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Posts posted by SunnyinBangrak

  1. 13 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    Another who has no concept of what climate change and the environment is about.

    It has nothing to do with rich people flying private or using  superyachts etc.

    Its about corporations making all efforts to make those things more climate friendly.

    If you are claiming that Harry and Meghan living in their vast 15,000 square foot mansion is not detrimental to "the environment" as compared to those common people they were lecturing about green stuff, well, I just do not believe you. Years ago before I lost interest it was all about carbon emissions causing alleged global warming, until the warming part was debunked and it became this current purposefully vague entity.....climate "change" or if you are conservative - just another tax grab ????

  2. Just now, Jeffr2 said:

    Impossible to compare the two.  Though seems some will try.

    Why do you hate Biden so much?

    I don't hate him. But I expect all women to be believed, as was protocol when the left were in opposition. Stormy Daniels must be believed, Christine Blasey-Ford must be believed, so for sure the much more serious allegations against Biden and Cuomo(with a higher level of corroboration now from multiple women) also must be believed. You made the bed, time to lie in it. And yes, I understand it is so annoying and must feel so unfair.

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  3. Meanwhile, Biden responds to the Cuomo serial sex abuse saga like a true immoral coward.

    "President Joe Biden declined on Sunday to call on New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to resign over sexual misconduct allegations, saying he wanted to await the outcome of an investigation into the matter."



    I suspect President Biden is unable to condemn Cuomo seeing as Biden himself is alleged to have digitally penetrated(without permission) Ms Reade, while whispering vulgar words in her ear. Condemning this depraved governor would make him a hypocrite as well as a rap&$t. Surprised the dems did not consider this despicable part of Biden's past, maybe they thought they could just censor it every time it crops up and make it all go away. I knew this believe all women/#metoo would become a huge inconvenience for the left once they finally got in power. 



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