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Everything posted by ArcticFox

  1. Forcing foreigners into expensive hospital isolation is a serious income creation scheme. Force everyone to have $100K Covid insurance and then test them numerous times just hoping that they'll pop a positive PCR - jackpot for the hospitals.
  2. It's interesting that those who seem to be the quickest to label a sex worker as "a whore" with all the demeaning connotations behind the word - ironically are the same ones looking for those services. Considering so many new words are being injected into the English language one would expect that we could come up with an equally offensive term for the guys looking for the services of those whom they call "whores." Talk about irony. Or we accept, like adults, that there are those with needs and those willing to provide them for a price. Even in what may be termed as a conventional relationship, the sexual aspect of that relationship may be based on sex in exchange for financial security. The place where one crosses over into the other is rather murky in my opinion.
  3. Buy from iHerb<dot>com. Keep you total purchase under $46 and there are no duties. Yeah, you'll have to make multiple orders but you'll save money.
  4. Recent case data from Ontario. I think we need better vaccines. https://covid-19.ontario.ca/data
  5. Here's a good example of the veracity of high-tech MSM who are considered to be purveyors of the complete truth, like Facebook. But you have to ask the question: When "fact-checkers" who don't have the credentials to actually check facts are allow to inject their bias - what chilling effect does that create in journalism? This is how neo-censorship now works. The trouble begins when 'fact checkers' start calling out peer reviewed medical journals and claiming their publications are wrong and therefore should be open to censorship. Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial BMJ 2021; 375 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n2635 (Published 02 November 2021) Cite this as: BMJ 2021;375:n2635 "Rapid Response: Open letter from The BMJ to Mark Zuckerberg Dear Mark Zuckerberg, We are Fiona Godlee and Kamran Abbasi, editors of The BMJ, one of the world’s oldest and most influential general medical journals. We are writing to raise serious concerns about the “fact checking” being undertaken by third party providers on behalf of Facebook/Meta." Full article here: https://www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n2635/rr-80 "Fact checkers" don't check facts, they manage narratives. Big difference.
  6. The question should be, "Who creates the narrative?" Who creates the particulars regarding 'variants' and their spread. What is verifiable by the average man and what is taken completely on faith? Are you on the inside or the outside?
  7. If you really wish to find out who owns the narrative of an American main-stream news outlet, then look no further than who provides their primary revenue. What are the primary corporate entities purchasing ads on prime-time MSM news outlets? What's the commonly accepted narrative pushed by the MSM? Who's provides the majority of the station's funding through ad revenue? What I perceive is conflicts of interests: The Fourth Estate becomes the Fifth Column for a price.
  8. It was the Fourth Estate which unfortunately has become the Fifth Column. For those who fail to understand what I wrote, chances are you are consumers of Main-stream News. That is why you need to seek out information sources outside the what has become the New Pravda. And study history as well.
  9. I stopped watching MSM news about 15 years ago when it became evident that it was no longer Huntley and Brinkley or Walter Cronkite providing the news in a plain matter-of-fact manner. By 15 years ago it became evident that the MSM was News-A-Tainment. Here in 2021 it is either a Left or Right Echo-Chamber. I continued to read The Nation and BKK post until I could find the newspapers for sale. I like to sit down at a cafe with a beer or coffee and read the rag although I understand the MSM perspective. Then the printed papers disappeared. Reading on the smartphone just ain't the same. So I'm pretty much done with MSM and new get my information for places like Substack where journalists like Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, and other investigative journalist - who still have journalistic integrity - continue to write. I find that these left-wing, liberal journalist who refuse to publish for the Borg Hive-mind tend to have a balanced, almost centrist worldview.
  10. And just imagine if you pop positive on a Covid test. Then it's an additional two weeks of forced incarceration in a hospital. Mexico! Great beaches, weather, and food. No Covid drama on entry.
  11. Kbank's "worse-case" estimate for tourism in 2022 at 23 million arrivals just dropped by another 25%.
  12. We're right back to Thailand opening the entirety of Thailand to travel on Songkran after the Thong Lor hotspot breakout that spread across the country. The government is going to repeat that once more with Omicron on New Years Eve and my guess? They'll get the same results.
  13. But - if I was the OP this would be my reply: "She is not my boss." Then reiterate. "I'm older and wealthier than her." Not only should she wai me first, but her wai should be at the proper height to covey to proper respect toward me - her elder and superior. If Thais wish to play this game - then know the rules and make them follow them.
  14. Find a different bank. If they continue down this road, then any aspirations of attracting the wealthy and well heel" isn't going to happen when they can't transfer funds into Thailand.
  15. Regarding Kratom. Lord. It's a nothing-burger. Why have they been throwing citizens in prison all these years?
  16. Unless you are a "Friend Of Anutin" you'll be thrown in jail for growing or possession of ganja. "Legal" only means for Anutin's buddies and the buddies of his buddies. Not Anutin's buddy? Prison for you!!!
  17. So the sole manufacturer of AZ based in Thailand is the primary benefactor of government largess?
  18. No no no. I don't like it. The Cold is a sign of Global Warming the the destruction of the planet.
  19. New coronavirus cases in Thailand continue to decline.....until they rise again! ????
  20. I believe my President. ???????? Anyone who doesn't believe our Commander-in-Chief?.... is a Dog-faced, Pony-Soldier Conspiracy theorist! Truth.
  21. : https://www.news24.com/news24/southafrica/news/covid-19-stop-tracing-and-quarantining-of-contacts-says-ministerial-advisory-committee-20211219
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