How does that apply to international hotel chains? Or even a small local obe.
Ripped towels, bad tv reception, poor water pressure. Bad bed.
All of that could be 100% accurate.
Their menu was rubbish. Stuff all choices 200 to 400 baht. No Thais dumb enough to eat there. Likely rubbish taste given they lie.
Had 300 baht seafood dinner for 2 at Thai restaurant.
To honour their sign otherwise its false and misleading conduct. Do hotels advertise 599 baht rooms then you walk in and the cheapest is 1200 baht? No they dont cause it would be dodgy.
I can pay 200 baht. Im not giving money to liars. Advertise 99 baht give it or throw sign in bin.
Last night i ate salmon on the beach. 189 baht. No lies on sign.
Restaurant has 99 baht specials out front. Good reviews on google, high score. Walk in look menu. Prices are 200 baht plus. I ask for specials no have. So walk out.
It was a farang restaurant. 99 baht pizza advertised but cant honour it.
Dodgy farangs.
Thats better. Shorter post. I read the whole lot this time. Internet provides distance. In a bar get a headache listing to a lecture. Can just read 10% online then skip.