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Everything posted by Robbkk

  1. Not smart. The problem is that Thais have terrible language skills and can't provide those services. Foreign tour guides would likely attract wealthy tourists and not the cheap rabble that they currently attract.
  2. Nobody going to mention that the driver just casually sped away after hiting the motorbike? Hit and run should land them in jail for a long time.
  3. Only David William seems to be outraged. This article was written by foreigners and they only interviewed foreigners. Comments are turned off for all the Apple videos by the way.
  4. Fully automated immigration checkpoint at international arrivals would be wild.
  5. Thai authorities should be rewarding this man, instead of putting him in jail. He is providing a valuable service to tourists that locals are obviously failing to do.
  6. Open question? I need to show tax returns every year to renew my work visa. The enforcement you're looking for will be a visa denied.
  7. Thai immigration dropped the ball. They let this guy in with somebody else's passport and kept renewing his visa for 27 years.
  8. Shouldn't matter what anybody looks like. Hit a cop, go to jail.
  9. Yeah, I don't see how scrutinizing passports harder will help. Nothing in the passport can red flag someone as likely to punch a cop.
  10. Exactly. These stories only present one side. They fail basic journalism. One kick from that Russian barbie doesn't send anybody to the hospital.
  11. Yep, minor incidents like this shouldn't get media coverage unless someone is trying to push an agenda.
  12. Exactly. But many pedestrians, including some on this thread, assume right of way and cross without looking. As a driver I see it all the time. I personally think it's insane how many people cross the road without looking and just trust drivers to stop for them. Most drivers nowadays are on their phones and don't see anything.
  13. Zebra crossings with no stop lights are death traps and should be removed. Drivers can't see them, but pedestrians think it's safe to cross without looking both ways like they should have been taught when they were 5.
  14. Yep, frigid waters in Surat Thani? My first thought was he was eaten by a croc but now I suspect he is fine somewhere probably with a Surat Thani girl.
  15. Isn't 87 days too late to submit online? That's probably why it was rejected. I had the same problem and was told that the deadline to submit online is a week before the due date.
  16. Wow. Do you need to go back to pick it up or they mail it to you?
  17. I have to admit that I only clicked.on the link because of the headline. Thought it was about a fight on the road. Had I known it was just another motorbike accident I wouldn't have bothered.
  18. Those things are not the same. Everybody who rides motorbikes in Thailand shatter some bones sooner or later.
  19. Thanks. Did you need anything else at immigration?
  20. Appointment where? I keep hearing about places where you can just walk in to renew.
  21. Need to take photos also?
  22. Thanks. Do you know the name of this letter? Address certificate? That's the first thing I need to get.
  23. My license is up for renewal. Does anybody know which documents are needed? Just saw another thread where the yellow book was mentioned but I don't have it. Isn't there a document we can get at immigration? If anybody has done it recently please let me know how long it took at the Department of Land Transport. I hope I don't have to be there all day. Thanks in advance!
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