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Dagfinnur Traustason

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Posts posted by Dagfinnur Traustason

  1. 2 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    Then you don’t know much about Warren Buffet. 

    You’re confusing gambling wins with investing. 


    Being precise with one’s use of words has nothing to do with preferences or false facts. It just shows that you don’t know the difference between investing, trading, speculating, and gambling. You could as well call an elephant a spaghetti because that’s your preference. 



    Sorry, You can say what ever you want based on your preferenses for the definition of investments. The fact is that the investment world today sees crypto currency as an investment opportunity. One that they consider very volatile, but still put in the box called investments. Hence they recommend a small percentage of your investment portfolio to be placed in crypto currencies.

  2. 30 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:


    what a ridiculous , ill thought out statement stereotyping all British nationals. I suppose you believe Chinese are locusts when they eat the buffet and Germans steal all the deckchairs at the pool!


    We have English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh in the loose term of ' Britons '  all with their own cultures and values that are unique to them.


    And pray from what superior race do you hail?


    Are you so sure that everybody follows all the rules regarding Covid19 in your country?

    Never said that I am from any superior race. Never made a statement that everybody in my country follow rules, disreagarding virus or if something else. Why do you ask such things.

    The reason why I react is simple. It´s based on that Britons are over represented when it comes to, breaking rules, breaking the law or stirring up probelms and getting caught among all foreigners residing in Thailand. If you can provide me with different facts, I am more than willing to accept defeat. Then I am talking about all the ones that not belong to a criminal gang or organisation. In that case Asian gangs are overrepresented together with Eastern Europe and Russia.

    • Sad 3
  3. 1 hour ago, 2112 said:

    Most people have vices, whether good or bad. It’s just something that is an integral part of our lives. Smoking was one of mine.  I didn’t have any desire or motivation to stop just to try and live a healthier life . The smoking cessation thing  just happened. I think it was due to the medications while I was hospitalized. They were painkillers, corticosteroids, anti-anxiety and nerve pain pills. And perhaps in my primitive thoughts I knew it wasn’t good for survival. 

    Regardless, I am pleased that I no longer smoke and carry the stigmas associated with it. If anyone wishes to disparage me or diminish my accomplishment, feel free I don’t mind!

    I was in no way trying to diminish your accomplishment. If so, please tell me how I did that. It was only strange to me. I have also been smoking, but stopped like3-4 years ago. I just said that I jnow for a fact, that everyone have a reason to stop smoke. It´s a fact that it´s not healthy, and that will therefore be everyones reason.

  4. 4 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    Buying cryptos has nothing to do with investing. Trading maybe. It’s pure gamble. 

    I think that even Warren Buffet disagrees with you there. You also have numerous books regarding getting rich concepts, investment guides and much more. In thoose almost all investment plans include an investment, as described, in crypto currencies between 3-10% of your total invetsment capital. How do you explain that?

    Also, that I am a living proof on that it´s a good investment. How do you explain that?

    What you are doing, is taking you own preferences regarding what you see as investments or not. After that you are telling others that it is no investment, and only gambling, based on your persoal preferences. Since when where you appionted to establish a false fact like you just did?

  5. Just dribble and mumbo jumbo with numbers. The fact is that it ain´t gonna be any economic growth this year, and it was none last year. That´s the reality if they take all the numbers into the calculation. Actually that would show a great minus and a huge loss instead. Free falling it´s called. Unfortunately they up until now somehow managed to sway the world opinion to belive the country has a strong economic foundation. We can just hope that illusion will be gone in a near future.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, farang51 said:


    I read a lot of news. A lot. I have yet to read any article where a rapist excuse his action with "feel the need for sex". Maybe it is different in your country or maybe we do not read the same kind of news sources.


    I made a joke because most guys older than 14 years of age feel the need for sex; however, that does not mean they go around raping everybody. I had no idea that you were thinking about rape when the thread is about seduction, and you wrote about seduction.

    I live in Thailand and read the Thai news. it stands that excuse a lot for Thai men raping a girl or a woman. I will just give you one example:

    Read that one, there the excuse feeling the urge for sex is in the text, which must be an excuse from the culprit. So, know you read one, and I can assure you there are plenty in one year, and most of them have that stupid excuse because they belive they have the right to take what they want from a woman or girl. They are big and handsome men.

  7. 41 minutes ago, cliveshep said:

    Chaindrite stinks worse than Baygon, it somehow filters down and the whole house stinks of it. We are coughing and spluttering and sneezing, just hoping it makes the geckos clear off, a whole large can in a shallow void must make the air pretty choking! What is in Baygon that is more effective than Chaindrite? I drove out snakes and Tokai before with Chaindrite but I'm open to offers. Shooting with BB will wound but not kill and both of us are adverse to that.


    It was more of a joke. Baygon is the same as you kill all the bugs with, but I can imagine it can kill humans too in larger doses. ????

    However, I salute you for not wanting to kill them. A very good thing. I guess you are doing what you can and Chaindrite might just work. ???? Good Luck!

  8. 15 minutes ago, cliveshep said:

    We have 3 or 4 Tokai geckos (the loud "Oh-Oh" ones) that have taken up residence in our ground floor ceiling void gaining entrance under the concrete tiled eaves of a little feature roof. The void is around 350mm but with concrete beams in a grid supporting the upper floor and walls. They had been quiet and no problem so we'd left them alone but the sound of lizard claws rattling across the ceiling has got our 4 large house dogs wound up and that keeps us awake at night with their howls and barking.


    In the past we have had rats - easily trapped with a bit of oyster-sauce flavoured pork as bait - and snakes - evicted with a can of Chaindrite sprayed liberally into the void. This has also been seen to work with the Geckos as they came out under the tiled eaves. We do try to seal up holes but some are inaccessible above fragile roofs. I was nearly killed when a roof collapsed under me causing considerable injuries so no one is allowed up there now.


    How can I drive these little buggers out? I read that it can be a chore, anyone else had success or is it a powerful torch job head and shoulders up the access hatches and target practice with a BB gun?

    Try 25 bottles of Baygon! ???? If only enough, it will kill everything.

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  9. 17 minutes ago, troubletribbles said:


    I'm American and when I came in August it was via a repatriation flight, visa required before boarding, Letter of Entry from embassy, and a 2 week say at ASQ.

    My mother is hoping to come visit in May (she's American also.)
    Does anyone know where things stand:


    -Are commercial flights available?

    -Is a visa required?

    -Is a Letter of Entry from the Embassy still needed?

    -Are there any ASQs that offer beach access?

    -How long can an American tourist stay?


    Thanks for your help ????

    Semi-commercial flights available

    Yes: If not retired, married or have children it´s best with special tourist visa.

    CoE still needed

    Regarding beach access, I have no clue. Most will be quarantined in Bangkok.

    As long as your visa permits you to stay, or as long as you can make extensions.

  10. 58 minutes ago, elgenon said:

    5555. Why is the comparison so very important to you? There's no race or competition here. I hope you have taken the time to read my posts and actually understand the substance of them. The fact that you keep making it a horse race rather than talking about the difficulty of finding and understanding the origin of Covid which would help us all in the future causes me to bow out and declare you the winner. You win. Please take a victory lap.

    You certainly got me there, Sir. Hmmm... win what? Have we been having a competition? Sorry, if so, you have to inform me in advance next time.

  11. 1 hour ago, donnacha said:

    No. You need to get your numbers straight.

    The stat you are referring to was the 15.09 million people reported as of Friday the 12th of February.

    According to the official figures, as reported at Our World in Data, that's 22.93% of the UK population.

    The reports are usually 24 hours behind. They continued at full throttle over the weekend. It is now Monday.


    Sorry, my bad! You are right. Mixed numbers with percent. Thanks! ????

    • Thanks 1
  12. 3 hours ago, petermik said:

    What will you be paying for this...as I know someone honest and reliable 

    Hey, you know that human trafficking is illigal, and that you can´t work without a work permit. ????

    On top of that, even if you have one I am pretty sure a Thai can du that service. We are talking BOI here, man! It´s gonna cost you. ????

  13. 59 minutes ago, madmitch said:

    It's typical Thailand. It's a very insular country in many ways. Thaland prefers to do things in its own way and is very protective of its own industries.


    It's very sad that this type of thinking has been applied to something as important as this.

    That´s the only type of thinking that can be applied. It´s impossible to apply something that is outside the view of awareness.

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