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HK MacPhooey

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  1. Your lefty/liberal thinking is part of the problem that's destroying Western society
  2. Because any work that these government employed DEI assessors do is wasted effort and detrimental to the nation as a whole
  3. Couldn't happen anywhere if these asylum seekers (read economic migrants) were held in secure detention camps and anyone without a valid asylum claim deported at earliest opportunity. Those with valid asylum claims should be given 2 or 3 year renewable resident permits and returned to their homeland at earliest opportunity. Very simple🤔
  4. Missed the part that said the driver was of the Christian faith🤔
  5. Or worse still - any sanctimonious dog lovers... 'dogs are filthy animals!'
  6. Overthrow the worst US government in living memory? The West would be in a far better place today if the last four years hadn't been squandered by the 'Marxists, leftists and wokists' of the Democratic Party - good riddance to bad governance!
  7. There’s not a shortage of public housing. There is an oversupply of unnecessary, unneeded and unwanted immigrants, often comprising three generations of the same family and other extended family members who should never be considered for public housing but are being prioritised over genuine British people.
  8. With regards to the op: the title is a bit misleading but I think he means that he books a hotel the night before the flight which makes sense if he lives move than a few hours from the airport or has a ‘crack if sparrows’ flight.
  9. What difference does that make? Many posters like to tell Buddhists to RIP when it should be something like ‘happy reincarnation’
  10. There was no sandwich ripoff at Phuket Airport if the report was correct - the woman knew exactly what she was ordering and the prices were clearly marked. The two stories have no connection...
  11. She does sound like a right pig and sounds like she's also raising a couple of porkers
  12. Why is she buying foot long sandwiches and all the additional toppings along with cookies for her two kids who are probably no more than 10 years old?
  13. Too bad none of the former military Too bad none of the bystanders including possibly, retired ex-military farangs were able to perform CPR which could have saved the man's life...

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