because he said otherwise there was a risk of another intervention to safeguard supplies.


    South Korea and India are among the countries in Asia currently producing the AstraZeneca vaccine.


    China's Sinovac Biotech Ltd will also deliver the first 200,000 of two million doses of its vaccine that Thailand had ordered around the end of February, Anutin added.


    Thailand's vaccine strategy relies mostly on AstraZeneca vaccines being produced by local manufacturer Siam Bioscience.


    The 26 million doses to be produced by the firm are set to be used in inoculations starting in June. Thailand plans to inoculate people with five million doses every month from that point, Anutin said.


    Thailand had ordered 35 million more vaccine doses from AstraZeneca, but Anutin said on Thursday a contract for the volume had not been signed.


    Earlier on Thursday, Thailand reported 809 new coronavirus cases and no additional deaths, its COVID-19 taskforce said.


    The new infections took the overall total to 22,058, with fatalities remaining at 79.


    (Reporting by Patpicha Tanakasempipat and Panarat Thepgumpanat; Editing by Ed Davies)



    -- © Copyright Reuters 2021-02-05

    You would think that how scared the Thais are about Covid, or at least that's what we're led to believe, the government would have moved heaven and earth to order enough vaccines to inoculate the entire 66+ million population rather than the pathetic 150,000 which I would guess goes to the chosen few...Absolutely terrible story  and shame on the powers to be..

  15. 13 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    April eyed for launch of driving licence points-deduction system

    By The Nation




    Thailand’s delayed points-deduction system for driving licences should finally be launched in April, said the Department of Land Transport (DLT) on Tuesday.


    Drivers will start with 100 points on their licence, with deductions varying from 5 points to 35 points according to the seriousness of the traffic offence.


    The licence will be suspended when points fall to 50 or below. Drivers must then undergo 2-5 hours of training per offence to restore their points and revalidate their licences.


    However, the new system has sparked concern that driver-training facilities will be overwhelmed by demand from drivers who have had their licence suspended.


    A 12-point demerit system was hailed as a potential cure for Thailand’s road carnage ahead of its original launch date in December 2019, but has been shelved for more than a year.


    The new 100-point system is scheduled for launch on April 1.


    However, transport operators have asked the DLT to postpone the measure for another year, so they can prepare and also recover from the impact of Covid-19 on goods traffic and passenger numbers.


    DLT director-general Chirute Visalachitra said a meeting had been held to clarify the new driving points system for bus and truck operators.


    After gathering public opinion, DLT expects to run driver-training courses from April 1 onward.


    Source: https://www.nationthailand.com/news/30402198



    -- © Copyright The Nation Thailand 2021-02-03

    +Still doesn't tell how these points will be applied and by whom. Everyone knows nearly all major junctions are abused by people jumping the lights, playing the very dangerous "i can make it" game with no regards to other road users. If the Police cant be bothered to police those known hot spots and fine the offenders (probably 100 offenders + a day) How are they going to invoke a points system? This is something that's invoked once you have some sort of regulated driving standards which just don't exist in Pattaya. Bangkok have it locked down more with greater police presents at know hot spots and it great to see the majority of road users obeying the lights knowing full well a cop will jump out and nab them if they don't. Points and fine would work then but not under the current free for all. Its not rocket science and it works in the majority of countries with enforced points and fines so why not here. Think of the revenue...

  16. 5 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    He obviously didn't get it online here in Thailand did he ????

    I thought every COE issued by Thai embassies world wide were registered with immigration to check against when you arrived which is how they tracked and confirmed entry figures or at least tally how many COE have been issued. Why you would forge one when they are free is another matter. Covid tests on the other hand, are expensive and no way to check if they are forgeries and readily available off the Internet for next to nothing. Unfortunately airport/airline check-in staff and subsequently Immigration on arrival can hardly check the authenticity of every Covid test and Fit to Fly certificate issued from so many different sources in so many different countries. Perhaps an official test and negative result at every international airport  before boarding a flight would be far easier to validate by the authorities at arrival destinations, after all, many airports have one hour testing available and would certainly help to get the tourist industry moving again providing the tests were accurate and showed even asymptomatic and mild infections.... just saying or is that to simple!!

    • Like 1
  17. 8 hours ago, Mavideol said:

    where did they find 760 infected foreigners, the country is closed to uncontrolled arrivals, if they arrived under any special visa scheme and tested positive, then straight to quarantine

    Doesn't mean Farangs... Myanmar migrant workers more like..



    8 hours ago, Mavideol said:

    where did they find 760 infected foreigners, the country is closed to uncontrolled arrivals, if they arrived under any special visa scheme and tested positive, then straight to quarantine


  18. 17 hours ago, GeorgeCross said:

    won't be taking my test at a private hospital.. just in case i test positive


    can you imagine the bill! ????




    17 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

    Expats may need to take COVID-19 test in order to renew extensions of stay: Richard Barrow



    Image: Reuters file photo


    Expats in Thailand may soon be required to take a COVID-19 test in order to extend their extensions of stay or so called retirement or marriage visas, according to Richard Barrow.


    Posting on Twitter on Saturday evening, popular travel blogger Richard shared a document published in the Royal Gazette that said foreigners are required to take a COVID-19 not only to visit Thailand but also extend their stay.


    You can read Richard's Twitter thread below:




    “This document was published in the Royal Gazette on 25th December. The part that is underlined says it will become law 30 days later. So on 25th January. As usual, not everything is clear and to be transparent here, there has been no announcement by Immigration yet”, read the Tweet by Richard.


    “From what I understand, this is for everyone who is entering Thailand and for everyone already here and need to extend their stay. It is also needed for those people who are applying for residency. The document doesn’t say how far in advance you need to get the COVID test done.


    “I will of course post more information here once Immigration make an official announcement with the details. But as we all know, that will probably come the day before. I’m sure you have many questions. So do immigration officials I spoke to. We all have to wait for head office”, Richard added.


    Richard’s Twitter thread comes as Thai news site Thansettakij on Thursday reported that “Coronavirus 2019 or COVID-19” had been added to the list of “prohibited diseases” for foreigners entering Thailand or those who apply for residency. It does not explicitly say those applying for an extension of stay.


    At this stage, it is worth noting the other “prohibited diseases” listed:


    1. Leprosy

    2. Tuberculosis 

    3. Lymphatic filariasis 

    4. Disease, drug abuse

    5. Syphilis of the third stage


    Expats who have previously submitted an application for an extension of stay for either retirement, marriage or being a parent to a Thai child will note that there has never been a requirement to complete a test for any of the “prohibited diseases”.


    A syphilis test may be required  when a foreigner applies for a work permit for the first time. 


    However, there has never been the same requirement for anyone applying for an extension of stay based on retirement or marriage.


    Nor has there ever been a requirement for anyone entering Thailand to complete a test for any of the above diseases. (Can you imagine the repercussions if Thailand required the 40 million tourists it received pre-COVID to complete a Syphilis test before entering the country!)


    Thaivisa’s advice - wait for further information on this one. Despite being published in Royal Gazette, this may not apply for the vast majority of people reading this post. Don’t panic!



    -- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2021-01-16


    So only possible to get a single entry 3-month O visa from the UK Thai embassy which means you have to extend and convert to multi-entry before the 3-months is up. Having completed quarantine and had 3 negative Covid tests, 1 before leaving UK and 2 in quarantine, I wonder if this is implying you have to have yet another one or will the earlier ones suffice? Guess I will find out at the end of the month if immigration in Pattaya is open and operating normally!!


  19. 6 hours ago, 473geo said:

    I'm far from a rich man but 300 baht is not going to have an effect on me, however there will be a cumulative benefit for Thailand


    I don't begrudge 300 baht in these hard times

    I tend to agree, its a small fee but just wish it was genuinely going to help people or do something useful but have this very dubious niggling doubt it will not arrive at the destination it was intended for!!! 

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