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Everything posted by Robbkk

  1. Better not request a debit card then. They will charge annual fees for the card. And if your account balance reaches zero they will close it.
  2. No fees. Debit cards charge an annual fee though. I agree that direct online transfers are the most convenient way to make payments unless of course the bank servers are down for maintenance which happens from time to time.
  3. This morning, to my surprise, my True Money account was locked because my "supporting documents" have expired. I assume they are referring to my work permit. I have lost access to my funds in the True Money account. While this is not in itself a huge issue (I have a new work permit) it does raises a few red flags about the safety of the money I have in Thailand. So my question is about bank accounts. When I opened the bank account they took photocopies of my work permit so I assume they know about the expiration date. Is it a new policy to refuse banking services to foreigners after their work permits have expired? I heard about one former teacher having his bank account frozen but I'm not sure if this is something I should be concerned about. Any insights would be appreciated. Also If anybody can recommend an international payment system such as Wise or Samsung pay, that would be appreciated. I have lost all confidence in True.
  4. The only people who don't get that and other dosturbing issues are the Trough Dwellers. Guns are already banned in Thailand. Have you ever seen any gun shops?
  5. Terrible article. They only know that the number of Chinese tourists went down. Calling it "cancellations" and linking it to gun violence is all speculation. They only have data from the airports.
  6. That's the person on another motorbike that collided with her? So no report drawn up. Does anyone use the word "drive" when referring to motorbikes? When I read the article it was clear that someone drove her to the hospital and described what happened to the police.
  7. Everybody with a phone triggers the metal detectors. They are useless.
  8. Laos will lose out millions. Their 1800 baht entry fee is ridiculous. Many would gladly pay more to the Thai government to avoid the hassle of doing visa runs. They should extend Non b visas from 1 year to 5 years also.
  9. Did you try calling them? You definitely don't need to go to the bank to set up the app. At the bank they will just type in your bank account and phone number for you. I would try setting up the app during Thai business hours. Many online banking services are offline when the banks are closed.
  10. News articles can't seem to agree if this happened on an escalator or a moving walkway. Are there any journalists left?
  11. Didn't think that was possible anymore. Do you stamp out and stamp back in on the same day or spend a few days abroad? I used to do this a lot before covid. I avoided trouble by always spending a few days abroad between visas. That resets the "number of consecutive days spent in Thailand" that immigration seems to use.
  12. Thanks. Do you remember the name of the company that runs the VIP bus? I see many buses leaving from mochit but they appear to be regular.
  13. Thanks a lot! The bus ticket only costs around 700 baht and even adding up the visa fee (1400thb) and the hotel, the cost will be a lot lower than the 8000thb that agencies charge. Do you know if it takes long to cross into Laos? My only concern is that I need to be at immigration before 11am.
  14. Nice, may I ask how you went there? I've only been able to find visa run agencies in Bangkok that charge 8000 baht for the round trip.
  15. Thanks. Getting the appointment seems easy enough, but I heard that they need 2 business days to process the visa. Is that true?
  16. Where is the best place to apply for a Non-b at the moment? I heard that Vientiane now requires 2 business days to return the passport. Savannakhet and Penang are other options but I know nothing about them. Any suggestions?
  17. Do you know for a fact or is it just a feeling? I keep hearing about phone snatchings all the time. An iphone costs more than that guy probably makes in 3 months.
  18. Extension for working. I got my original non-B in Vientiane many years ago and have been extending ever since. I changed schools during the pandemic without having to leave the country but I'm not sure if the rules have changed.
  19. Hi, I left a school recently and was told that my non-b visa will expire at the end of this month. I plan to join another school soon and a few questions are coming up: 1- Do I need to leave the country and reenter with a tourist visa before joining the new school? In the past I was able to transfer from one school to another without having to leave. 2- If I reenter the country with a tourist visa and join a school, will it be necessary to leave the country again to apply for a non-b visa abroad? My goal is to have as much time as possible to find the right school without having to leave the country. This may not be possible. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Also, if I need to leave the country to change visas, which place would you recommend at the moment? Thanks in advance.
  20. Looking for PGCE options online or onsite in Bangkok that satisfy the qualification requirements of the local international schools. Any suggestions on the low cost side would be greatly appreciated.
  21. Exactly. Why call the press and shame the girl in front of the cameras for a missing stamp? Are they trying to scare away European girls?
  22. Missed that. Instead of changing the phone number with the Thai bank he could have contacted the phone company to keep the old number on the new sim card.
  23. I didn't have to go to an ATM to get the app up and running Are you sure? I bought a new phone last month and had to get a passcode from the Bangkok Bank ATM to activate the app. OTP was also required. KBank doesnt require the passcode from the ATM but Bangkok Bank does.
  24. Are you sure you needed to receive OTP SMS to pay bills? Never happened with me.
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