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Posts posted by foreverlomsak

  1. 6 hours ago, kenjinuk said:

    I read this article and the full story and I still do not know how this will level the playing field or raise standards. Children in my village school cannot read English, their teachers do not speak English. There is a mountain to climb if standards are to improve.

    There is one fact which is always ignored in obtaining packages that are used in English speaking countries and that are tailored to teaching English in their country, that fact is that their students already have a rudimentary level of English before they start school, whereas in Thailand that level is nearly non-existent.

  2. 3 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

    Changed the following year to simple extension to stay, one piece of paper, and a photograph of just me. 

    What extension did you get with one piece of paper and a photograph.

    I've been here 17 years on extensions for marriage, retirement, Non-B and back to retirement using 6 different offices and every year is a paper chase (next year expect to have to submit a total of 24 pages for retirement, 5 of which have to be obtained from my local office first for completion and inclusion in the pack).

    I am forced to assume you used an agent to obtain it with not even proof of finances.

  3. You've a number of choices 

    Stick with it, some of my friends are complaining about extra photo's being needed year on year.

    Return to retirement, not a problem, if Immigration ask say too much paperwork.

    Use an agent, at a cost, and I believe since tax has been spoken about it has jumped considerably.

    Return to home country.

    Move to another country.

    The choice is yours.

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  4. 1 hour ago, NorthernRyland said:

    Some prick yesterday cut across the street from a parking place and cut me off while I was turning at a traffic light. This is common behavior over here.

    If the Thai traffic police would work (I know an alien thought) to the same standards as US or Aus police it would probably be quite pleasant driving in Thailand, until they catch you for something that is.

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  5. 35 minutes ago, noobexpat said:

    You set yourself up for a fall. Provide sort code and acc number and let it happen.

    I provided both my pension providers the sort code and account number and an instruction in writing to have the money deposited into Wise.

    One ignored the instruction, the second came back with the response that their head office will not allow them to send to Wise as they are not a bank.

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  6. 1 hour ago, foreverlomsak said:

    Registered as the foreigner staying at my wife's house, used her ID and Tabianban in the documents section, never been registered for on-line before, approved no problems. Assuming existing TM30 is still valid, will find out soon as 90 Day is due 22nd (i.e. could be now as using online submission).

    Edit - Submitted 90 Day online, application accepted online and acknowledgement by e-mail received no comment now waiting for approval.

    PS even though having been receiving 90 Day e-mails for about 3 years now reminder was placed in junk folder by Outlook, never happened to 90 day before.

    90 day submitted 9:04 today, approved 10:30.

    So registering for the new TM30 system did not nullify my existing paper TM30.

  7. On 10/6/2023 at 4:57 PM, BKK57 said:

    I THINK... not sure.... but maybe, kinda, sorta think that needing a new TM30 is not the same as re-registering.  Just put the current information on the new website. Again, not so sure this is important for visa renewal where you can show the paper registration but probably needed if you want to do 90 day online if they are now going to check the TM30 database. If you go to CW to do 90 day report maybe it is not needed.  BUT... that's what I'm trying to find out on here.  Maybe some one has a definitive answer?

    Registered as the foreigner staying at my wife's house, used her ID and Tabianban in the documents section, never been registered for on-line before, approved no problems. Assuming existing TM30 is still valid, will find out soon as 90 Day is due 22nd (i.e. could be now as using online submission).

    Edit - Submitted 90 Day online, application accepted online and acknowledgement by e-mail received no comment now waiting for approval.

    PS even though having been receiving 90 Day e-mails for about 3 years now reminder was placed in junk folder by Outlook, never happened to 90 day before.

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