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Posts posted by SunnyinBangrak

  1. On 1/3/2022 at 10:27 AM, Chomper Higgot said:

    I suggest you take a read of the Maxwell case and then review the filing against Prince Andrew.


    Ms Maxwell is no doubt not a very nice person. Prince Andrew too. But what irks me, is she is the first person to have been convicted of trafficking minors when we are not told WHO she trafficked these minors too. And why are we not permitted to learn the names of the men she trafficked minors too? Could it be that they are the super rich, super connected high level politicians and media moguls that own the news outlets and control the MSM narratives? And other people above criticism such as the founder of a "fruity" sounding big tech company? Hmmmmmmmm

  2. On 4/19/2021 at 4:57 PM, Neeranam said:

    I also do a 6pack app thing. 

    I will try to run more but... 

    Are nuts fattening?

    No expert, but I reckon it's just a metabolism thing. I have the exact opposite problem. Since quitting booze about a decade ago I can't keep weight on and people ask if I'm ill. Would love to gain 10kg and fill out a bit. Now around 65kg and slowly but steadily losing. Last time I had a medical, about a month ago, Dr said I have v high cholesterol and must stop eating fatty foods and treats! Talk about bonkers. How can you put weight on eating salads and toasted nuts?!

     I'd try a kratom leaf with morning coffee - now that it's legal. Should speed up the ticker a bit and passively burn some fat. Again, not a doctor! Best of luck with your struggle.

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

    You might google Motto Auto Auction, you can have a look at there stock. 

    That was an eye opener, all those wrecks that will be repaired and sold off to unsuspecting punters. More reason to buy a new one. It's just the 2015 era Corolla has a dashboard design in the cream trim that reminds me of the best car I ever had, an 80s Cadillac that floated down the road like the proverbial magic carpet. The new ones do not have the same parallel lines on the dash. Nostalgia is as good a reason as any to choose a car!

  4. 15 hours ago, fdsa said:

    As for Bitcoin - there is a chance that it will be dumped for its environmental impact in the nearest years.

    I suppose gold miners and other precious metal miners will knock their work on the head too? All those terrible chemicals they use, and fossil fuels. Not to start on these mines funding dictators and human rights abusers of the worst kind. Never hear about that, do we? It is a dirty business at every step.

     Look at crypto miners, they are making every effort to use renewable energy.

    • Like 1
  5. 21 hours ago, fdsa said:

    I believe it is massively overpriced now and its real value is somewhere below 20'000 USD.

    I would be interested to learn how you calculate its "real value". In my mind its real value was zero, but the bull case was and is compelling, and I set up a facility to accept payment in crypto. Less than 1% of customers paid in this way. Fast forward several years, and setting up that payment facility was the best business decision I ever made. The worst was spending some of the crypto on consumer goods back when it was a tiny fraction of what it is presently worth.

     6 months ago I asked an old school friend who is now CEO of a  multinational company whether they started keeping any cash in crypto. He laughed at me, and we changed subject. We were out for dinner the other night, and he asked my thoughts on the likely future value. I said I have no idea at all, but remain a large holder of a variety of cyptos, mining firms and companies involved with defi and staking, after having cashed out enough to comfortably retire on. He started umming and ahhing, oh but it is so expensive now, but I could see he was coming to terms with the fact they would start buying at some stage. Have to keep up with the Musks!

     The boss of Kraken exchange probably had it about right when he said - I paraphrase - by the end of 2021 one bitcoin will buy you a Lamborghini, by the end of 2022 one bitcoin will buy you a Bugatti. 

    • Like 2
  6. Just now, Kwasaki said:

    Best to say what area of Thailand you live.

    Surat Thani province but saw nothing suitable at the local dealers, so was thinking best to buy up in Bkk? Of course would be much easier to buy locally if the right car was available. Wondering what would happen with the normal 1yr or 10k km warranty the big dealers in Bkk give if we took the car down south, guessing it would not be covered at all?

  7. 11 hours ago, 7by7 said:

    In the UK, unless doing so will aid in their capture or there is some other operational reason for so doing, suspects are not named until charged.


    I suspect that the same applies in Canada.

    As well as being irrelevant, your assertion is also factually incorrect. I may not be British but I do pay some attention to events over there. From memory most terror events there were carried out by ISIS affiliated terrorists, such as the Arianne Grande attack and the Parsons Green attack, both by "refugees" - wasn't the Parsons Green bomber also found to have been significantly older than he claimed and nobody cared to check!? - and it took forever for the details to finally be admitted. There was ONE vehicle attack by an ethnic Brit, with a memorable name that made him sound like one of Ozzy Osbournes relations, and the guy was named and photographed within minutes. So, nice try, no sale.

    • Like 1
  8. 22 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    How many has that happened to?

    “Violence against women is so ubiquitous that it is invisible,” Wilcox said. “That one nurse in Texas can find 1,600 women that have been allegedly murdered by men in the United States in a single year, that is staggering.”


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  9. 16 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

    They can claim asylum in Mexico, they choose not to. They come to the US who can't tell to claim in Mexico. But, upon entering Mexico from the south they certainly could claim asylum.

    Any genuine REFUGEE fleeing persecution and fearing for his/her life would think arriving in Mexico is like arriving at the Promised Land. There would be no need to walk another footstep. They are finally safe.

    • Like 2
  10. 7 hours ago, Sujo said:

    So you are happy nutters can have guns?

    ? I did not say that. I did not say anything like that. Classic strawman and classic trolling. But since you choose to go down that road-


    So you are happy that a young mother with 2 babies would be left defenceless to be <deleted> by the gang that just broke into her remote home? Don't suppose you would if it was your own wife, or your own daughter. Do you have anything against lone women defending themselves? Must they surrender their bodies and lives to the criminal elements because the woke brigade are jumping on the gun abolishment bandwagon?

    • Sad 4
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  11. 10 minutes ago, PatOngo said:

    Why is it so prevelent in America?

    Lack of social cohesion. This is why countries like Japan, with a strong national identity tend not to have these atrocities. While countries with a shattered social cohesion like Sweden, the UK and others have numerous attacks. Blaming the weapon used is beyond dumb.

     Interesting how the narrative surrounding this shooting did a quick 180, initial tweets from media figures were crowing about this being a white supremacist attack. That worked out well. Blame whites, blame guns, then when shooter was a refugee from Syria - don't question open borders. Just no rhyme or reason to the response.

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