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Everything posted by tpbon

  1. Seems pretty excessive to lose your job over this. I'm sure the person complaining didn't expect this.
  2. Anyone convicted of corruption should face a mandatory 25 years in prison. If a death happens because of a bribe was paid, they should be charged as an accomplice to homicide. I know, I'm dreaming.
  3. You would think so. They have cameras everywhere else.
  4. I may be missing something but if the fleet hasn't fully recovered, what are these foreign pilots going to fly?
  5. I agree. EVA is good. Also Korean is good.
  6. My guess would be once they seen the video from the CCTV, they ran the plate and it came back not belonging to the type of vehicle it was on.
  7. You talking about clubs in Pattaya or concerts? 5555
  8. Thanks, I knew about F8 but still, depending on lighting, I still have a difficult time seeing the keys. My eyes are 75 years old, maybe that's the problem.
  9. I have an ASUS Zen Book 14. I like it but the lighting for the keyboard sucks. It's white and in the light I can not see the keys. I tried to change the color but I don't believe this model allows it. If anyone has one of these and changed the color on the keyboard please let me know. Keep this in mind when you purchase the laptop.
  10. They forgot to add "what could have been " before the word death.
  11. I would returned and let them know about the mistake. I was at a small coffee shop in a village. Bought a coffee for 40 baht, gave her a 100 baht bill. She gave me change for 1,000 baht. I told her I gave her 100 baht. She was so thankful. If she was a worker she would have had to make up the difference. I was raised not to cheat or take advantage of a mistake.
  12. Has anyone seen Corian for counter tops, here in Thailand? Tried Lazada but nothing listed.
  13. So what did the airport have to do with this?
  14. Search for boil on Google. Look under webmd.com This looks like what I had. Three on my ass. Very painful. Can appear anywhere but likes areas on the ass.
  15. AI - Hal 9000. 2001, A Space Odyssey
  16. Left my laptop at Suvarnabhumi. Didn’t discover it missing until the next morning. Now what are the chances of getting that back? When to lost and found and surprisingly it was there. Found by an airport employee. I tried to give a reward but was told no need. There are way more honest people here then one would believe after reading ASEAN Now.
  17. I live here full time on a visa based on retirement. So if I pay the 300 baht, (When returning from a family visit) and then have an accident, my medical bills will be covered until I leave? Yea right. Just explain what exactly the insurance covers.
  18. Yesterday I transfered what wise might consider a large amount $2000. At first they said it should be here by 10:00 AM on the 14th. Now tracking it it says “Can not up date at this time” Never ran into this before. Usually I get the money in 30 minutes.
  19. Left a laptop at Suvarnabhumi. Discovered it was missing the next day. I figured it was long gone. Went back to the airport to lost & found. A THAI security guy found it and turned it in. Asked to meet him to say thanks and give him something. They said not necessary.
  20. tpbon


    On the cover is says, EUROE EAT-5 Y100V. I’m after the air filter and cover. I was hoping I would get lucky and the in the manual you sent would be the same but it isn’t. Thanks for answering.
  21. tpbon


    Thanks for the reply.
  22. tpbon


    I have a lawnmower that has the name "EUROE" on it. I have been trying to find a parts manual online for it but can not even find the company. Does anyone have one of these lawnmowers and the book that came with it? If you do and if there is a email address or web site in the book, could you please tell me? Some where the air filter cover fell off and no idea where. Thanks
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