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Everything posted by Sparktrader

  1. No you are bored. Counting posts. Judging others whilst complaining Richard had a go at you.
  2. Yet you keep reading.
  3. You spent your time counting 555
  4. Maximum purchase quantity 15
  5. Who did he vote for?
  6. Prawn soup with mushrooms Clams Veges Rice No it wasnt scary
  7. Private doctors charge more.
  8. Aldi large pizzas were 72 baht.
  9. Pay that 555
  10. I walked. Im not too embarrassed to walk out. Their loss not mine. My gf hates pizza so couldnt share it and zero Thai on menu.
  11. True but cheese only pizza 200 baht, 250 with toppings.
  12. Lucky them. Get a better job.
  13. Posting experiences isnt trolling. You are the troll.
  14. Yeah Im not sick often so I dont go to many hospitals. The hospitals I have been were good. Everything? No.
  15. Had 69 baht burger and fries, Thais though. Farangs would have charged 299 baht.
  16. That review was very negative and subjective.
  17. Is that a steak sandwich?
  18. TA response is good. Most would read that and not go. I know the location. Stayed nearby.
  19. CM has 200 properties in Old City alone for under 1200 baht. Maybe you should travel to Thailand and you will find out.
  20. Whats that
  21. Most hotels charge 500 to 1000 baht a night in Thailand outside Bangkok.
  22. Jigsaw puzzle? We mostly play chess.
  23. For posting my experiences? Ive never seen a dirty hospital.
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