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Everything posted by Joseph98765

  1. Also enforceable under the amended law is the licence point deduction system, under which a motorist or a motorcyclist will have points deducted from the full 12 points, in accordance with the traffic violation committed. The fines for other violations are now: • 4,000 baht for speeding, up from 1,000 baht • 4,000 baht for jumping red light • 2,000 baht for driving in the opposite lane, up from 500 baht • 2,000 baht for not wearing a seat belt while driving, up from 500 baht The tougher penalties, especially for failing to stop at a zebra crossing for pedestrians, were introduced after a tragic incident last year, when a doctor was killed on a zebra crossing on Phaya Thai Road by a big bike.
  2. I thought the same... and transfer his money. no need to come...a video call in a court with a Judge and problem solved.
  3. So, if the police stops me and extort me...the only thing I need to say is.... Hey, be careful...I have 2M followers in my youtube channel? I will put this online tomorrow...that's it?????
  4. Yeap, Thailand has to contribute with space junk...
  5. yeah, I thought the story was going that way too...immigration deporting him because he was doing something thai people kill to do.
  6. one thing that I never understood here... All that traffic that didn't stop to help (because the ambulance or fire trucks are not there yet)... nothing? like it was a bbq party?
  7. I just paid my Thai taxes...so...they will go to them straight forward?? So they can have holidays to another travel together?????? All this "no benefits but all obligations" is so...5555
  8. A bit down Thammanat, a bit down....and get closer, let me unzip my pants...
  9. 10 per week...for 52 weeks, what a horny generation...5555
  10. yeah...that's true too... I dated a girl who always kept the change for herself...the second date I dumped her
  11. Not saying both "silence" I meant the guy talking and the girl not even looking his face...anyway "very disrespectful"... I see it very often.
  12. every single thing here is about money, true... even the girls who are with 75 years old men and when they are having a meal she even don't look at his face (playing with her new iPhone that he bought ) when he is talking..but when the bill comes...she pass it to him.
  13. Monitoring..monitoring.... They been monitoring for 200 years...and only monitoring.....
  14. put your money where your mouth is....
  15. I'm from Spain (one of those countries that require a PCR test to Chinese travelers), but not to Thai travelers... only Chinese. So why they have to require us an insurance if Thailand is not affected from our Policy to Chinese ONLY?? So if I'm working here with S. Security I'm exempt?? Showing my Social Security card or work Permit at the Airport would be fine?
  16. YES, we will do and follow all the steps...but first ask the goverment to block chinese tourist...????
  17. Don't worry...you can ask someone who is walking on the street to bring the bike in , do the check up...and give him a tip after he leaves the shop...55555. Problem solved..????
  18. soo.... the kid who was smoking weed the other day is fine, but more than 2am booze...nope...ok!
  19. Less F35 Jets and Submarines...would help
  20. Next Chernobyl disaster?? I can see it....
  21. Paypal out....one week ago talking about 2026 50% of the physical notes will be destroyed, now this...yeah, I smell banks controlling us.
  22. And Trash bins....I never seen a trash bin in Thailand...for 7 years...????????????
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