The topic of Soi dogs has been well covered in the forums. There are compassionate movements to sterilize Soi dogs to reduce the out of control population. Regardless, some Soi dogs are a menace while traveling in rural Thailand. Most Soi dogs are harmless yet alpha males can pose a significant risk. While reading through the forums I found some useful advice. The only advice I have yet to explore is making friends with the dogs with positive routine behavior modification usually centered on feeding.
Here is what I have found to be of benefit: 1) show no fear but don't be stupid 2) don't antagonize an alpha by looking directly into his eyes, 3) raise your arms to shoulder height slowly to appear larger than you are, back away facing the dog or circumnavigate the dog(s) in an effort to not violate the dogs perceived turf, 4) if you see the photo I took this past week, I was able to get rid of these nasty alphas by pretending to have a slingshot while aiming and pulling on the imaginary bands in exaggerated manner directly toward the dogs. This has actually worked for me yet I don't fully trust this method yet. I have only tried it a few times successfully so it requires further proof. I don't feel it will work every time yet it may be worth trying. The reasons can be explained through a forum search.
If any dog experts can add to this topic it would be appreciated.
P. S. Many Soi dogs like to hang out at Wats