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Everything posted by tomyami

  1. What daily rate would we need to kill or maim all of them for the good of the world that said most are from remote areas in Russia don't count as much as those from Moscow.
  2. The people who meet bb extorters should themselves wear body-cams
  3. They would need a frigging army wait till the buses start rolling next month But its all just BS nothing will be done
  4. the real crime is the law is to protect tobacco companies and is applied only on foreigners just like many other shakedown interactions by bb to tourists. a friend of mine was done for 10k while many Thia's openly use same. police wont care many videos of bribery online
  5. did you get her number?
  6. say that to a Ukrainian, they have always being hated for they anti-western arrogance. most support the war brainwashed or not
  7. genocidal tourists welcome
  8. Unfortunately they will need heavy weapons which Germany is blocking apparently the ruling party is compromised by Russia Putin doesn't care how many soldiers die while he hides in his bunker just hoping time will be on his side and the west will tire.
  9. Its irrelevant what the murderer says after he made sure the only witness wouldn't be around to corroborate his statement the second and third bullet where to make sure of that. I would say the murderer has previous form carrying a loaded gun. If he is connected he will walk.
  10. Russia slammed missiles on a ballistic trajectory into a city the weekend, wrecking a 7/11 in pattaya is small fry wait till they run out of money...
  11. foreigners know if they attack a thai it could be their quick exit there is no right or wrong to be found The article itself doesn't say investigate, just found, visa checked and possibly fleeced, TIT. Am hoping it will be Orcs
  12. Behind the wheel was a man on the board of seven companies and believed to be a key contributor to a political party. He will walk from this 100% it will cost him some money am sure he will have his attorneys will cut him a deal. Prisons are for the poor
  13. If mr rodgers side of the story car was stopped, at the junction driver was on the phone so i went around him and looked at the driver 5min later i heard a bang came off my motor bike then to more and then out cold. Seldom there is justice for foreigners here it the risk part of living here, been in English papers will make it hard to cover it up so he may do some time A hit on him is the best way to be sure justice is done proper
  14. cash in a hotel safe in pattaya is easy pickings i usually leave 1k baht note deliberately Staff check all safes especially key card door entry ones they record all movement, Staff rarely prosecuted hotels have massive protection here when it come to tourism but we all know russians lie so "som nam na" There is a limit of 10k US out of Russia
  15. driving here 14 years i tolerate awful driving daily (1) over taking on my right side when i am stopped and indicating to turn right at least 1 a week or (2) turn left and a motorbike shorting his right turn on the wrong side nearly crashing in to me all these are bad practice could easily spark rage if i outed a thai driver for this he could have a gun then I end up like this unfortunate guy. If you don't see it I am sure others have here poor driver standards here are frustrating for first world foreign road users
  16. idiotic sleep talk aside any more detail on the road rage would this be manslaughter or murder thai land has this problem in spades I ride a motorbike find its easy to turn an incident into rage more than my home country
  17. are you in a weed shop?
  18. Sure many are here with money and probably from hiso families its putins war most support him but dont want to fight dosent mean they are against the war. Thailand and other countries let them in but thailand also let charter flights direct and the are returning almost empty so has more skin in the game. If russians are stranded thailand have to manage but i cant see alot of sympathy they are not europeans and dont see themselves as that, lets remember Ukrainians need help they are fighting for their lives russia can stop anytime
  19. If you look at the resale value on an MG compared to a jap its telling
  20. looks like the welcome could be short lived. https://kyivindependent.com/national/reznikov-tells-russians-they-have-one-week-left-before-borders-close Worth noting ORCs celebrate xmas newyear 2 weeks after the normal world so if they close borders as speculated will they be stranded and a liability/headache where they stay?
  21. Its what the plane returns with to russia i would be more concerned, this could be a route to get electronic components ie processors for the next wave of kalibur criuse missiles to hurl at Ukraine civilians. Accepting direct flights from russia in collaborating in putins war ok if coming from middle eastern airlines. I hand been told in my condo building all russians have booked long stays 3months +
  22. And for that reason they are being welcomed in many European countries as well. they come with different risks am sure a couple of FSBs watching them in-case they mention WAR and a potential of being stranded, lightly to be some more controls on money leaving evilmotherrussia after they celebrate their late than us xmas. Its understand seeing them around known the brutality shown on all media the massacre in Bucha most notable on their neighbour they are not unconnected its their army doing this. That Boeing 737 is blacklisted airbus and boeing support included in sanctions putin stole all leased planes operating in russia as a retaliatory action. While you mention Iran, I see 4 airbus a300s exturkishair disappeared from South africa storage have turned up in iran. North korea is closed but I would its people are not filled with hatred would rather if russia was closed Jomtien immi will be busy next week
  23. To add to my Blood Money comment doubt if any thai journalist would risk looking into this... So whose is returning on these flights? those landing are pro putin west hating draft dodgers been facilitated by special immigration visas and thai banks setting up individual accounts as seen in the immigration office and any bank branch around pattaya I was in the bkk bank office recently it was rammed with russians opening accounts I would suspect its mainly freight of sanctioned electronic components for Russian arms industry Shame on you thailand
  24. why the capt didnt go down with the ship bet he was first off
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