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Brian Hull

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Everything posted by Brian Hull

  1. It's great to see Move Forward sticking to its guns. Keep it up boys, if you want Thailand to become a true democracy.
  2. Most of the songs that have been written in the past 20 years. I hold my head in my hands and cry and think "Can they get any worse?"
  3. About the same as in my home country - Australia - about 10%
  4. I'm 85. I'd like to see out the ten years.
  5. How much money you have in the bank differentiates the baddies from the goodies. The well behaved expat retirees who mostly did an honest job all their life and are now living quietly on a pension have very little, while the crooks have heaps. Logic in the bureaucracy is not one of Thailand's strong points.
  6. Who can understand Thailand? Apparently it's unconstitutial for an MP
  7. These senators were installed illegally by an illegitimate government of military usurpers and their votes and opinions should count for nothing. Give democracy a chance - this is Thailand's best ever hope.
  8. Let us hope that the 250 illegally installed dinosaurs in the Senate become extinct ASAP.
  9. It's not just the air pollution. It's also the stupid requirements regarding 800,000 baht tied up. I hope the new guys at the helm understand that ANY money that comes into Thailand by way of a foreign pension gets spent in Thailand. It's bringing in foreign currency for the country without the government needing to lift a finger. Thailand should learn from Cambodia where you can legally get a 12 months multiple entry visa for US$300 with no financial requirements and nothing to report until you renew it in 12 months time. Get rid of Bangkok's current crop of "economists" as well as the Department of Whacky Ideas ASAP.
  10. Being neutral is the same as supporting them. The Burmese generals are murderous thugs and somebody needs to get more aggressive with them Being neutral is the same as supporting them. The new Thai government, like the governments of the free world, are not anti Burma - they are anti the murderous military thugs who are currently running it. Somebody needs to get aggressive with them as it seems that nobody is giving much help to the freedom fighters who have taken them on.
  11. It seems that Thailand has at last got a government with some balls to confront the Burmese military thugs and support the freedom fighters. I hope they will also condemn Putin's murderous invasion of Ukraine and once again we will see Thailand respectfully treated as one of the responsible countries of the world.
  12. The new government should annul their appointments as they were made by an illegal government of self-appointed usurpers. Let us see true democracy in Thailand and get rid of the dinosaurs.
  13. As the military backed senators were appointed by an illegitimate self-appointed government, surely their appointments are not legitimate. Hopefully the new government will sack them all.
  14. Another hare-brained idea from Bangkok's decision makers. Let us hope that the new government will do a dramatic purge of all their departments, replacing the deadheads with competent professionals.
  15. The whizkids in the Thai bureaucracy must be the World Champion Gold Medal winners for making simple matters complicated. Why don't they just include the 300 baht Tourism Tax into the visa fee, not as a separate item, and nobody would know or care. It's less than US$9. They are real muddle-heads. Prophetic words from "The King and I" musical "I often have confusion in concluding things that I concluded long ago".
  16. My hope from a new government is a drastic overhaul of the Immigration Department and its dog's breakfast of rules and requirements, and of the Police Department to get the foot-soldiers off their bums and out actually doing something about controlling the traffic instead of blaming other factors for Thailand's disgraceful road safety record.
  17. The first thing the ne government should do is sack the boofheads of the Immigration Department and completely overhaul it. It is forever changing the rules which are always complicated and don't make much sense anyhow. It seems hell-bent on making things difficult for tourists and retirees alike. Compare this dogs' breakfast to Cambodia's where you pay $300 for a 12 months multiple entry visa with no financial requirements or bank deposits, and you are left in peace for a year.
  18. Another sign of declining standards. What is Pattaya coming to? If it's allowed to continue, next they'll have naked women in GoGo bars.
  19. Try *Champagne Charlie, *Diamond Jim, *Big Spender
  20. In a real democracy, which are few, the military are responsible to a democratically elected government and to do its act on its orders. In a pseudo-democracy such as Thailand's, it's the other way around - the government does the bidding of the military. There should not be even one seat in parliament reserved for the military, the clergy, hereditary rulers, or any other group. True democracy exists in only a handful of countries. Even the USA is regarded as a "deficient democracy" on the World index.
  21. Let us pray that one of the parties recruits Big Joke and puts him up for PM. He is exactly what Thailand needs.
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