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Posts posted by SunnyinBangrak

  1. I have owned many kinds of small boat here. Fiberglass, several plastics, even a mini wooden longtail. Best by far was one like the image I will post below. It was very stable, could carry some heavy loads, lasted many years, wasn't as heavy as the small longtail. The fiberglass boats are light but the smallest ones are unstable and I found after a few years in the sun the fiberglass degraded and often got cut on my arms when paddling.

     Bought our last one like this locally for 6,000B, highly recommend.


    Plastic Boat Thailand Trade,Buy Thailand Direct From Plastic Boat Factories  at Alibaba.com

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  2. 4 hours ago, heybruce said:

    What "prominent members of the left" are denying election results?  Any members of Congress or ex-Presidents?  Is a prominent left wing former President soliciting hundreds of millions of dollars in donations to fight a non-existent stolen election?  When has a mob of left wingers stormed the nation's Capital to overturn an election result?

    Both H Clinton and Joe Biden said Trump was an "illegitimate President" ie they denied the result of the 2016 election. You may have forgotten but 4 years was wasted falsely accusing him of cheating in the 2016 election by having colluded with Putin to cause Hillary to lose. Didn't they even try impeaching him for this without evidence? Didn't remember any of them getting banned from Twitter for such anti democracy actions and repeated misinformation. Don't remember any media outlets getting banned from Twitter for repeatedly promoting the disinformation that is the Steele dossier - we now know where that came from.


    Today we have a rare breath of common sense. 


    Elon Musk Says He Would Reverse Donald Trump’s Twitter Ban
    ‘I think that was a mistake because it alienated a large part of the country,’ he says



    And also another low - this time from prominent leftist Lori Lightfoot calling for armed insurrection(and not getting banned from Twitter)


    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">To my friends in the LGBTQ+ community—the Supreme Court is coming for us next. This moment has to be a call to arms.</p>&mdash; Lori Lightfoot (@LoriLightfoot) <a href="https://twitter.com/LoriLightfoot/status/1523844510735908864?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 10, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>



    • Haha 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, Jotnar said:

    Not enough time in the day, for me to be concerned about the issues of the world or people I don't know.  I just don't care.


    Living is much more enjoyable without thinking about such silliness.  We're all on borrowed time, I prefer not to waste it on silly discussions.

    true enough! and thanks for the reminder. I promised years ago not to spend another second thinking about this case.

    • Like 1
  4. On the subject of electoral integrity, does anybody know if Thailand requires official photo ID to register to vote? Is voting limited to Thai citizens? Does the Thai voting authorities hand count the ballots with observers permitted, or use vote counting machines owned by supporters of Prayuth and which is illegal to question the validity or ask for an audit? 

     Prayuth will be aware that just "winning" an election is not sufficient. He must win what is clearly a free and fair election, which means the result is able to withstand scrutiny. Otherwise other than fans of the government, nobody will believe the results which leads to a highly divided society and the need for ever more draconian censorship and an end to the concept of democracy. Which is a major failure if it comes to that.

  5. 5 hours ago, bendejo said:

    The Martians are laughing at us Earthlings right now!



    I see no evidence the Martians are laughing at Biden. But I do see evidence - both well researched and with numerous examples of Biden being severely cognitively impaired by Russian media(you know, while the American left don't notice it, the enemy states do - funny that).



    "Russia accuses Biden of having dementia"

    "Komsomolskaya Pravda, a pro-Kremlin newspaper headquartered in Moscow, recently published an article questioning whether Biden is "in his right mind" and listed five examples of "dementia that can be found in the President of the United States.""



    I suspect Prayuth has noticed that what is dishonestly dismissed as just a stammer by the MSM and other "credible sources", most others will find it hard to see what an alleged speech impediment has to do with Biden telling ridiculous lies about his past, letting rip in front of British royals, shaking hands with thin air and being ordered around and supervised by an Easter bunny.


     One area of common ground the 2 have is their need for draconian censorship to give an illusion of legitimacy. Of course only the fans of the 2 men agree either are legitimate.



    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Well this looks good. The report is from a tabloid but looks pretty convincing. Major threat to Russian helicopters and low-flying jets. 


    Boris Johnson to hand Stormer armoured missile launchers to Ukraine to unleash hell on Putin’s army


    Sources say the MoD showed off the Stormers’ punch to Ukrainians at a display on Salisbury Plain two weeks ago.

    The 13-ton, high-tech launchers can be loaded on to C-17 transport planes and flown to the war in days.

    They only need a crew of three — a driver, commander and gunner.




    I am wondering whether Boris is prepared to have Russia attack the UK? I guess he is not. But by joining in the Ukraine/Russia conflict he has made the UK a legitimate target. Time to get out of big cities IMO, Putin is no soft touch.

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  7. 5 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

    In a newspaperthey wrote that maybe 1st of May the Test and Go and Thailand Pass will be binned... I don't understand... With a fe thousand infections everything is in a lockdown and many rules and restrictions for entering Thailand and now after Songkran when they expect to be 50-100k a day things will be binned.....Somebody can explain?

    Well clearly science can change in the space of a few seconds. On April 30th the restrictions are necessary otherwise this deadly terrifying virus will run amok and wipe us out, yet a second after the clock strikes midnight the virus will retreat even though restrictions are dropped. How fascinating.

     The other possibility is that the response was political in nature... You decide.


  8. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:


    Its obviously a cute shorthand description of what the bill actually does.


    Not meant to be taken quite as strictly literally as you insist.


    Ah I see. So the bill does not say anything about gays. Thanks for admitting it. But then a few minutes later you are off on your misinformation/disinformation spree.


    1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    Total BS.

    You refuse to process the information given SEVERAL TIMES and insist on an absurd level of anal literalism.

    You're not fooling anyone.

    You were never open to actually learning about and understanding these issues.

    Typical I'm sure.of the right wing anti LGBT base being pandered to with these bills.


    "Good day" and good riddance back at you indeed.



    Curious how such clear disinformation as misnaming a bill with a name that has nothing whatsoever to do with the actual contents of the bill, solely to be inflammatory is permitted here? Most odd.

    • Haha 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:



    Its obviously a cute shorthand description of what the bill actually does.


    "Again this bill and the copycats is about erasing speech about LGBT people and history in ALL GRADES with vicious intimidation tactics / threats of lawsuits / threats of firings."


    How this bill actually does that has been explained several times here already.

    I have given you fair opportunity to back up your hysterical bigotry and disinformation with facts. Of course you can not do this. Because your whole premise is false. The bill has absolutely nothing to do with not saying gay. Enough of my time wasted arguing with fantasist haters, good day to you.

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  10. 41 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Obviously you are attempting to flame this topic by calling this a grooming bill. Do you even know the definition? Child molestation is obviously ALREADY illegal in all 50 states. Also talking about sexualizing young children is simply a right wing red herring.. Unless you actually believe that a teacher being kind and inclusive to a child with two Mommies is grooming or sexualizing.


    Again this bill and the copycats is about erasing speech about LGBT people and history in ALL GRADES with vicious intimidation tactics / threats of lawsuits / threats of firings  








    err.. I missed the part where you pointed out exactly where the bill says "don't say gay". Are you confirming the whole "don't say gay" is yet another in a long long line of disinformation campaigns by the left leaning mainstream media? Certainly looking that way.


    as for your "Obviously you are attempting to flame this topic" canard, it is clear that the left are inflaming emotions around a sensible anti-grooming bill by falsely claiming it is discriminatory against the LGBT community. Again, let's try keeping things based in reality rather than making false and inflammatory claims- such as your claim the bill is a "don't say gay" bill, which we have confirmed is 100% nonsense.

    • Haha 1
  11. 9 hours ago, rudi49jr said:

    Not to mention bankruptcy and utter poverty. Hope the Russian people like eating cabbage soup and rats and mice.

    Meanwhile, back in the real world.


    "We've given Ukraine nearly €1 billion. That might seem like a lot but €1 billion is what we're paying [Vladimir] Putin every day for the energy he provides us with. Since the start of the war, we've given him €35 billion, compared to the €1 billion we've given Ukraine to arm itself."


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  12. Anybody know where my wife can apply in Samui for permission to have a couple of plants? And is there any guarantee that we will not be extorted for the usual 30-80k baht for possessing ganga/or attempts to possess from the local uniformed gangsters assuming the license to grow a few plants is not immediately issued?

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