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Posts posted by BostonRob2

  1. 1 hour ago, harleyclarkey said:

    Delighted to see your reference to Churchill... a vile genocidal lunatic who was responsible for the deaths of many millions of starving Bengals, a racist, an advocate for poison gas, anti Semetic just some of the man's contributions.

    For me, an Irishman,  his role in deploying the vicious, murdering thugs called the Black and Tans in Ireland is equally unforgivable. Roving murder squads, random beating, house burnings were some of their tools of their vile trade.

    Yes, good old Churchill a shining example of Britishness. Regretf,continued to this day by certain members of the English establishment.  

    Indeed. I grew up with the British propaganda regarding Ireland. It was great as I grew older to get a better and more honest perspective from Irish people and media outside the UK. They didn't say "the troubles" they spoke of war.


    Thanks for reading.



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  2. 29 minutes ago, rumak said:

    You were doing OK until you got to that ridiculous statement .    There are now plenty of women in high if not top positions in the world .    If anything,  they are more power hungry and crazy than the men.   Or,  maybe just EQUALLY corrupt and arrogant .    here here !


    Clinton,  Merkel,  Ardern, Freeland,  .......... and many many more.........

    I was actually referring to women in high office in religious organizations. There don't seem to be many of those.


    Good to see you back commenting Rumak....where have you been hiding?



  3. On 6/29/2022 at 6:41 PM, GarryP said:

    I'm only 59 and doing that. Turn on my laptop to search for something and then can't remember what I was going to search for. 2 or 3 hours later I recall what it was and do the search. Called my dad the other day and mentioned it. He laughed and said that's normal. What he forgets is that he's nearly 91.    

    Try Scrabble for neuron repair. Though perhaps not against me.




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  4. 3 hours ago, howlee101 said:

    Words have specific meaning.  The post headlines (in all caps) says "SHOULD", the first paragraph says "must", then later on "recommended".  


    But the last sentence "Thus it was deemed not fake news though it appeared not to be a stipulation of boarding a flight."....

    If you read the article you will see that the translator is quite rightly confused by the AFN Center  on this, hence the differing vocabulary used. 

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  5. 7 hours ago, toofarnorth said:

    ...............a spare thesaurus , I thought they all died out along with Brontosarus and Diplodocus.

    Actually what I have by my work desk is Roger Mellie's Profanisaurus.


    Comes in very handy when I translate something about the latest police bribe scandal over sex shows and I need an alternative to a hackneyed phrase like beef curtains.


    Thanks for reading.


    Rooster (direct descendant of dinosaurs)


    • Haha 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Dumbfounded said:

    Nice article Rooster but can you please check something? I thought they announced that thais could grow 6 plants each but also limited the growing to 10 plants per household. I think there's a bit of confusion surrounding this. A lot of people seem to think that every thai can now grow 10 plants each but I interpreted it to mean that if there was 2,3,4 or more thais in the same household that the limit for them is 10 plants in total. Cheers

    Oh yes you may we'll be right. The story I did on AN was the one juxtaposing Uncle's don't try it edict with the ten per household thing. The source story didn't specify exactly what this was but your assessment there makes sense. They'd be trying to stop a large scale grow at a premises just because loads of people were registered as living there. As we know there are big players in this that want to control large scale ops. But I will check to be sure next time the 6vs10 is mentioned.


    Thanks for the positivity and ta for reading.



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  7. 13 minutes ago, Sydebolle said:

    I knew Trink and might hence suggest, that the author tries to develop his own style rather than carbon-copy, rather poorly, Trink. Latter, from New York, was a left-over dinosaur; his professional "death" started, when "Bangkok World" (the evening edition of Bangkok Post) was no longer published. He then had a page in Bangkok Post's Saturday edition, where the Nite Owl reported and, over time, his column got smaller and smaller. But then - who gave it a hoot? A thing of the past and like most movie remakes, never as good as the original, despite more modern technologies etc. 

    "Carbon-copy, rather poorly"????


    I suggest you wash your mouth out with a can of Dinty Moore Beef Stew.


    'nuff said.



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