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Posts posted by Orac

  1. It is a civil war and we know nothing about the side that we are supporting. Now THAT is frightening. :unsure:

    A very good point. As CallmeScooter pointed out in another thread, the US identified Eastern Libya and Benghazi as a source of a large number of Al-Qaeda volunteers that appeared in Iraq. It would not be good if the fundementalists were able to get a foothold because of this action.

  2. Did you read my post #9????? Or indeed the link it was taken from which you have quoted back????

    Yes I did. I suggest you read your linked article too. read it closely. Here, let me help you;

    Iran, the neighbouring nation also ruled by Muslim clerics was one of the fist countries to add its voice to world protests on Tuesday condemning the destruction of Buddhist statues by the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and called on the United Nations to take serious action against this ruling "grouplet".

    "Strangely, certain Taleban-led individuals, calling themselves "cleric"', have ordered destruction of ancient sites of the mankind society, citing blasphemy and idolising as reasons," a statement released by Iran's Cultural Heritage Organisation (CHO) said.

    But the statement failed to say that like their Afghan colleagues, Iranian clerics, when they took over from the former Monarchy in 1979, had plans to destroy all vestiges of pre-Islam Iran, including the monuments of Persepolis, but were prevented by the people, attached to its ancient history and civilisation.

    The fact of the matter is that the Iranian government DID not come out against the destruction of the Buddhas. The CHO was an arms length entity that had no authority to speak on behalf of the iranian government.

    Hoisted by your own petard it seems. biggrin.gif

    I reread the article again, written incidentally by a organisation with no love of the current regime in Iran, and strangely enough it still said:

    "Iran, the neighbouring nation also ruled by Muslim clerics was one of the fist countries to add its voice to world protests on Tuesday condemning the destruction of Buddhist statues"

    which pretty seems pretty clear to me. That there is also a statement from Iran's Cultural Heritage Organisition just seems to back this up since they are a department adminstered and funded by the government of Iran.

    Also I found this:

    "The two massive Bamiyan Buddhas, carved into a sandstone cliff near the provincial capital in central Afghanistan, stand 50 meters (165 feet) and 34.5 meters (114 feet) tall and were built around the second century.

    Appeals for their preservation have come from the United States, France, Germany, Thailand, Japan, Sri Lanka, Iran, Pakistan, Germany, Russia, India and UN Secretary General Kofi Annan."


    I am not sure why you think Iran would have done otherwise as it was very active against the Taliban before the US got involved with strong support to the Northern Alliance that opposed them.

    "Following the emergence of the Taliban and their harsh treatment of Afghanistan's Shi'a minority, Iran stepped up assistance to the Northern Alliance. Relations with the Taliban deteriorated further in 1998 after Taliban forces seized the Iranian consulate in Mazari Sharif and executed Iranian diplomats.

    Following this incident, Iran almost went to war with the Taliban regions of Afghanistan but intervention by the United Nations Security Council and the United States prevented an imminent Iranian invasion."

    Taken from Wikipedia (not the most reliable of sources I admit!)

  3. Thank God this "broken condom" thing has never happened to me (yet) but this is an interesting thread nevertheless, and I found this online "assessment tool" to estimate the risk of HIV contraction for broken condom cases, and whether PEP would be helpful:


    Putting your faith in some omnipresent being that a condom won't break or believing that he provides some protection for sex-tourists sounds a touch naive to me :(

  4. At the time of the giant buddhas being destroyed Iran didn't recognise the regime in Afghanistan:

    "The Taleban, or movement of religious students, seized Kabul in 1996 and have imposed a puritanical mix of Pashtun tribal and Sharia law in a bid to create their idea of a true Muslim state.

    Their regime is recognised only by Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, and is not represented at the United Nations or the Organisation of the Islamic Conference."

    link as above http://www.iran-pres...tatues_1301.htm

    So what if Iran did not recognize the government of Afghanistan. Did the Iranian government condemn the descreation of the world heritage site? Did the Iranian condemn the activity? The US and other western governments did not recognize the Taliban either and yet they spoke up.

    Did you read my post #9????? Or indeed the link it was taken from which you have quoted back????

  5. Some nice hate speeches there dudes!

    What can be said about Christianity with looking back the last century or so?

    Not a much positive.

    The Times of India, March 2, 2001

    NEW DELHI: Leading Islamic clerics and leaders on Friday condemned the destruction of Afghanistan's ancient Buddha statues in central Bamiyan province by the ruling Taliban regime as "un-Islamic" and "an act of cultural genocide against humanity."

    "It is an outrageous act. It should be treated as a crime against humanity. Bamiyan is part of the world's cultural heritage. The destruction of Buddha statues is an act of cultural genocide against humanity," Babri Masjid movement leader and former diplomat Syed Shahabuddin said. Declining to draw a parallel between the Taliban action and the destruction of the disputed structure at Ayodhya on December 6, 1992, Shahabuddin said, "here it was some groups whereas in Afghanistan, the government itself is committing the crime."


    and yet none of the ones complaining have any problem with burning flags.

    especially when it comes to afgan, In Afghanistan ‘they’ grow and refine heroin for a living, and, yet, have a moral objection to beer.

    At the time of the giant buddhas being destroyed Iran didn't recognise the regime in Afghanistan:

    "The Taleban, or movement of religious students, seized Kabul in 1996 and have imposed a puritanical mix of Pashtun tribal and Sharia law in a bid to create their idea of a true Muslim state.

    Their regime is recognised only by Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, and is not represented at the United Nations or the Organisation of the Islamic Conference."

    link as above http://www.iran-press-service.com/articles_2001/mar_2001/taleban_buddha_statues_1301.htm

  6. Did Iran or Karzai speak out when the Taliban destroyed the 3 ancient Buddhas at the designated world heritage site? Did the condemn the desecration?

    Unfortunately it's a one way street for this '' religion ''. :huh:

    "Iran, the neighbouring nation also ruled by Muslim clerics was one of the fist countries to add its voice to world protests on Tuesday condemning the destruction of Buddhist statues by the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and called on the United Nations to take serious action against this ruling "grouplet".

    "Strangely, certain Taleban-led individuals, calling themselves "cleric"', have ordered destruction of ancient sites of the mankind society, citing blasphemy and idolising as reasons," a statement released by Iran's Cultural Heritage Organisation (CHO) said."

    From http://www.iran-press-service.com/articles_2001/mar_2001/taleban_buddha_statues_1301.htm

    As for Karzai, he didn't really come to prominence until after this happenned though there are several references to him condemning it after he gained power.

  7. More NEWS from Reuters:

    Israel's ambassador Aharon Leshno Yaar called on Palestinian leaders to condemn the March 11 murders of three children, including a baby, and their parents "without caveats or hedging" in Arabic to their own people.

    Almost as shocking as the killings, "in the days following the massacre many Palestinians took to the streets celebrating the deaths of this family," Leshno Yaar said. http://news.yahoo.co...el_un_cleansing

    Not in Arabic but "despicable, inhuman and immoral" seems pretty clear to me:


  8. I wonder if this only applies giving oral sex to a man? They do specify, but the wording is not very clear.

    I didn't read it that way and assumed it was an equal opportunity infection but since the main group that are getting infected are white males than that would imply it is a mainly gay issue. At least it might explain why i have survived but unfortunately JT may be on sticky ground now!

  9. Orac, this is the reason for forums to learn, no?

    And perhaps you have not noticed but there still a number of posters who do not agree with Naam findings and continue with the nonsense

    in this forum i learned that "my sources" who claimed the FED is owned by rich islamist Ayrabs were not fully informed. tv-member Midas' information reveals additional information. i therefore conclude that the FED is owned by Irish Ayrabs. what i still have to find out is whether these Ayrabs are Islamists or good Irish Catholics.


    Mohamed O'Greenspan - the clue was there right under our noses.

  10. Based on performing oral sex on 6 partners in a lifetime I think it is amazing that much of the population of Pattaya is still alive - if I remember correctly I must have got my full dose within hours of arriving here the first time.

    Better head down to the Bliss Lounge for some research.

  11. By using the term infidels I would guess you are refering to the Koran. However if you hade used the term Gentiles as in 'Tob Shebbe Goyim Harog!' or 'Kill The Best Gentiles' I would have gone for the Talmud. If on the other hand you asked which book asked specifically for non-believers to be stoned to death then that would be the Bible (Deuteronomy 17:3 to 5).

    ALL of these quotes need to be considered in the context they are written though they do seem to have a common thread in being used to spread hatred and intollerance.

    Interesting post. For some crazy reason i was only aware that Christian and Catholic crucify while Islam stones.

    You learn something new every day.

    It was only yesterday that Herr Naam put you straight on who is behind the Federal Reserve!

    You really should find out more about crucifiction as well.

  12. Sorry but whose book says "kill the infidels"?

    Here we go, ... again.

    Whats good for the goose-good for the gander!

    By using the term infidels I would guess you are refering to the Koran. However if you hade used the term Gentiles as in 'Tob Shebbe Goyim Harog!' or 'Kill The Best Gentiles' I would have gone for the Talmud. If on the other hand you asked which book asked specifically for non-believers to be stoned to death then that would be the Bible (Deuteronomy 17:3 to 5).

    ALL of these quotes need to be considered in the context they are written though they do seem to have a common thread in being used to spread hatred and intollerance.

  13. I wonder in 20 years where would be the great place for a retiree?

    Well, I certainly won't be around. The way the place is going I won't be around next year even.

    Thanks to them for putting the nail in the coffin. They've ruined it.

    I have no idea where I'll live now. Anywhere where these people don't go sounds good. I may have to leave Thailand, sadly.

    Cambodia, Philippines, and Vietnam are calling louder..

    Judging from the number of Russians that are travelling abroad now in greater numbers your best bet in 20 years will probably be Russia.

  14. Anyone notice that they don't play the Royal Anthem in the top end cinemas in Central Festival ?

    I live in Buriram province and (re National Anthem) I have often been virtually the only person to stand still at 18.00 hrs in Makro ! That is OK with me - personal choice and personal awareness.

    The standing still thing is mostly a Bangkok thing. (And perhaps South, I wouldn't know). In the Real Thailand people tend to go about their business, save for the occasional Farang who wants to go native but missed the target by a couple feet.

    They probably stand still because they are weighed down with the mandatory wanabe amulets. :D

    I've never heard the national anthem played anywhere other than the cinema and the TV/Radio.

    Definately played at Theppasit market in Jomtien at 6pm - the look of confusion on some of the faces there (mainly Russians I think) is worth seeing!

  15. Why do we wear underwear.... :lol::lol::lol:

    Speak for yourself mate...

    On that topic - I have seen many posts here on the topic of how many people claim to be from the "Special Forces" - is this a quite understandable misunderstanding of the term "going commando?"

    Is "special forces" a euphemism for no kegs, like a cocktail bar -?


    You mean you aren't ex special forces!

    How did you manage to sneak in???

    You'll be claiming you haven't got a Hi-So wife or masters degree next.

  16. Anyone notice that they don't play the Royal Anthem in the top end cinemas in Central Festival ?

    I live in Buriram province and (re National Anthem) I have often been virtually the only person to stand still at 18.00 hrs in Makro ! That is OK with me - personal choice and personal awareness.

    Are you sure - I have seen many films there and have always seen the kings anthem played (by top end I assume you mean the Porch and First Class Cinemas??)

    As a matter of interest the only time I have seen ppl not stand for the anthem were a small group of young americans during Cobra Gold. They did eventually stand up when they realised everyone else was glaring at them.

  17. Thanks for all the replies - the genuine and comic alike :)

    I don't think going out for dinner, or getting her a night off will be a "gift" per say as she will be missing the opportunity to pick up a punter. She's rather the cash. I'd have to not only pay the bar fine but the "hourly rate" too...... which isn't going to happen on principle. But thanks for the effort in replying.

    She doesn't have a kid.

    As long as I have spent here, I honestly can't think of anything small that a BG would be pleased to receive.......

    I probably just won't bother..... sometimes a half-measure attempt is worth less than none.

    i have something small she might like :whistling:

    Ideal solution for you there - introduce her to Cardholder. Not only will she be gratefull to be introduced to such a gent but, if you play your cards right, it won't cost you anything either. Unfortunately, if he is that small, he might not make too much of an impression though!

    Oh Orac! - and you started off so nicely. :rolleyes:

    I was referring to my Toy poodle ! The poodle as been referred to as something with beauty and no brains. Not sure how we can relate that back to the thread :whistling:

    Remember, it is always the thought that counts.

    I tried that one with my wife but she still insists that cash beats thoughts every time.

  18. Thanks for all the replies - the genuine and comic alike :)

    I don't think going out for dinner, or getting her a night off will be a "gift" per say as she will be missing the opportunity to pick up a punter. She's rather the cash. I'd have to not only pay the bar fine but the "hourly rate" too...... which isn't going to happen on principle. But thanks for the effort in replying.

    She doesn't have a kid.

    As long as I have spent here, I honestly can't think of anything small that a BG would be pleased to receive.......

    I probably just won't bother..... sometimes a half-measure attempt is worth less than none.

    i have something small she might like :whistling:

    Ideal solution for you there - introduce her to Cardholder. Not only will she be gratefull to be introduced to such a gent but, if you play your cards right, it won't cost you anything either. Unfortunately, if he is that small, he might not make too much of an impression though!

  19. Do we have all of the BRICs now? Next superpowers to be are not happy so sharpen up old world!


    India has expressed regret about the airstrikes on Libya carried out by France, Britain and the United States, calling for a peaceful solution to the crisis."It regrets the airstrikes that are taking place. The measures adopted should mitigate and not exacerbate an already difficult situation for the people of Libya," a statement by the Indian foreign ministry said on Sunday.

    The Arab League also condemned the aerial attacks, saying the aim of the UN resolution was to protect civilians, but the West's military action has worsened the humanitarian conditions.

    Three sentences, right metisdead?;)


    Has to be one of the best rants I have seen in a long time in the comments from that link you have posted Tiger - I wonder if he can be tempted to post on TV for our entertainment???

  20. For the record, Louis T. McFadden was clearly a rabid antisemite. Midas quoted him, so that was totally predictable.


    McFadden was known for openly attacking alleged Jewish control of the banking system. He claimed that Jews controlled the American economy He also said that the United States had to choose between "God and the money changers who have unlawfully taken our gold and lawful money into their possession."[2] McFadden also blamed Jews for president Roosevelt's decision to abandon the gold standard, and claimed that "in the United States today, the Gentiles have the slips of paper while the Jews have the lawful money."[3] McFadden was also a supporter of Hitler and the Nazis' anti-Jewish policies before the WW2. McFadden encouraged Hitler's attempts to destroy the Jewish control of the German economy, media, education, and professions in the early 30's before the start of the WW2.[4] When McFadden ran for the presidency in 1936, one of his slogans was “Christianity instead of Judaism.”[5]

    Interesting source you are quoting there JT!

    Metapedia is a white nationalist and extreme right-wing online encyclopedia. (taken from Wikipedia)

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