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Posts posted by BenDeCosta

  1. 16 minutes ago, covidiot said:

    so what's the point of this article if you're not planning to go vegan?

    you're pretending to be vegan or going part-time vegan to get laid with a hot vegan chick?



    You think that anyone with half a brain would spend the rest of their life eating chick peas just to impress a girl? Have you never been to Beach Road?


    Usually, it's not what I eat that girls here are impressed with.

  2. 1 hour ago, Cuchulainn said:


    Yes, looks like the B5 stamp was the problem.

    Oh well, you live and learn!!



    I don't know where you come from. But in most Western countries, you'd get a phone call explaining that you'd done something wrong and they'd tell you how to remedy the situation. But in Thailand, nothing happens, the clock just keeps ticking, they are hoping that you won't care and that they will be able to keep the package. Assume that these people are idiots, and avoid their services as much as possible. 

    • Haha 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, clivebaxter said:

    Is it possible to just pay 4x two thousand baht fine every year not to bother with this nonsense?


    I'm sure that they would love it.


    "Buddhists do not believe that human beings are evil, but they generally accept that humans create suffering through their greed, anger and ignorance."

    • Haha 1
  4. The customs guys here are cowboys. If it's addressed to you, then they'll see that you have a foreign name.


    As mentioned, it's pure luck. I tried to have a package of used books imported from the UK and they tried to get me to pay more than the books were worth, told them where to stick the books.


    But I've have medications go through without issue.


    Computer parts are available here at very good prices so I don't know why on Earth you'd bother.

  5. 6 minutes ago, connda said:

    I expect there will an initial wave of tourists.  The bleeding edge.  They'll arrive with high expectations and then will be bludgeons with The Rules.  Perhaps a few will get excited and then find themselves in jail with the Thai press recording every aspect of their Crimes.  The Bleeding Edge will arrive to be subjected to a red-carpeted gauntlet of bureaucratic red-tape.  They will eventually be released from hotel house-arrest after being poked, prodded, tagged, tracked, traced. photographed, categorized, catalogued, and entered into files, notebooks, folders, and databases, "May I see your papers please?"
    They'll be released long enough to look around at the economically bombed-out landscape, take pictures, and relate stories to those back home via social media, and then arrange to get the heck out of the depressing vistage of a country who took it's tourist industry to the woodshed and put a bullet through its head. 
    They'll be one initial wave I expect, and then the National Economic and Social Development Council will be spot on.  The next wave won't arrive until the middle of the decade.


    What on Earth have you been smoking? Where can I get some?


    Even if the place is "bombed-out", there are still going to be many, many businesses desperately clamoring for each and every tourist dollar, when the tourists do finally return. And maybe, just maybe, because of the poor economy, there might just be some skinny and sexy young things looking for business, because they haven't been able to buy their beloved som tam and khanom jeen for several days.


    Thailand is not going to turn into East Germany, once this covid rubbish is sorted, hopefully the Thais and the tourists who love Thailand can resume normal operations in the next year or so. If anything, the powers that be will see what a disaster this has been and do everything they can to make sure that it doesn't happen again.

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Tropicalevo said:

    Most days now, flights are available for 2,130 baht - each way.

    That is only about 300 baht more than the price that I first paid 21 years ago.

    Not bad considering inflation over that time period.


    You can fly to Surat Thani for less than 700 baht. A package deal including bus from the airport then boat costs 400 baht. Admittedly, it takes longer, but that's almost half the price, and if a lot of people are travelling, it's a massive saving.

  7. 8 minutes ago, gearbox said:

    The tourism is in severe downturn, but nevertheless they continue to build eyesores...Choengmon beach.






    Those are eye-sores because they aren't finished. But if I was the person investing in such a development, I would want to get as much of my money back as possible and then run a mile. That looks to be an investment of a billion baht plus. Ouch.

  8. 11 minutes ago, jerolamo said:

    Yes, but there is many possible way to explain comportments.

    I've choosed to trust (but it can changes) that there is a two face on each medal of any cultural statement. In Thailand, you should not show anything else than smile and good speaking. People there try to show a kind of artificial intelligence and a fake power (from nice car parked inside a chicken house which life hope should be 1 year without cracks, and 10 years without fall down).

    I think there is a lot of frustrations to not be able to express any thing else than laugh and weather, to only have movies that never speak about anything else than rich people who never do nothing in there life but have everything, or spirit movies, to never be able to criticize any politic decision or what ever can be censored easily. In the same time, it should be difficult to hold this statement (who comes from high level society practice to not disturb other with our own problems and to show kind of hapiness face) with very low rate works comparatively with any other countries, to have low level study knowledge at school, and to be able to be implicated in society only by agree with actual statements. Very difficult for human to evolute in this kind of atmosphere.

    So then, because of poverty and modern dream to show any fake power, they also have to arrange with thet true by obligations. Social obligations (judgment of other is also stronger than other places, they don't speak outside, but they judge a lot... as lot of humans everywhere around the world... you see it or not, they do it, but quickly, turn the page).

    So when someone lie to survive a situation he engage for an image or o modern dream (frustrations => more stupid dreams to compensate), then by comodity and by cultural education (and you can choose as i do to also see the best part of the story there), they turn the head and never target the fault to not go ahead on fight and disorder, but also because everybody need to fall down the pressure at a moment... "He know that iu know and that i said nothing, soi then i can do it to, it would stay secret between us implicitly". It is not the corruption for money, but a kind of corruption for honorability vs frustrations.

    So they are thinking they should never show when they are wrong, because they also can turn the head for other that can be wrong.

    But as i can see, when they know they are rong, they will come back (them or someone from there family) tomorrow with food you like for show they are sorry. You should accept and know the force and the problem of each, then compose with that.

    It is an other one way to practice the life in this particular situation of life.

    I maybe forget some other things someone here will (think you for that) explain to me.

    It's just a wall of text. Please try and edit it.

  9. One of the first times I visited my wife's village, we went to a small family gathering. At that gathering, I pointed out to one my wife's family members that the front disc on her motorbike was scored and that her brake pads were completely gone. They laughed it off and probably thought that I was a know-it-all foreigner, yet only a few weeks later she was involved in a crash, which I attended. And guess who they asked to pay the hospital bill?


    They think that they are always right and won't listen to other people. I'm sure that there's a word in English for this, but I don't know what it is. But they sure as hell will take money from people that they don't agree with.

    • Confused 1
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