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Posts posted by stacker10

  1. Oh great, this means it's the responsibility of the students to insure that their fellow students attend! Otherwise, someone could be a serious student, attending all the classes, doing the homework, etc and still lose his ed visa because of the problems of another student.

    I guess it means that potential students have to do their research before enrolling, asking a school about their attendence policy and how it's enforced. Then what recourse do they have with the school if they discover the school isn't enforcing their attendence policy after they've paid their money?

    I think the example of Thai language competency used in the story is a little lame. I've been studying Thai seriously for nearly three years, yet I'd probably be at a loss for words if, out of the blue, an immigration officer starting talking about the fish in the tank. He wasn't even asking a question, was he -- just making a statement. What was the poor student suppose to do, say something "oh, I don't see one fish eating the other." How about something that would more normally flow out of a meeting like this as in "sabaai di mai, krap?" or "kin khao laew ruu yang, krap?" and see how the student responds to those common greetings.

    Yeah really ! If it should turn out to be the resposability of the students, that other students attend class, then the days of the Ed-Visa are numbered.

    THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE REMEDY: The schools must police their students. For example: If a student does not attend class 3 times in a row without legitimate excuse, the SCHOOL must report him/her to immigration. (They may then cancel this individuals Ed-Visa. = Fine with me !)

    It can't be, that serious students would have to suffer the SAME CONSEQUENCES !!!!!!

    But don't we know it: A minority of "misfit"-Farangs, that have been cheating their way through life in the west, are now trying to do the same in Thailand. And by doing this, they manage to mess it up for the vast majority of Farangs that are above the "misfit" category. So no wonder, that Visa-Legislation is getting less liberal toward Farangs almost on a yearly basis.


    well then Im a misfit?I have a income from overseas,dont work,but have to allt this bullshit visas and crap,for what?But maby u have a answer?

  2. Hi

    My names is Len, Living in Pattaya. I have the last 9 years worked been runnig

    restaurants, bars and more. I have a income but Im very bored to just stay home

    so If you need a very social good restaurant/bar man to help you, contact me. I will start for free

    so you can see if Im good or not.I know and I dont expect any big money, its more

    so you can take some time of and relax and I have something to do. Contact me for

    a chat.



  3. Hi

    I want to make music license to my bar so I avoid any problem with police.

    Were can I do this? Im located koh chang/Trad but i guess this is done in Bangkok?

    For western music,Thai and anything I can play?downloaded from internet? original cd(ofcourse)

    or what other regulations do I need to deal with?



  4. Hi

    I need advice and help. I will import a what I would call a kind of toy (big one)maby 2 cubic.Any recomendation

    on a shipping company that can help me get in trough customs with out they will hold it and blackmail me and just

    make up some BS tax etc. Were can I find out how much the import tax realy should be?and a company that can do all

    the work so I dont have any headake?.Thanks in advance.

  5. We need you that can do prestashops,Php, Msql and more.Great salery for wright person

    We work from Pattaya or could be from Puket were we asap setting up one office also.

    We also consider other companies that we can work togheter with on projekt to projekt basis

    so we are open for all kind of coperation.


    Mr Len

  6. From your other post:

    Can My Philippino girlfriend after here 30days visa on arrivel go and get ex Ed visa or get/visaB for workpermit in my company?Or can she also

    go and get a 60plus30 days tourustvisa in Laos or were ever its the best place at that time.

    Do you have the correct ratio of Thai to Farang for her to get a Non Imm B Visa?

    Yes I will have,just want to know if Philippino have the some rules aboute all of this different options.

  7. I been livning in Thailand for 6years,went to Cambodia for almost a year.a shitplace with nothing,no hospital,bad food and not realy friendly people,only one thing was good,u buy 1year visa for around 280dollars but rest like food and infrastructior sucks.The latest year I been in Philippines,wow corruption get a champion,this is the land of no smiles,rip u of every place,shops rental,police,food is shit and everybody is out for your money,much more then Cambodia and Thailand.visa rules ok but immigrations rip u of with all made up fees.I just had to pay exitvisa??500peso and extra tax because I was here more than I year another 33dollars.Thailand is not a perfect place but after being around I want to say Thailand have moral,cultur,great food and the people is not bad,as good as any one else.Next week Im back to Thailand and I will kiss the ground,wow civilsation.

  8. Hi

    I have a Philippina girlfriend and understand after facts from guys here at thaivisa(thanks )that she have the same visa rules as me(swedish)

    She have a child 3years old that we like to bring here,Is there a special visa for child or is that some rules?But if my girleind have ex studentvisa or workpermit in my comapny,what visa for the child?I was hoping there whas a visa for child that follow the mother??

    ok sorry just see similar question.If i understand its called depentant ,what ever the mother have the chil will have until 18years old.But do the chil have to do ex visatrips or can the mother bring the childs passport and get it dune?feel sorry to bring the kid on a visa trip to ex Lao or Cambodja.

  9. Better company?When 5 thai asholes jump you?Its not me,i will cut the head of them all.They get what they had coming,try to mess with the wrong guy

    but he get all the shit because?Farang of course,if he wasnt there at that time this would not happend,thai logic.

  10. Thanks for respons.They main question is,can he go back here even if whas wanted,with a new passport,different country,new passport number etc.He has Swedish(thats the one with problem)and one Italian passport.Not wanted for anything heavy,jumped on by 5 thai guys,self defense but heart one of them badly but so what?They jumped him but of course hes farang so blaim him(4of them run away in typical thaistyle)so another bullshit story in the land of (faked)smile but he want to go back here anyway so Im trying to help him.Any one know aboute they computer system?Or any one know if and how he can pay to fix the problem?

  11. I have a friend that belive he can not return to Thailand because, well lets say he did something right but because he was a Farang

    it was wrong and I want to find out if he is on black list or wanted.How can I find out?Does any one know what aboute the passport check when u arrive?

    What is it they checking when u arrive,name,picture and nationalaty or what?Exempel I have a Swedish passport but also a exempel Italian.same name,

    but different passport number and different country so what do they realy see at the computer?Is there a official website or some list of people not welcome

    to Thailand?

  12. I had the some problem,working with internet.Dont start a company and all that xxxx,cost u a lot for nothing.

    Just work from home,its ok to check email and more so who could say that u working?I had enough of thai

    xxxx internet and xxxxxxxx visa rules and now with 15days visa run grazy people.They dont want u there so do what I did,

    move to Philippines,good internet,great visa rules 16month with out leaving the country and everybody

    speaks english and all drink sand beer less than halv the price.

  13. You can sure get a 1year visa in France and after that go for the ED visa.I been doing same as you,internet for a couple of years,keep it to your self

    and you dont have any problem.Forgett Cambodja,its a shithole,was there 6 month never again but Philippines is great,moving there now.No bullshit

    with visa,you are welcome there not like Thailand,and everybody speak english.If you want to make more internet business Philippines is the place.

  14. Thailand drug agency poised to bust foreign gangs

    Drug agency poised to bust foreign gangs

    BANGKOK: -- The anti-drug agency and police are gearing up to dismantle foreign-organised crime syndicates which have been controlling the trade in illicit drugs at some of Thailand's famous tourist destinations for years. Krissana Pol-anand, the secretary-general of the Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB), said ONCB officials and drug suppression police were very concerned about the drug trade run by foreign businessmen in Phuket, Koh Samui and Pattaya.

    ''The drug trade run by foreign businessmen has been increasing in these areas. We're collecting evidence in order to bring these people to justice as soon as possible,'' said Pol Lt-Gen Krissana.

    The ONCB yesterday held a press conference to announce its new drugs suppression policy.

    Pol Lt-Gen Krissana had been transferred to an inactive post at Government House by the coup-appointed government of former prime minister Gen Surayud Chulanont. He was re-appointed as chief of the ONCB by the Samak administration a few months ago.

    He said the ONCB and the police were combining forces to keep a close watch on foreign drug traders. He claimed the authorities already had a list of people involved in the illicit business.

    He said foreign drug dealers, especially Africans, had run their businesses in the country's tourist destinations for years. Some opened a business office in town as a front to conceal their illegal activities from authorities, while others travelled back and forth between their countries and Thailand.

    Pol Lt-Gen Krissana also expressed concern over the growing number of Thai women being deceived into marrying foreigners and being used by foreign drug dealers as couriers.

    Many had been used as drug couriers, he said. Over the past two years, 82 Thai women had been arrested in China and Australia after carrying heroin from India and Pakistan via Thailand.

    ''I don't want Thai women to think that marrying foreigners will make their lives better because sometimes they are lured into the drug trade,'' he said.

    He said the Interior Ministry had been asked to help in a campaign to educate women in rural areas about these foreign drug dealers' ploys.

    He said he had instructed officials to step up suppression of the drugs trade in 22 border districts in nine provinces over the past two months. Officers had found information that large amounts of methamphetamines would flood into the country during this period.

    -- Bangkok Post 2008-08-09

    Here we go again,bad farang....''I don't want Thai women to think that marrying foreigners will make their lives better because sometimes they are lured into the drug trade,'' he said.

    Idiots the will never learn anything.

  15. Non-O "retirement" visa good for 90 days and come back (I think they mean just a normal Non-O but for retirement purposes? My friend still needs to find out from the lawyer whether Immigration is talking about a typical Non-O visa and not a Non-OA visa). And then in two months Immigration in Bangkok will redo the process and give them the year's extension "free" (because they didn't give any of the money back that they had already taken.)

    It would not be a O-A Visa as that would only be issued to them in USA and would be for 1 year.

    So a single entry Non O Visa is what they need.

    They could always get a Tourist Visa and convert that to a Non O at Immigration.

    You say if i get a touristvisa from ex Lao i can go to immigration inside Thailand and change it to Non O?Sure??

    Then i will go and get a touristvisa in Lao and when its almost finished I change it to NonO for visit my child?That

    would be great but I dont think it will work

  16. Hi

    Im divorced from my thaiwife(thank good)We sign all pappers but we have a baby so I will try to get visa that way.

    Can I get a visa for me to see my baby and what kind of visa?I mean one year or something like that

    What papper do i need to show in that case?

    Will they accept copys of the papers,from the hospital and birthcertificate

    Do i have to get the copys verified from someone?I will sure not get the original only copys.

    I sign paper so she is the guardian I think its called,i give upp all my rights(you dont have rights anyway)Does that matter,still my baby

    at least on paper so should be ok for visa anyway???



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