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Everything posted by tomyami

  1. at 19 he could have been on the front line but it ended in pattaya a million miles from his less fortunate others. Its a freak accident never got a shock in 14 yrs here Its ironic the Russians are removing the electrical supply from a sovereign country it invaded, karma
  2. Iran is tryingto protect a governance that is increasing less popular The leaders days are numbered 20 more sham trails/executions on the way
  3. Thai's are poorly educated and less productive so any increase should factor in competitiveness across the Asian region so as not to lose any jobs. better education safer roads and tackle corruption that targets the poor. of course they should be paid more to reduce the wealth divide gap.
  4. That more like a wish list easy on that pipe. Russia is a <deleted> hole of a country run by gangster mafia murdering scum Its excuse of an army is being chased by a couple of HIMARs soon to be kicked all the way back to its border. Dream on, slava Ukraine
  5. any one else notice they seem to be setting up accounts to access funds or some having salaries while working remotely an agent in the bank told it takes 1 hour still trying to get my replacement bank card. I disapprove of there exsistance
  6. It was a partial mobi, it is putins war with documented war crimes https://www.csce.gov/international-impact/events/russian-war-crimes-ukraine and nothing complicated here its a land grad on a sovereign nation that does not want to be a russian vassal state you are more misinformed or just deliberately skewing the truth. When US went in to Iraq it was against a violent dictator the opposite to referenced here. Getting your asses kicked. Slava ukraine
  7. Traffic lights on road crossings in Thailand crazy, Thai's don't respect these lights they only stop when a bigger & faster vehicle prevents them that why they speed up to get through. As someone who lives here i prefer cross the road without markings
  8. be careful more lady taxi motorbike around & a bumpy road on ur way to a gentlemans club maybe stick a banana in ur pocket just in case
  9. Most crimes are by repeat offenders who are increasingly receiving more leniency by authorities, especially in the west
  10. on stolen aircraft from western leasing companies
  11. Plenty of examples of support for the war from Russians living outside and also from the comfort of their keyboards The hypocrites are Russians who hate the west so much but love to live here rather than their <deleted>hole of a country. Escaping a draft is not a rejection of the war. This war is only comparable to Nazi Germany's ww2 exploits and ISIS brutality, any civilized human should be ashamed to be linked to a society capable of such evil
  12. A Russian avoiding the draft is still a supporter of the brutal war they should not be allowed fun in the sun while there country is killing, torturing and raping civilians in neighboring Ukraine. Shame Thailand accepts this blood money. There are many orcs around they have being packing middle eastern flights to here for months
  13. was in bkk the other day on the skytrain all wearing masks some double and announcements advising same I corrected my stance quickly its rude not to. In my country Ireland radio adds still advise people to where mask and wash hands.
  14. Left my wallet down at a fruit market went back not see, have camera wont open reported it next day at soi 9 was blasted out of it for reporting late paid 60b for report. They shut up shop and cover each other when an outsider has a problem. Ok 3k in wallet no problem but ATM card license and a med insurance card are much more valuable. even offered a reward TIT
  15. Thailand is perfect no hordes of tourists long may it last keep doing the same dont change anything or maybe just drop the price of chaing beer 2 week millionaires is a distant memory
  16. Thailand is perfect no hordes of tourists long may it last keep doing the same dont change anything or maybe just drop the price of chaing beer 2 week millionaires is a distant memory
  17. car was 3 months old, sorry to hear the news, out come could have been a lot worse. could be drink or medically related, we are all living beings capable of having a bad moment this is his and I am not sure he deserved or could have prevented it at the time.
  18. Pattaya's digging up roads backhanders committee are a force to be reckoned with, TIT "clueless boffins" being here years same works being repeated due to rampant corruption. Many other solutions but they dont suit the committee All helps to keep the main tourist attraction busy.
  19. Ukraine is fighting survival Europe is in a proxy war to stop a land grab with more to come of countries who face the same Russian brutality clearly evidenced, to the defending civilians/soldiers, any weakness under nuclear threat and it game over. Russian tourism quantity or demographic coming will depend on the war they started, which is impossible to predict so revenue forecasts are meaningless. The world cup in Qatar may also be a factor in farang market Target US market, high dollar
  20. Typo Its more about police closing no explanation would have thought local govt had some clout Businesses those working in entertainment thrown under the bus again Lots have invested in reopening since covid police protect racket looking for a cut
  21. Tea money not working post covid I spoke to a local vendor she young girl 17 who work bar die so police order all bars and gogos to close at 12 with the exception of discos. It seem the order is indefinite TIT
  22. Russia deserves a massive weather ecological event where thousands are killed made homeless similar to what unfortunately Pakistan had. They need this for their many murderous adventures around the world
  23. Ukrainians been told not to go into russia but if the nuclear power plant is blown all bets are off
  24. Any country sporting russian military junk must be nervous about others who have western kit Ukraine unfortunately has been a weapons test and show grounds and what wins will benefit those who supplied. So sorry so many have given there lives the world owes them for showing the Russians for what they really are worse than isis imho
  25. Russians need to get out of Ukraine, hand over its leaders to the international court and pay war repatriations. Want to see Putin & Lavrov in shackles but they will probably be killed off in a month way things are going
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