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Everything posted by Joseph98765

  1. Yeah, Suuure! That's why once I gave the information, I started to receive phone calls-sms from scammers or insurance companies...
  2. yeah, after they pay the import taxes....55555
  3. yeap...another motor company who will leave Thailand for it's stupid import taxes...Vietnam will welcome them! 5555
  4. One Isaan mia farang makes a common, unfavorable comparison between Western and Thai men: “I want a good man who is generous and warm-hearted, who is responsible for his family, accepts and supports my children and cares for my parents as well. My previous relationship [with a local man] taught me how life would be if the man doesn’t take this family seriously.” A local man whose wife left him for a Japanese man seems to indicate that he just felt he couldn’t compete: “I feel sorry that I couldn’t earn enough to satisfy her and to support our child… It’s good for my daughter to be under her mother’s care; she can have a good education and a good life. It’s good for my wife as well. She can have what she wants, jewellery, nice clothes, a house and car…I don’t blame her.” Many local men feel these relationships “are determined by material logic, rather than affection.” They talk about Isaan women marrying foreigners “solely on economic terms” and ignore failings in terms of “human emotions” or “the behaviour of local men in family relations” as a cause. As such, some local men “feel threatened by transnational marriage because it offers the women in their community an alternative to the traditional marital relationships available locally.”
  5. anyway, not sure if is true.... Is in Isaan a trend to look for a foreigner husband and they even train their daughters to look for a foreigner in the future? https://theisaanrecord.co/2020/08/25/the-good-daughters-of-isaan-3/
  6. 100% true... they see us the way to have a better life, and support (with money) to her whole family, send the kids to better schools,...bla bla. So maybe the question is....Is it real love what they look as they write in their Thaifiendly profiles? 55555 I don't think so... $$$$$$$$
  7. Yes, and this is the beginning... more women are quiting from Thais and looking for foreigners, because of this kind of things (drunk-aggresive thai husband) So expect in the nearly future more aggressive behaviors to us...5555
  8. They are puppets, living a life full of sacrifices...I don't think they are very happy to be what they are. https://www.theguardian.com/global/2020/mar/29/behind-k-pops-perfect-smiles-and-dance-routines-are-tales-of-sexism-and-abuse
  9. The only thing that works in this country is "to not lose face" and that's why everyone is wearing mask when they ride the bike and not the helmet... If they can make a huge marketing campaign to make them think "if you don't wear a helmet people will think bad about you" I belive 100% will start to wear it... and with phones too
  10. if a criminal run away from the place they committed a crime, they will come here to have a low profile... and maybe spend money, that's the only thing you care about...so let them come...55555 They are so worry about tourist criminals? start being concern about local ones first..
  11. another military coup again in 2023? 55555
  12. So .... a hacker who should know how to hide his IP, DNS,... how they caught him? 55555
  13. So if the parrot fish Tik Twater gets 5 years? how much this M. <deleted>!??
  14. Ask for a new car, makes sense for me...I won't drive that car after that. That transmission is totally damage and knowing how they fix things here... that car is a death sentence
  15. To the Guillotine with him...????
  16. Why both are doing the same mouth gesture? BJ each other?
  17. - 300b to get in - 700b to get out - Dual price when you book a hotel - Dual price when you want to go to a National Park or anything that you want to visit - Rip off by Taxis or any kind of transportation that you need to deal the price upfront. Yeap, the list can keep going if I keep thinking... 5555555
  18. yeah, good question... I don't think agoda or any flight platform will make any exception...
  19. Why not both....?? chemical castration and the whole prison time...
  20. most of the Gas will drop tomorrow 3 bath!!!
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