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Posts posted by Orac

  1. Exactly which industries are dominated by russian nationals? Sounds more like the press trying to whip up a storm of xenophobia and sensationalism.

    You are not Russian, are you;-)

    Erm - no. But living in Pattaya I cannot see any industry that even comes close to being dominated by Russians - maybe you would care to enlighten me.

    So the only way there can be a Russian mafia is if they dominate an industry. Sounds like Thai logic.

    It's been a year and a half since I've been to Pattaya and they were there then. That's why I haven't been back.

    No - they are two seperate things.

    I doubt anyone would be surprised that there is international organised crime going on in Thailand in general or Pattaya specifically and if people want to hang the mafia tag on it then so be it. Given the number of russian tourists, then russian organised crime will obviously make up part of it.

    The domination of some industries is a totally different aspect of it which I cannot see and the article posted is specific referring to the nationalist 'their taking our jobs' rhetoric. The russian businesses in Pattaya, be they 'mafia' or not, are specifically targetted at Russian tourists in the main and have relatively little impact on non-russians. To say they dominate any industry here is laughable and to point out one gogo bar out of the hundreds here or a bloke who appearred to be involved in a jet ski scam is ridiculously over the top and nowhere near anything i would define as domination given the home grown organised crime that goes on here.

  2. btw, in case people aren't aware, MFY Bar is a 'special' bar offering special, er, lollipop-esque services while the punters sit back with a beer.

    Don't they all, pretty much?

    (But yes, I could find the place blindfolded, at night in a snowstorm. )

    Actually no - most do not. It is noticeable that the two recent raids, with Carte Blanc being the other one, are well known as being a bit more hardcore than most other bars.

  3. Umm, that bar looks familiar -- wait, no it doesn't.

    Glad to see that the Thai cops are doing a stand up job protecting young people. Next they could investigate the number of young Thais who cannot afford to go to school, or receive adequate health care.

    not only looks but is familiar, it's the one with the stairway to heaven on the left side of the bar

    Posted Image

    What would you need to go upstairs for there?

  4. The kiss of death was the statement from the head honcho yesterday:

    "We still have some concern about the chemical being used, even though it is clear that the oil leak will not reach the beaches or coral," said Phuchong Saritsadeechaikol, director of the government's Marine and Coastal Resource Conservation Center in Rayong.


    • Like 1
  5. They have moved April Fools day from April 1st to 26th July just to celebrate Big Brothers Birthday . Only explanation for such a daft idea and i am sceptical she even had anything to do with it herself.

    Why would 'she' have nothing to do with such a 'daft' idea. Are you insinuating she's not daft?

    It could depend on what was actually said as opposed to how The Nation are spinning it. The article clearly says that contestants will be judged by who is the smartest whereas the obsession here is the secondary part which is beauty.

    If someone were to make a statement that there are far too many dumb bimbos on reality tv and why can't we we have more intelligent women who can set a better role model for viewers then they would probably be applauded elsewhere in the world though, in Thailand, there would probably be consternation until someone explained that they could have a ladyboy, overly handsome policeman and ugly stepmother as the judges and get the little fat bloke with the ridiculous hairstyles hosting it.

    • Like 2
  6. Like many TV posters I am also shocked at the idea of womens intelligence being promoted on Thai TV and may start a protest insisting on the superficiality being maintained where appearance is far more important than substance - maybe they can all be dressed in those bunny girl outfits used by 'prettys' on TV so as not to raise the tone too much.

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  7. Bottom line is that due to the power of the military it needs to be paid off in some way or else they take matters into their own hands. Those who seem to have fond memories of the junta that took over in the coup of 2006 seem to forget that they were pretty poor at running the country - remember the US$.22billion wiped off the stock market in a single day due to the capital controls imposes in Dec 2006?

    As for extra money that found its way to the military there is a useful article here:

    By 2009, defense budgets had doubled from $2.4 billion in fiscal 2006 to $4.8 billion in fiscal 2009. During the same period, the budget allocation for internal security rose from $2.2 billion to $3.26 billion as the threat of anti-government street protests rose.


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  8. It is hardly surprising that it won given that it had won it in the previous three years, a couple of which included parts of it being a "life fire zone" and underwater.


    And the airport under seige for two months.

    Amazing Thailand. There's nothing fishy about this award at all. biggrin.png

    To be fair, I am not sure if it won it that year as it was quite a while ago now.

    edit: just chacked and Florence won in 2006 but Bangkok did win best city in Asia.

  9. To be honest in the unlikely event such a global calamity occur, my main concern would be getting out of Thailand with my family. I wouldn't really fancy my chances here as a farang in Thailand if there was some sort of societal breakdown that these doom and gloomers seen to be fixated on.

  10. After reading the rave reviews on the khaonoi curry joint, I took my family there.

    We were surprised at how awful the food was .

    I asked the Indian guy who did the cooking.

    He told me it was his Phillipina wife..... <deleted>????

    In all likelihood, HIS cooking would have been a whole lot better than HERS...and HER waitressing would have been much better than HIS.

    I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did

    I thought it closed months ago?

  11. Here we have a guy who has a vehicle fitted with bullet proof glass for a reason but he walks around alone without personal security. Why? Anyone else notice the impact point on the glass. It is in the bottom left hand corner. You are hardly going to you target there as the seat was probably forward as Thais are shorter and need to reach the pedals. Rounds would probably of completely missed their target and gone into the rear.

    If they catch this guy a good defence lawyer will argue that his client only intended to scare his victim, that is why he didn't take him out prior to getting into his vehicle and why he fired into the bottom left hand corner of the window instead of more central where the main body mass would have been.

    Having just tried to assasinate the personal aide to one of Thailands biggest gangsters, one who claimed he didn't have any enemies because they all died, I think it will be a bit more than a good lawyer he needs when they catch up with him.

  12. Next question - why was Paiboon visiting Kamnan Poh?

    I don't suppose it occurred to the reporter, or perhaps he considered it to be too personal to ask.

    The answer to that may help with the earlier question.

    Would be more interested to know when he became a government official

    "Also visiting yesterday was Somchai's wife Satil Khunpluem, accompanied by Somchai's close aid Paiboon Pansanit"


  13. If you are talking about any health related products or equipments they all require licences which you should have obained in advance.

    DHL are not my favorite people but when goods have been sent to me in Chiangrai where they do not have a local office they reship with EMS and when queried give you the ems tracking number.

    One problem wiht all methods is that if duty is charged it is charged at the rate of the highest item in the package. If you have one shirt worth $5 and $5000 of books you will be charged customs on $5005 plus the shipping and insurance.

    Thanks I did not know about duty on all at highest applicable rate. - explains something. Not really logical....oh never mind.

    As mentioned duty levied on non courier dutiable items by Thai Customs are not excessive. From bitter experience (particularly with DH) I still go out of my way not to import via post/courier anything other than non [import] dutiable books or computer parts - as others have said you can get badly ensnared with something you would maybe not expect to. For computer parts I label "Computer part. Thai Customs heading 8741 no import duty payable" - shows I am not trying to evade VAT which is applicable but which they (touch wood) do not seem to levy.

    HS Code for computers is 8471 with parts coming under 8473.

  14. "Look closely at the photograph. Notice the headgear of one of the violent protestors? Hint - it is not worn by an elderly gentleman."...................

    Wow ! Talk about desperately clutching at straws. I suppose if one of the protesters was wearing a t-shirt adorned with a swastika then the entire group would be labeled Nazis. At least the only thing being worn that is red is a small star on a cap. And I cannot see any fires, that's gotta be a plus.

    There have been numerous reports of former CPT members being involved with the anti government protestors as well as some with obvious links to the red shirts including their leadership. There were 52 former CPT members in full uniform at the previous Pitak Siam rally with a suggestion that they had something to do with Gen Surayud in the other paper - headline " Surayud claims no connection to pitak siam " on 4/11/12.

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