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Everything posted by ArcticFox

  1. Mommy got sniffles. Daddy tests positive. Mommy tests positive. Mummy and Daddy separated from children and left in care of - Who? Everyone tossed in a quarantine or hospital. "Children safe but you no can visit." Sure they're safe. Like I trust Thailand with the well-being of my children or grand-children without me present. "Mummy and Daddy in Covid jail Nong. You no worry. Uncle Somchai take very good care of you." <10 to 14 days later> Sorry insurance no cover Covid if you no sick. You pay 400,000 THB for Thailand take care of family or you no can leave Thailand. Uncle Somchai take good care of children until you have money. You couldn't pay me enough money to expose my kids or grandkids to Thailand in its current state.
  2. Now? Drink a beer and get arrested and deported as well as called every name in the book except a human by Thai and virtue signaling farang alike. These polls are at best nonsense which are regurgitating past demographics and applying them to a reality that no longer exists. I.e., ox and buffalo manure.
  3. And remember - Thailand! Best Place To Retire!!! Well, except when you can't enter the country during a lockdown because you're foreign scum. Can't return to your Thai home, can't return to your Thai family. And then when you can, you have to jump through hoops Thais do not. "I have a condo and assets in Thailand!!!" "I'm married to a Thai and have Thai children!" You foreigner. You danger to Thailand dirty foreigner. The only thing that makes foreigners "clean" is perhaps multi-millions of foreign capital which you transfer to Thailand! We make you citizen now! You rich maak maak!
  4. By the way. I don't buy any of this. Covid has screwed the world's tourism. I want to go to the Netherlands - hummm cops firing live rounds into groups of protesters. Nyah. I want to go to Ireland - double jobbed and a nasal swab to have a beer. Oh! Wait! Triple jabbed now or you're "Unvaxxed? Can we see your papers please?" <then you get Omicron anyway>
  5. Past - Old Normal Present - New Normal "Nong. If you digital nomad and make 1 million THB a month - welcome to Thailand. You! Dirty backpacker. We no want!" Normal young people - "Let's see. I have to wade though all this paperwork, applications, insurance, tests, and if I have a positive Covid test in Thailand - I'll get thrown into Covid Jail? And what? The bars, pubs, and night entertainment are closed. And wear a mask all the time outside of your hotel room or risk a $600 fine? <makes farting sound> Pluuuutttttt! Humm. Mexico looks good even with cartel members shooting each other from jetskis."
  6. GPO has an economist who understands how to maximize revenues and profits!
  7. Submitted without comment. The article can be found on Bloomberg via Internet search. EU Warns Repeat Boosters Could Weaken Immune System "European Union regulators warned that frequent Covid-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune system and may not be feasible. Boosters “can be done once, or maybe twice, but it’s not something that we can think should be repeated constantly,” Marco Cavaleri, the EMA head of biological health threats and vaccines strategy, said at a press briefing on Tuesday. “We need to think about how we can transition from the current pandemic setting to a more endemic setting.”" Complete article on: Bloomberg, By Irina Anghel, January 12, 2022 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-01-11/repeat-booster-shots-risk-overloading-immune-system-ema-says
  8. I've shared that with friends back in the home country. I think James put it succinctly as he as completely ignored by Thais dressed in Hazmat suits. "I can't believe how they treat me!" Yep - you are a nobody, Farang. Welcome to Thailand, 'eh?
  9. Yong just ramping up the fear to extend to 'fear of children' which will end in more school closures. The Thai school system is poor at best, but the continual school closures and masking and decrees on movement and congregation will make this group of Gen-Alpha a truly 'lost generation.'
  10. Police radioed ahead but the KIDNAPPERS all got away. Call it what it is. But? Perhaps in Thailand their is no such offense as kidnapping?
  11. So in other words, it's been pointed out in International, non-Thai polls that retirees seeking a place to retire may actually want to retiree in Thailand and spend their retirement funds in Thailand - so - lets ignore them and look for better potential visitors, like perhaps new billionaires. Heck if Thailand can entice a few billionaires then they can make retiring in Thailand even more difficult as all those billionaires will spend, well......billions. Who needs retirees? Thai Logic.
  12. What a joke. A lot of those girl can make that in 1 or 2 nights.
  13. Trust the science, well, unless it's inconvenient to your narrative. It's best to spread fear. You can ever can be too safe. Covid will get you. Quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) studies have been conducted to understand and characterize the relative risk of SARS-CoV-2 fomite transmission and evaluate the need for and effectiveness of prevention measures to reduce risk. Findings of these studies suggest that the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection via the fomite transmission route is low, and generally less than 1 in 10,000, which means that each contact with a contaminated surface has less than a 1 in 10,000 chance of causing an infection https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/more/science-and-research/surface-transmission.html
  14. Absolutely correct. And after Omicron will come Pi, and after Pi will come........well, you get the picture. Close that "loophole" permanently and protect Thailand from the threat of outsider vermin coming and contaminating pure Thais. Shut the borders to all but the rich. The rich are all clean.
  15. If you're over 65, best to go to Mexico. You'll never afford the insurance premiums, and if you can, the insurance will be so filled with exclusions and moratoriums as to be worthless. Go elsewhere my foreign friends. Thailand simply wishes to milk you dry and then cast you aside.
  16. I'm sure that Yong The Great will issue a proclamation anytime now.
  17. Two years of Covid lockdowns and restrictions - then this. Pathetic joke at best which obfuscates the realities of a xenophobic country and their Immigration laws and practices, as well as completely ignoring the Covid situation as though it doesn't exist.
  18. How to make ATK test go positive so they don't need to go to school.
  19. Forget the tourist areas and go native. Explore. That applies to all of Thailand as the 'tourism' areas have as much life as a box of rocks. The government has successfully killed them - so do what we did before Thailand was a tourism mecca - go find your own mecca. There is a lot of culture left outside of the now - dead zones - of previous foreign tourism in Thailand.
  20. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Sure, Thai girls are cute, but Czech girls are voluptuous. But Czech gals are in short supply in Thailand, so Thai girls will do (IBTC).
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