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Everything posted by ArcticFox

  1. KYC. They all want personal information, even in your own county.
  2. Well if all else fail? Call the troops out again. But then ???? Maybe a younger and hungrier general would like a shot at power. Best case scenario the chess pieces are rearranged on the board.
  3. I will give ya'll an update after a speak with him tomorrow. ????
  4. Is the Secretary-general of the APTC a Buddhist scholar? Sounds like a sour, dour old man. The monks are not serious enough? Sompong. Lay off the lemons they're skewing your reasoning. If the monks are making Buddhism interesting for the laity as well as younger people - then it's best to butt out. It's like saying that if you make learning fun that it's no longer serious. I know farang Forest Monks who crack jokes all the time. Get real.
  5. Notice that "several governments are mixing vaccines." So this is where politic leads science by the nose. It's like allowing a five year old into a Michelin Class 5 star kitchen to cook dinner for the family. Some things are better left to the Chef. I'd like to see metadata analysis of ALL of the randomized, double-blind studies on mixing two different vaccines together.
  6. Who checks the MSM outlets that the fact checkers say publish only 'the facts.' Nowadays 'facts' are fungible. @Pravda Have you noticed how the New Normal news media now shares similarities to Soviet era Pravda? ????
  7. No wonder most of the public are suffering from severe whiplash. I'd say that most of the plebs are on the verge of becoming unhinged. It's the new normal equivalent to Shaken Baby Syndrome. Close close close. Fear fear fear. Open open open. Money money money. Fear fear fear. Close close close. Fear fear fear. Money money money. Open open open. Close close close. Fear fear fear...............
  8. Anddddd............... All Thais will be able to grow 6 cannabis plants at home like any other Thai herb.
  9. 100 cases / day "Shut Everything Down. Danger danger danger. Shut it all down!!!" 13.000 cases / day "Open it all up. Open open open. Money money money!!!"
  10. That's sort of interesting. With novels you create the narrative in your mind. It can be a very rich tapestry. I wonder if some people can't create mental imagery or are at least not drawn into that imagery and instead prefer visual stimulation. Not good or bad - just interesting.
  11. The field of immunology is being rewritten before our eyes. Amazing. So two contradictory statement were made: Those with Covid-19 are mandated to get the shots... Those with Covid-19 are advised to get the shots...
  12. Regardless of the transmission vector - the argument applies.
  13. This mix and match vaccine strategy has no clinical basis. This is when politics trumps science. Politic demands a solution then creates a solution and calls it "scientific." If my first vaccination was Sinovac, my next vaccine will be Sinovac. If my first vaccination was AZ, my next vaccine will be AZ. Mix and match is untested insanity. "But <so and so> university did a study!" Look at the country you are in. Look at who produces what. Look at the conflicts of interest. If you get them for free you have no choice. Fine - I'll pay for them. My body - my choice.
  14. When vaccines and drugs are rushed without proper long-term safety studies? Bad things happen. The rushed Covid vaccinations are no exception. Why do we question. We study history. Just to shoot some holes in your assertion to trust Big Pharma - the first two scientific publications (linked below) are regarding the devastation of polio vaccines which were not thoroughly studied before rolling out to the public. Are polio vaccines beneficial to humanity? Absolutely! I want my children to have a polio vaccination. Were the first ones rushed without proper testing therefore causing needless suffering? Absolutely. So, some of us want to see long-term safety and efficacy date before climbing onboard the Covid vaccination train. Does that make me and others Anti-Vaxx - no it does not. I am not Anti-Vaxx, I'm pro-safety. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1383764/ https://www.statnews.com/2020/12/07/covid-19-vaccine-safety-lessons-paul-meier-polio/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21507989/
  15. Yep, via the Aedes albopictus mosquito. I've been there, had that. That's why we stay very well informed regarding Dengue cases in the villages. I don't want it again.
  16. Getting a test for Covid when you have no symptoms is about as logical as getting a test for Dengue when you have no symptoms. I know, the argument is that if your asymptomatic you could spread the virus. The same applies to Dengue. So should we all get periodic Dengue tests 'just to be safe?' ???? No. Imho, the answer is that people have become completely neurotic. Most farangs are irrational germophobes as it is. Take a deep breath, and pull ya'll selves back to sanity. Buy a couple of Covid 'antigen' tests from the pharmacy (they are not "antibody tests" which are something different and pharmacies don't sell those). If you feel really drained or fatigued or start to display cold-like symptoms - well then by all means - test yourself. If I or my wife ever pop positive we'll self-quarantine and follow the Zelenko protocol. What anyone else pops positive what they do is up to them. Quarantine, turn yourselves in to "authorities", go to a hospital which will then turn you into authorities. Personally I want to stay as far away from concentrated groups of Covid patients housed in the 'field hospitals' which then exposes you to high levels of virus as well as the potential to contract other variants. And the concept of forced incarceration rubs me the wrong way. Hopefully anyone who pops positive at least quarantines as that is socially responsible and if you are asymptomatic or only mildly ill you can stay safer in self-quarantine than risk the danger inherent in being incarcerated in a field facility.
  17. What a class act. "Dare to censor me and I'll hold the entire country's economy hostage. Go ahead - make my day!" I hope the parliament notices what happens when single individuals are granted total power and control when that power should be wielded by legislative representatives.
  18. Try this link to a search page on Shopee. You can order it cash on delivery. https://shopee.co.th/search?keyword=กระท่อม
  19. I would venture that people need to weigh what their "leaders" say based on this criterion as we are now told via the political class that restrictions on essential freedoms are necessary in order to keep the fearful citizenry safe and worry-free. “On some positions, Cowardice asks the question, ‘Is it safe?’ Expedience asks the question, ‘Is it politic?’ And Vanity comes along and asks the question ‘Is it popular?’ But Conscience asks the question, ‘Is it right?’ … The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of convenience, but where he stands in moments of challenge, moments of great crisis and controversy.” - Dr Martin Luther King, Jr If this ever ends, people should ask themselves what will remain for their children to inherit when Constitutional freedoms give way to what is safe, what is politic, and what is popular. I do know where I stand.
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