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Posts posted by Orac

  1. Since there is no legal definition then I would assume being English will depend on a subjective view of the observer or observed which i am sure will vary significantly depending on the person.

    The large village in England where i lived for 30 years i was viewed by most there as an outsider as I wasn't born there and my family moved there when I was 10.

    One of the biggest qualifiers must surely be being born in England though there will be a number of other circumstances, such as born overseas to an English parent/parents, but there would also need to be linked in some element of residence. Examples might be my daughter who has never visited England but has me as a parent - I wouldn't consider her English as she was born in Thailand and lives there. Similarly Abhisit was born in England but I would never consider him as English.

    I would not have a problem with anyone calling themselves English if they were born there and/or spent a very significant portion of their life there though there are obviously others who take a different point of view.

  2. You have completely and utterly misunderstood. That does not imply race is an issue in the slightest.

    The meaning seemed clear to me: you're either "born" English or you're not. You cannot become English via naturalization.

    What did it mean to you?

    Surely you would become British by naturalization not English???

  3. Maybe there are some endangered animals in they are trying to protect??? With the amount of poaching and trading in endangered species that goes on in Thailand the last thing any true conservationist would want is a tv show telling everyone where to go.

    I somehow think that wouldn't represent a severe disciplinary hearing. As though poachers would need a TV program to tell them where to get hold of endangered animals in Thailand. They can probably call the forest service directly and find out for a fee, or buy them in Chatuchak.

    What have they got in there? Wooly mammoths or some alien predator that they have been keeping secret from the world for the last 100 years???

    There was a recent thread on TV about the rise in the tiger population in Thai national parks:

    your own comments in post 3 also implied that publicity of such wasn't always a good thing.

  4. Whats with the story in the Nation about the actor and filmcrew in a national park being charged with being in a "sensitive" area?

    If it is a wildlife sanctuary, what could be sensitive. Indeed a bizarre story. If the point of the national park is to protect it for the benefit of the country/people, what is the point if no-one can go there. Things like this never cease to amaze me such as

    Her office thus decided to seek police action. "If the programme about Phu Khing is aired, all officials of the Phu Khieu wildlife sanctuary and the National Park director general would face serious disciplinary punishment," she said.


    It is a serious disciplinary action to not prevent people filming in a national park???????? I think some smart witted journalist should ask a very simple question about

    Maybe, Elvis lives there.

    Maybe there are some endangered animals in they are trying to protect??? With the amount of poaching and trading in endangered species that goes on in Thailand the last thing any true conservationist would want is a tv show telling everyone where to go.

  5. <pointless pedantry> The N. Irish are not British. The passport is for "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland</pointless pedantry>

    I can out pedant you there - the legal definition of a British Citizen appears to be someone born in the United Kingdom and not Great Britain or the British Isles.


    Isn't it The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?

    Indeed it is - but the definition of a British Citizen as far as nationality is concerned uses the United Kingdom.

  6. <pointless pedantry> The N. Irish are not British. The passport is for "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland</pointless pedantry>

    I can out pedant you there - the legal definition of a British Citizen appears to be someone born in the United Kingdom and not Great Britain or the British Isles.


  7. I am waiting for microburst made me do it, to avoid a flock of birds, and we lost power @ the same time. Invistigation to take place. Expect results (if found) in 8-24 months.

    The good thing is that the investigation will be conducted by Australian Authorities and not the BIB who would write it off as pure coincidence. Thai airways will not be able to buy a positive investigation in Australia.

    How can it be a coincidence. Since this happenned in Australia it is crystal clear what happenned - the ground was obviously too high.

  8. The automotive industry is very important to Thailand so they feel there is a need to protect themselves from foreign imports thus making imports more expensive in relation to those made here in Thailand.

    It is not uncommon for business or other groups such as unions to feel threatened by foreign competion and for governments to protect them. Other examples would be the steel industry in the USA where duties for some products from China reach 450 % (steel drilling tubes) or the UK which for some reason need to protect the ring binder mechanism industy from the evils of Thai competion and impose an addition 17.2% duty on products from there.

    Malaysia has it's own car manufacturing company called Proton. What exact brand name of Thai local auto manufacturing company are you talking about? There's no such thing is there.

    Erm, I never mentioned a brand. All I said was that the automotive industry was important here.

    I did make a mistake in refering to import duties however when the OP is talking about excise duties/car tax.

  9. The automotive industry is very important to Thailand so they feel there is a need to protect themselves from foreign imports thus making imports more expensive in relation to those made here in Thailand.

    It is not uncommon for business or other groups such as unions to feel threatened by foreign competion and for governments to protect them. Other examples would be the steel industry in the USA where duties for some products from China reach 450 % (steel drilling tubes) or the UK which for some reason need to protect the ring binder mechanism industy from the evils of Thai competion and impose an addition 17.2% duty on products from there.

  10. I got one 3-4 years back from a travel agents on Soi Diana - on the left somewhere near Mr Ts taxis but I don't remember the name. Paid 86k baht for a very new double decker job up to Nong Khai for 3 days. I could probably have got one cheaper if I had shopped around I supposed or asked one of the drivers at the bus park behind the shell garage on 2nd road near big C.

    One bit of advice i would give is have any karaoke mics removed if there are any Thais involved and you are going any distance.

  11. This has also been backtracked upon, with Plodprasop Surasawadee, the deputy party leader, saying this week that such a hefty hike, up from the current Bt150-Bt220 per day depending on the province and the cost of living, could not be implemented in every province immediately as promised during the election campaign.

    Of course not in the Isan, where most people are starving................:jap:

    Most people are starving in Isaan, are you sure about that?????

  12. Surely for our home countries to treat asians/thais accordingly they would have to let them in first???

  13. PLEASE can we stop with the constant anti-Thaksin stories from the super-biased so-called newspaper The Nation?!!?

    Is is so very, very predictable. It is also insulting to anyone's intelligence to repeat these incessant diatribes.

    Please can we stop ANY Thaksin stories coming on the Forum threads. His propaganda IS illegal and bad taste for any elected body. Who has the say to transfer these stories to forum???, whoever does whether they are in his favour or not are fueling the fire, and helping to constantly boost his sick ego.

    Clearly we need a Lese-Thaksin law to deal with this so as to ensure that only banal subjects get to be discussed on here.

  14. Before buying an extra ticket check with the airline on what their rules are regarding boarding without a visa - as per Samadhi's post, I have been able to board flights on one way tickets without a visa on a couple of occasions from the UK to Thailand and Indonesia after signing a waiver with the airline but this was 3-4 years ago.

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