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Everything posted by Orac

  1. It is from last month. The longer video is still up on Crazy Frog Bar, Soi 7 facebook page. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0pw1q6SQdqFVPmgG1hKJVWUC6KBDnA95FasYxcrwK5yTwpEPkCpgc8jXKWjrWmGBrl&id=61552351873086
  2. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 33 seconds  
  3. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 89 seconds  
  4. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 59 seconds  
  5. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 28 seconds  
  6. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 48 seconds  
  7. more likely an IT solution - TIN number blocked until return receive that they would need to manually overide. As a bonus i would expect that the online 90 day reporting will in future allow you to view all expats bank and passport details.
  8. While most of the problems with this will probably shake out as the new rules are defined, the thing most concerning me at the moment is this bit in the op: “ Iam not sure if it should be under immigration and visa but my experience tells me that immigration will ask for tax documents in the future.” Though I can’t see the point of them asking for tax docs (that would be an issue for RD) it would make sense for them to require a TIN to be declared as proof you are registered for tax here if you have stayed more that 180 days in a tax year. From April 2025 they will obviously be able to see this on immigration system and a fairly simple link or check with RD would identify if a tax return had been received giving the option of immigration either insisting one is done or an explanation of why one is not required - simplification would suggest they just hand this off to RD. Essentially this would mean everyone on one year extensions would need to do a tax return.
  9. No details given yet so unknown. The principal idea of a DTA is to stop people paying tax twice on the same income so worst case scenario could be pay tax in Thailand but can use overseas tax return to reclaim any tax already paid so no guarantee that having a passport from a country with a DTA will give you any protection. Indeed there are a number of us here that relied on the difference between tax policies to avoid some taxes so potentially those gaps could be closed. best bet is wait for further clarification or the whole idea to be scrapped as too controversial as it will certainly be watered down and loopholes/get rounds appear as it gets defined.
  10. That ‘foreign tour guide in Thailand’ in the photo appears to be stood outside the Louvre in Paris.
  11. Going to take me ages to send out my christmas cards next year with having to draw all those QR codes.
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