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Everything posted by WhiteBuffaloATM

  1. Key Visa continues to be the only strongly & consistently recommended UK Passport Renewal Agency on various recent topics on this forum. Indicates they can be fully trusted in all respects.
  2. Possibly but its glacially slow. Arabs HAD advanced civilization,or knowledge of it, with close proximity to Ancient Egypt & Mesopotamia, for three thousand years, beforethe Romans civilized western europe. they actually went backwards from 800 years ago after Mongol destruction of Damascus & Baghdad, the most advanced cultures then. they seem to have rejected social modernity as inconsistent with their culture. which suits the feudal rulers in place.
  3. nobody should be listening to politicians on health matters. I don’t go to a nail salon to buy insurance.
  4. Passport, COR, Thai Car Driving Licence ( you & wife) ,Wife Thai ID, Wife House Book, Car Blue Book ( Showing Wife as Reg. Owner), COPY All, You, Wife, Car, DLT Form Completion (Thai). Confirmed at DLT last month.
  5. secretary and flight hostess are not “prestigious” jobs. and why should that matter. she’s married to a us citizen. case closed. issue visa. assume the kids are not american. but denying her the visa is denying her kids grandparents the right to see their grandchildren. where is the compassion ? just money is it ? and if they did apply to stay lpermanently later, how could they be denied that either ? kids are or should be american by father. if why not ?
  6. sounds good.very knowledgeable & assertive. except why would politicians at that level be remotely interested to intervene with somebody’s random visa denial. unless they happened to be looking to fight that battle for higher purpose. otherwise, nothing in it for them.
  7. Consequences of living at sea level or river valley or flood plain….in a monsoon country ….with terrible drainage…….not recommended even in advanced country.
  8. Denied How ? For What Stated Reasons? Normally Rejection Letter w/ Reasons…….
  9. China worse. genocide, disapperances, autocratic. articles written but never reappear ( uighurs). nothing much said or done by the west as west addicted to ccp money…… China substantial money in Sport for sure but better concealed I imagine. Newcastle situation will not go away. big mistake by KSA to think that the outspoken english fans and newspapers will stay quiet like their masters. they couldn’t give a toss. protest banners and critical articles will be out for every match. nightmare for the saudi owners and the english director wife……. CIA said that Crown Prince MBS directed that journalist murder….. in their own embassy ……breathtaking arrogance.outrageous that KSA, North Korea, Sudan still sit in the UN……KSA sits on UN Human Rights Council !!! China I get is simply too large & powerful to kick out……..
  10. “ registration”…..3 year jail term …..surely no applicable Work Permit? ……if so, shouldn’t be taking that risk of jail / deport.
  11. So no American or Thai airlines even mentioned…. between BKK & LAX…. no service or just bad ?careful Korean Air doesn’t overfly Russia again ….understandably no mention of Malaysian Air……. US airlines a potential nightmare…. passengers treated like meat….getting abused, manhandled and pulled off flights to accomodate staff !
  12. Phuket has Zero Bans since 1Nov on Alcohol, Bars, Bar Girls, Pubs, Nightclubs, Live Music. No GoGo though…..yet. phuket must have become Independent on 1Nov or has informal concession as Sandbox.
  13. the only asians who really “get” democracy are the Free Chinese (Taiwan, Sing, HK), civilized smart people, long exposed to western ideals & systems. even in the other free advanced nations of Japan & Korea, democracy had to be imposed and remains somewhat alien. and in west & south asia, democracy is simply incompatible with the brutal backward cultures. democracy will certainly never take root here due to poor education & passive culture.
  14. That 2017 Expenditure Table is Ridiculous; silly combined regions like “Americas”, “Africa” & “Europe”; no breakout figures for USA / Canada, West Europe, Russia, Taiwan / Singapore, Arabs; stating Indians & Africans spend (50% !) more than Europeans; no regional visitor numbers of people or total spend so the ( what, ten ?) Oceania vistors spend per person is actually irrelevant, etc, etc.
  15. TRUE. In addition a Car Wrecking or Karaoke Bar or Ice Crushing business or Difficult Thai CAN move in next door, at any time……That’s why you AVOID Thai Households / Neighbourhoods Completely. Foreigner Only Complex in Tourist Area suggested…. strongly. Thais Normally Avoid any “Common Fund” Developments. Difficult Cranky Old Farangs still around though. Surrounded by Them Here. After Buying House Off Plan. Fixed by Police Reports from my Thai Lady. Check The Neighbours !
  16. appears your problem was in getting the TM30 residence reg. not CEV. Without that TM30 Receipt stapled in passport its impossible to get any visa or extention. CEV doesn’t need “landlord docs.”.
  17. Massive Subject. Do Six Months DUE DILIGENCE. In & Out of Country. Many Large Decisions. Buy or Rent, Build or Existing, Freehold or Lease, Home or Investment, Developer or Private, Gated or Open, Urban or Rural, Sea or Mountain, House Design & Size, Quiet or Lively. For Best Peace & Quiet & Quality : Do NOT Live Near Any Thai Households !
  18. Phuket obviously an independent country now. Phuket near fully opened from 1 Nov.
  19. Covid Extention Visa (CEV) does require, in passport, valid thailand entry / TM30 Receipt/ TM6 Form. Without any of these you would need an Agent but never heard or saw of Agent Use for CEV ! Because so easy & simple.Fill out three “Stay Extention” Forms with Photocopies of your Entire Passport Pages / Photo / 1900 baht. Gets you an “ under consideration” stamp to return one week later for actual 60 day CEV. Repeat every 60 days.
  20. Yes, I insist on paying my “stupid tax” ! I buy six single tickets outside the local “sewen” day before draw at 80 baht each. such small money I never noticed the 3 tier pricing.always assumed tickets discounted few days before draw to get rid but now see its maybe because the “lucky” tickets are sold out ! obviously the locals have little or no understanding of mathematics & odds…….where every number has an equal chance of winning. the practice here of buying the same number more than once also defies logic….far better to have ten chances at six mill than one chance at sixty mil ! in the west, understanding that, its not even possible to buy same number more than once ! nobody would do it …..unless superstitious……but with the “lucky number” superstition it makes every sense ! TIT
  21. no info given on your imm. status. just get Covid Extention Visa to buy time. maybe ed & vol visa available again before CEV stopped.assuming you’re under 50 so no OA visa chance.
  22. “Priceless” Indeed. This Clown tried to “export” his brand of Stupid but was properly Denied. “Diplomatic Immunity” Fail….. Major Health Fail …by a HEALTH Minister… Huge Face Loss Fail. Aides must be just as Dumb. Their job to check their Boss’s vax against required jabs.
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