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Everything posted by ArcticFox

  1. Well of course he does. He need to be taken to a special Hilton hospital to care for his maladies. ???? I wonder how many of the common prisoners in Thailand' general population suffer from similar or worse conditions and how they are treated? I imagine Black Panther Soup Man will be treated with kid-gloves Hi-So prisoner treatment not afforded the normal riff-raff - like his co-accomplices. I wonder where they will rot.
  2. The 'super-rich' businessman could have booked a hunt in Africa for pretty much whatever he desired.
  3. They may be 'eschewing alcohol' as they embrace cannabis. So if Pattaya (and Thailand) want to attract Gen X, Y, and Z they better loosen up their cannabis laws.
  4. Lock the borders and make everyone stay in their homes! It's the only way to remain 'safe.'
  5. A Thai friend has assured me that Premchai's stay will be less like the Bangkok Hilton prison and more like the Bangkok Hilton hotel. Private room with all the amenities not offered to the general population.
  6. Given the drive to eliminate all Night Entertainment, I doubt they can give it away.
  7. Now - will they defer his sentence to house arrest or simply parole? Does Thailand have a country-club prison for the wealthy? This story isn't over imho. Not in a country with a known two-tiered justice system. If he actually does the time for the crime? Then my respects to both Thailand and Premchai for not doing a Red Bull Runner.
  8. Omicron is under control. Well unless world governments want to stoke it into the next plague that only new vaccines can control which will inject another few tens of billions USD into Big Pharma. Governments dance to the tune of the highest bidder. So we'll see how much flipping and flopping goes on between now and year's end. And if not Omicron, then The Deadly Pi is no doubt lurking in the wings to bring us full-circle.
  9. "According to Pfizer, the adverse reactions and deaths confirms a favorable benefit: risk balance for BNT162b2." Which to date Pfizer states it expects to generate $36 billion dollars in revenue in 2021 alone. They have just a tad bit of a serious conflict of interest. This will eventually be analyzed by independent medical experts, organizations, and researchers who have no conflicts of interest or monetary gain. These metadata will be compared against all other previous vaccine research as vaccine safety profiles are compared. If the differences in safety profiles are statistically significant - there will be calls for investigations into the FDA's regulatory conduct. If the comparison between BNT162b2 and historical safety data for most vaccines released for public consumption are the same and not statistically significant, then the independent metadata studies will validate Pfizer and they will be vindicated and can use those studies to market their product safety. We'll know a lot more within the next 6 months to a year. However, the optics for attempting to bury this data for 55 years isn't good. If there is nothing to see, why attempt to keep it from the public if the data actually shows a great safety profile as we are continually told?
  10. One other item to note in Pfizer's concern of the vaccine's safety is the potential for Vaccine-Associated Enhance Disease, Including Vaccine-associated Enhanced Respiratory Disease. Those terms are defined here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7901381/ To summarize, the vaccines enhances the ability of 'wild-virus' to infect host cells creating more damage to a vaccinated host than to a host without the vaccine. The issue here is there are no long term studies of these vaccines. Which is why the average time it takes to develop a 'safe' vaccine is between 5 to 10 years. The long-term studies would identify and quantify the risks of Vaccine-Associated Enhance Disease, Including Vaccine-associated Enhanced Respiratory Disease.
  11. The FDA working with Pfizer attempted to have all of Pfizer's Covid vaccine documentation sealed for 55 years. Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency filed a suit against the FDA to have the documents released. The court ruled in favor of the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency and the Pfizer documents were order to be released to the public. Copies of Pfizers documents can be found on the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency web site (https://phmpt.org) Of the documents to be reviewed by independent sources, the live trial data published in the document 5.3.6 CUMULATIVE ANALYSIS OF POST-AUTHORIZATION ADVERSE EVENT REPORTS OF PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) RECEIVED THROUGH 28-FEB-2021 (link: https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf) Section 3 - Results outlined the adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccinated as Pfizer reported to the FDA. This is Pfizer's trial data as reported to the FDA. Read it for yourself. For those who don't wish to read it - a summery: "Cumulatively, through 28 February 2021, there was a total of 42,086 case reports (25,379 medically confirmed and 16,707 non-medically confirmed) containing 158,893 events." The 'events' are then broken down by age, sex, and types of adverse reaction.
  12. About the only folks who I can see having a need to stay are those who are working and those who have Thai families. Many Thai wives of foreigners do not wish to leave Thailand. It takes about one good, cold winter to make a Thai immigrant to the Northern latitudes urge hubby to move back to topical Thailand.
  13. You have to leave the country every 12 months on an "Elite" visa. That doesn't sound too elite. And given the fear-mongering around Covid, the borders could simply be shut at any time if enough paranoia builds up in government circles. To pay all that money for an 'elite' visa that forces you to jump through significance hoops annually. I thought the whole concept of the Elite Visa was to pay significant sums of money in order to bypass some of Immigration's bureaucratic stupidity. I guess not.
  14. That's the one thing that immediately gets beat to death when we find them. Even cobras get tossed over the wall to slither off somewhere else. Centipedes? Nope.
  15. I'll tour again when Old Normal reappears. Until then - I really don't care.
  16. We can only hope so. Just keep the bull in a china-shop model chugging along for all things covid. I wonder how much economic damage needs to be done before the population really tires of it.
  17. Well chicken-little should be losing its head by now as the sky will surely fall in.
  18. You can go to a hospital to get the test. That is what this is. you're purchasing a coupon for a hospital visit. The problem her that if pop positive for antibodies, you will be force to then take a PCR-Test. There is no way I know of obtaining the actual rapid action IgG Covid-antibody tests in Thailand.
  19. And what they government is telling you is that they don't want you to know as they make it next to impossible to buy anti-body tests you can pick up at any drug store in the US.
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