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Brian Hull

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Everything posted by Brian Hull

  1. This might explain what happened to Trump but with a much bigger infestation.
  2. I am not an American but I support Joe Biden in most things. But his no-strings-attached provision of weaponry to Israel after they have killed tens of thousands of Palestinians is the root cause of the student protests. He had better get a lot tougher on Israel and quickly or he will lose the election to the deranged would-be fascist dictator.
  3. Her name suggests Russian or Polish rather than Portuguese
  4. Is this the Thai "culture" that we farang are expected to respect?
  5. It just proves that humans are absolutely nuts. it's the most childish stupid festival imaginable.
  6. Trump is a Big Star. Let us hope he implodes into a Black Hole, never to be heard from again.
  7. Good news for a change. Keep up the good work Boys.
  8. Kick them out. Let them practice their art in Ukraine
  9. It won't happen of course. The government's predictions are never even close. I can't imagine grown-up foreign tourists wanting to come to CM to have buckets of water thrown over them. I lived there for 6 years and all the expats stayed indoors and avoided Songkran like the plague. It's only fun for kids and immature adults.
  10. PM - Stop worrying about what would-be tourists think of Chiang Mai's pollution disgrace - JUST FIX IT
  11. Despite Thailand conducting democratic elections it seems the bigwigs have no idea whatsoever of what democracy is all about. They are still back in a previous Century. Your people have spoken. Haven't you heard them?
  12. Your article states "democratic regime of the government with the King as the head of state" is an oxymoron. With a head of state who is untouchable the democratic regime of the government is NOT democratic.
  13. Why don’t we scrap visas altogether? They were originally introduced for the purpose of vetting would-be visitors to a country, so that the applicant could be screened to see if he or she should be welcomed. This is no longer the case. Visas on entry are often granted, in which case none of the information is pre-checked. Of course, governments need to know who is in their country, but this could be achieved by the simple expedient of a simple questionnaire at the time of entry accompanied by an entry fee. Stop gilding the lily by calling it a “Visa”. Thailand was surprised to find that when they offer visa-free entry they get more tourists which should be obvious. And the common current practice in some countries of granting more generous terms to some nationalities than others smacks of racial discrimination.
  14. All power to Move Forward. It's refreshing to see some Thais prepared to stick their necks out to bring Thailand into the 21st Century. Not long now until the unelected senators are shown the door.
  15. Israel has no propriety rights to Gaza or the West Bank and so Netanyahu's objection to a Palestinian State should carry no weight. The world at large should endorse a Palestinian State with or without the cooperation of Israel (just as it endorsed the creation of Israel in 1948). Israel will have to learn to accept it or lose the financial and military backing of the US, and risk an international boycott. The land grabbing Jewish settlers who have set up home in the West Bank and might choose to remain will come under the authority of Palestine.
  16. You are correct. The problem is that everything is priced in dollars - in shops, restaurants, bars, even tutktuks. If you hav riels you are always converting them in your head.
  17. It's stretching the bow to call KennyG a jazz musician. Try Art Pepper or Paul Desmond or Stan Getz instead.
  18. Extending bar trading to 4AM won't add one baht to the economy. Tourists have $X to spend on food and booze and if they do so at 3AM or 4AM they will spend less next day or later. All this will do is make the current breed of badly behaved idiots even more obnoxious, with a great increase in violence plus damage to health and safety. I am on the side of the cops. Who needs even more booze after 2AM? If they do, then they could drink in their rooms.
  19. Thailand has far too many police officers that don't do much and aren't paid much. The country would benefit by culling 25%-30%, lifting the pay of the remainder, getting them active, and making them accountable.
  20. Does it really need a Lieutenant General to lead this arrest squad. I would have thought a single cop would suffice.
  21. There is no shortage of potential retirees for Thailand. They don't need to be LGBTQ. The problem is that Thailand makes it as difficult as possible with their bureaucratic bull<deleted> and money in the bank requirements. I moved to Cambodia where I just need to pay US$300 for a 12 months multiple entry visa. No financial requirements, no periodic reporting, no contact with the government - just a payment to the visa agent once a year. Thailand can't get their head around the fact that EVERY dollar or euro or yen that comes into the country through pensions is spent in the country and supports all the little traders. This is foreign currency that the government doesn't need to lift a finger to get. Scrap the 600,000 baht bank requirement - LEARN FROM CAMBODIA.
  22. What a joke. "I always had such great respect for the office of the president and the presidency" said Trump. He has done his upmost to destroy the people's respect.
  23. What a weird country, that tens of millions of Americans could even consider such a dangerous, despicable, deranged despot as Trump to be their leader. God Save America and the World if it should happen.
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