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Phuket Stan

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  1. Maybe you could tell that to the relatives of the now deceased Sir Edmond Hillary one of the greatest mountaineers of all time ( He along with Sherpa Tensing conquered Mt Everest in 1953) or perhaps to Dame Helen Clarke a former PM who was also a devotee of mountain climbing
  2. A Great Game of Snooker to watch.....both players at their best Well Done Thepchaiya
  3. Are your remarks from actual business experience ....if so what country
  4. Do you really think that this only happens in Thailand One often reads of 14-16 year olds in the UK running around stabbing people In the USA they shoot you All countries have problems with youth crime
  5. That road has been there for more than 20 years....how it has never been sorted out to be a legal road is just another TIT
  6. I suffer from COPD and yes you can get it from smoking and 2nd hand smoke so bars need to be given a wide miss.....Almost any dust will create problems and exhaust fumes are a special no no.....You need to live in an area where the air is quite clean And BTW have you tried to buy insurance when you are over 75 and have COPD.....makes your eyes water if they even come back with a quote......many dont..... A friend of mine always said insurance companies will only give you an umbrella on a fine day and its pretty close to the mark
  7. Same happens when many Thai people get to the top and then check their phones Grrrrr
  8. Wine used to be quite reasonable in Thailand during the 1990s but the huge recession that hit the country 1997 causing a huge (50%plus)devaluation of the currency.....The Thai HiSo had been drinking top class wines with vigor as if there was no tomorrow so the Govt banged on all these high taxes overnight...Champagne was cheaper here than in France
  9. Who is organizing the protest outside of the premises that the people were evicted from......Give the landlord some real noise to interrupt his precious lullabies....thing that it is
  10. Why don't they call in some Dutch Engineers They have been contending with flooding successfully for years...Or would there be some face loss if that happened
  11. Thailand could well do with a few thousand more with this mans thinking.....well a couple of hundred would be a great start
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