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Everything posted by WhiteBuffaloATM

  1. al right then. xylo has closed the loop. just would not be asking any foreigner whether or not I have filled in a UK Passport Form correctly…..
  2. you are aware that nearly all rural thais leave school at 14 …..and work on the land….or in factories. hence would be uneducated unskilled labourers or peasants…. just factual.
  3. smutcakes: understood with 200 owners, crikey…..but the unreasonable minority can simply and formally be voted down or out and taken to court for any retaliatory non payment and any private services withdrawn. thats one advantage of formal committee & MOM. we have had this problem even with seven owners, the “ special ones” who dont want to pay their share because they have thai company, or dont use the pool or gardens so wont pay share of furniture, or complain the common utility bills. the clue is “ Common” . Every Unit pays same or based on m2. No Exceptions. You bought a pool villa and dont use the pool. Too Bad …. for you not us. This guy had a corner unit so gets more HousePaint than others. We dont charge him Extra….. As our Water is privately supplied by our mng. co.we simply cut and sealed their water at common supply point. No Water no life. worked a treat. owner / family ejected / banned from pool when using chairs not paid for……we have an aggressive Resident Owner Rep who doesnt take any nonsense…..
  4. any bank asking me for a embassy letter or immigration doc. outside passport stamps, can get lost. opened a new account with Kasikorn recently. passport only.
  5. transam : because Agent obviously “cannot do it all” . they certainly cannot or should not be completing uk passport forms …..
  6. RJ: my general point is that all kids must be protected from stupid parents and have by law all govt. recommended vax; polio, diptheria, MMR , Covid etc. Parents otherwisePenalized under Law.
  7. Agent will act ONLY as convenient Courier between you (document pkg Out) & VFS (passport Back). Applicant ONLY must strictly follow ukgov/passport procedure, fill forms etc. No Agent help here. From the limited nature of your OP, and your comments, its not clear how well you understand the whole process.
  8. smutcakes: all true and already clear from the start. OP about Sinking Fund, not specific to Condos. For Condos etc. I have proposed that the practical physical success of any Residential Complex Common Fund is Important not Legal Compliance. So much depends on effective Owner Group control not Law.
  9. still the quickest way. wherever you are. thats what you asked. how would we know where you are ? many forum members are in their home country.
  10. yes, should be law, for societal protection, no opting out, extend it to all vax, esp. for kids, no different to wearing seat belts or bike helmets.sensible limited exceptions of course. break the law= penalties. no vax or legal exemption ? stay home until vaxxed. no visitors. cant work from home= unemployed.
  11. scott: already established in CCP Szenchen, a cashless high tech city near hong kong…… coming soon to all other major CCP cities…… and yes eventually to civilized places too….
  12. credit cards are unsecured loans based on credit rating in turn based not on health or assets but solely on past contractual loan repayments history. age may be (wrongly & illogically) “ assessed” by banks….it wouldnt surprise me.even though older people tend to be wealthier, asset- rich, & more reliable, than most millenials for example living paycheck to paycheck, without a pot to <deleted> in…… A 30 year old diabetic alcoholic will have a far shorter life expentancy than a 70 year old healthy guy.
  13. anybody read the “get hospital letter” part of my post.thats “helpful”. but sure just ignore that…and the “feudal headman” observation… over your heads …..I get it…..you’d rather colaborate with the “ headman ruling” bs …then it just gets worse….actually defending the idea of an uneducated peasant type controlling quarantine.….and therefore local populations……delegated below police & medical levels…..I know, TIT…. yet another reason, never mind being “ 600kms” away from your essential medical care, never to live in your wifes remote backward farming village…how is that living safely the idyllic tropical dream?
  14. outcome is all. all those kids lived saved. british / aus. knowhow, skills and courage at their finest, triumphing against massive odds with reducing available time due to imminent flooding.with great thai & usa support too. movie or doc. coming out soon ?
  15. ueah Scott but the OP Header is “ …….Help Protect Yourself Against Covid” not “Secure Immortality”. Read the article about that very old lady walking out of hospital here. Incdibly her Immune System had not Degraded with Age.Lucky yes and incredibly Rare ! That young Runner was possibly NOT actually Healthy. Over -Training could easily have Weakened her Organs & Immune System……Possibly eating wrong or insufficient vegetables or too much Grain, for example…..easily done…. corn & carrots & grain for example would be a terrible diet …..
  16. “reference to the (UNFAIR) terms and conditions of the (THAI) policy” less regulation = unfair terms = denial of claim / cover and severely restricted cover following related claim …. well known common pratice in the “thai insurance industry” and reported within this Forum.
  17. Options: nearly all Thai Citizen Medical Treatment in Thailand is Free at Govt. Hospitals ( well, 30 baht each visit). MRI / Other stuff extra at Govt. Tariff. Some Thais feel they are not well treated under this scheme, long hospital waits, waiting lists for non- emergency operations. Use of convenient / comfortable Private Hospital would mean buying Private Insurance, for cover already in place, which could however also be valid Worldwide.
  18. some people here got to have their drug dependency and lazy “early grave” lifestyle I see……..
  19. Strange OP and Comments. DL renewal process unrecognisable from mine six months ago…….. “13 digit number for tax or covid cert or pink id” = “Alien Registration No.” why nobody knows that ? there was no online appt.booking. go to office with known papers. get appt.for reaction tests & DL issue….. no e -learning either ( unless DL expired over one year) just reaction tests at DLT office no such thing as “ private” DL “vehicle papers” are nothing to do with DL that “dodgy” 2 yr licence via “ agent” perhaps ?never use DL “agents..
  20. secure personal passport office appointment in uk.two day service ?
  21. no expert but follow the Finland Model. no formal schooling until aged seven. waste of time and money. by age 10 the age 7 starters have caught & surpassed the age 4 starters. separate Thai Language study from all else which must be Western / English. asap get the child to english - speaking country for college/uni.
  22. no, your drugs wont do it. side effects. unnecessary. free up your mind & body to do the job. eliminate “conditions” by maintaining good health. secure best health & immune system though plant- based diet, HIIT exercise, sleep, weight control. stop eating junk.get western vaxxed. get winter flu jabbed. never taken any drugs in my life beyond occasional prescribed pain killers & antibiotics. I’ m 65 and perfectly healthy with high mood / energy.
  23. thai politics are not the proper concern of non- thais here. no control = no interest. we can only comply with resultant new laws affecting our lives. which can often be mitigated so IS something we do have a degree of control over, so practical interest in……
  24. thai govt. obviously want the benefits of rich settled expats but not the risks and inconvenience of self - insured / uninsured medical bills
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