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Everything posted by WhiteBuffaloATM

  1. Philippines: hmmmm…. not for me….been there….wonderful Phil.lady… detested the strange place….. bastardized mess; no real culture; american material aspirations; asian but catholic ; everybody Poor ! <deleted> english (they call it “fluent”); everyone that can….leaves for overseas work…..
  2. ITALY SPAIN MALAYSIA PORTUGAL In that order. thailand fifth. cultural heartland towns. NOT the tourist areas. SAFE & CIVILIZED. dont get the lawless, <deleted>hole, serious crime haven selections : Mexico, Columbia, Cambodia. nor the expensive remote sea level islands: Tahiti, Reunion, Maldives nor countries that hate native english speakers : France nor most recent genocidal state: Serbia
  3. should just have got permission to put on a show…… great entertainment…… risking only the riders.
  4. FB gone would be no loss to humanity….robotic …already shunned by the under 35s I hear. Instagram and WApp thoigh appear to provide decent service/ value.
  5. zz: just calling it as it is …. not criticising or suggesting any imposed changes. yet you have somehow jumped (humourously) to criticism & “civilising change”. actually that change process would be required for modernization (as done by Japan ) ….. but wont ever happen here…….no capability…..not calling for it either…. though I pity the lower 90% locals betrayed by their corrupt leaders……bur ‘twas ever thus…. here exists roughly the same situation as UK working class 100 years ago….
  6. “As it happens I read the same in western media. It is a simple mathematical formula, where with the contagious nature of the delta variant herd immunity is not possible.” —————————————————————————— Anybody have any idea what this means ?
  7. the irrational “statistician”goes from contemptuously and falsely accusing sensible folk here of “predicting the future “….then does precisely that himself …with 99% accuracy….. ten years ahead !! anti- vaxxers may have the right to chose, and I defend that right, but when chosing wrongly (not to vax), like any life bad decision, severe leper -like consequences, from the governing vaxxed majority, are soon coming… and rightly so…… taken to ICU to witness covid deaths……. unvaxxed “camps”maybe…no job outside sealed home……no leaving their residential property…..no visitors ….no staying family……wearing hazmat gear outside their doors ( garden / roof/ grounds) ……complete physical isolation from all other people / society….. no vaxxed friends……no good reputation…. but hey, your choice….. what price their deluded “principles” then I wonder……..these clowns will be getting vaxxed in droves….” late vaxxer” shaming still awaits…..extreme but so would be the likely vaccine denial if THEY were in charge……
  8. On 10/1/2021 at 10:11 AM, redwood1 said: I think anyone what wants a vax should be forced against their will not to get one... It would not bother me the least if this happened right, so this post has come from a mirror / reverse fascist universe where evil is the norm and good is something to be resisted. would means millions systematically left to die, despite prevention being available. in fact THIS is where the anti- vax idelogy ultimately leads. thanks for showing us your hidden agenda. if they were in charge THIS is what they would (like to)do. like leaving people to randomly drown or burn or bleed out…murderous criminal statement. unless actual “humour” of course…. bad taste if so…..psychiatric treatment otherwise required. cant imagine how that statement has got past the Moderators.
  9. point taken about state licences from republics. but govt. photo id in english. state govt. or national DL should be equally valid. but TIT. so just get the IDP then.to be legal here. then use IDP to getThai DL once here.
  10. foreigners can legally own a 30 year Lease or Usefrucht for Land or Property. they can also legally control ( hold) land/ property through a thai property development company. who freakin’ cares how thai names are spelled by foreigners ? thailand “great” for the simple cheap safe idyllic tropical lifestyle & relaxed people culture buddhism. the truly Great Modern Countries (Overall) are UK / USA/ Russia/ China/ France/Germany/Japan. .the old Great (Super) Powers……. only USA a superpower now…… in the Ancient World the Greats were : Egypt - Sumer - Harrapa- China- Greece-Rome-Persia. only China survives today as the oldest continuous advanced civilization & people. and kindly cease this nasty undeserving/unworthy questioning harassment of the new member id….. who are you exactly to be telling him what he should do ….. that ‘s rhetorical btw…..
  11. kanada: you take yourself pretty seriously. i dont live alone but have a large property. bigger losers are those with a charisma / personality / humour bypass….. sound familiar ? i have a tremendous loud sneeze as well ! curious these are considered “loser” behaviour …. ? worse things than being occasionally and harmlessly immature…….. both considerably safer than drinking, drunk driving, drug taking or wife / kiddie beating wouldnt you say….now THATS Loser stuff , from which Im Free…. or are these perhaps examples of “ mature” behaviour ?
  12. “ extremely unlikely” ? too generous by far. its impossible. btw I introduced earth age as a simple example proof…..but to no effect……absolutists and pseudo scientist followers are oblivious to reason……no, its impossible as current age already established with complete certainty as minimum 4.5 billion years……was then said but science might find its 7 or 9 billion old. just ridiculous baiting. as also impossible. new tech might maximally move it in range of 4.6 to 4.8 or so but thats gonna be it !
  13. this cant be right. all western DL should be accepted for routine Thai DL. only “ reaction” tests needed. Check this Directly with DLT Website, print website applicable data and take directly to DLT Office. if STILL no joy just use an Agent to get around this BS………
  14. never saw relevance of “cases” or “ infections” in any scenario, except AFTER full adult vax. it cant be suppressed or contained, its EVERYWHERE so just assume cases & infections are 100%. then move on to just getting every adult priority vaxxed…… only THEN conduct systematic Testing for meaningful Cases & Infections to plot Covid Decline. multiple testing variables, complexities and differences render USELESS all prior testing / cases / infections extrapolations, projections and comparisons ……. and distract from the Primary metrics of DEATHS and HOSPITAL.
  15. Ping: agree mostly BUT govt. are resetting tourist accom. by removing guest houses and pool villas from contention by denying / removing / limiting the critical SHA+ Cert. , thus limiting trade to “proper” hotels mostly owned ( by room qty / high end rating) by rich thais. these hotel owners then left to set (competitive) rates to at least try to cover operating costs / overhead. all your “ open up “ recommendations were actually operating on friday night in Bangla ! although Im told this was all “ illegal”………
  16. STOP need not be an Absolute in the english language. “Stops x % covid spread” is legit language style. Whether factual or not is a separate issue. big fan of covid absolutism I see but always in vague argumentative terms, without proper justification. looking for or creating the sligntest cracks in “ pro- vaxx” case. Defending anti - vaxxers ( or rightly their freedom of speech) by wrongly implying 100% Guarantees and No Risk for covid vax are reasonable expectations. No vax has ever been 100% effective. The Covid Vax is clearly / absolutely a BRILLIANT human achievement..Saving millions of lives. consider the many thousands of unvaxxed dying in hospitals. Leaving entire grieving families behind. Children. Sons & Daughters. When they NEED NOT HAVE DIED. Believing false prophets of doom. Worse, when certain such hypocritical anti - reason “ prophets” have actually been vaxxed…… malevolent motive then clear …… UNVAXXED are now around 97% of covid deaths in UK/ USA. Dissent THAT. Yes, people should not be compelled to vax BUT they must take the consequential societal sanctions; group isolation, home staying, separated from normal society, getting fired, losing reputation,etc. usual deliberate provoking / agitating / baiting of reasonable sensible members here. condescending / patronizing tone when espousing utter nonsense. repeated use of overused word “ very” is nearly always a tell giveaway of a faker with no real case. whole demeanor, at first comical, has now become insufferable. especially in near minority of ONE on this subject. forum ban would normally apply for consistently breaking at least four forum rules. have raised matter with the Moderators. have avoided addressing specific member and no use of word YOU here trying hard not to violate the complex forum rules myself so not banned.. hopefully no doubt though we ALL know WHO is being referenced here……..
  17. right, fair warning then, so good job I didnt stay at any bar that evening, just recce work !
  18. britman: do keep up. im not talking about my contacts. i have no wasters around me. go back to OP and read my original reply. talking about the up cointry deadbeat type that give us all a bad name . this keeping Immi boot on our necks.
  19. “Well done now the bib will go down and close them down idiot”; logic and sense not your strengths I see…… btw there was a Phuket Governor notice lifting restrictions effective 1 Oct…..bamgla got the memo… so in your expert judgement, patong police were, and continue to be completely unaware, that the entire freaking town from bangla to holiday inn beach road, was open with bars, bar girls, alcohol, live music. ….right…… so lets not tell the expats here…… lets not boost the business…. lets keep it SECRET certainly one idiot here in this conversation and its clearly not me ……
  20. it was, all over Patong and Rawai that night, in line with official 1 Oct Phuket Governor Notice.
  21. moreover, these dogmatic pseudo types are always asking for 100% Guarantees and Zero Risk even when 99% + Safety & Risks for No Vaxx is all clearly Proven / Demonstrated in Real Life Tragedy. Get them to an ICU Ward to see their ideological comrades, the poor fool unvaxxed, begging for the vax in their thousands, with their dying breath. Show them the Long Covid Outpatients with Great Holes in Hearts & Lungs and Brain Damage. They certainly cannot be persuaded by WORDS only ACTIONS.
  22. there IS something wrong with humans at genetic level resulting in “collective mass psychosis”and requiring a constant mental battle through the ages to overcome our low level hardwired emotions with higher level logic and reason. otherwise what explains fascism or communism or religion? they all needed terror to take root, reinforced by constant repetition of unreason and lies. Unlike true science followers who are rational, open / change minded and accepting of new evidence & conclusions, the pseudo science religion cohorts are irrational, rigid and dogmatic in their narrative- driven conspiracy theories and consequently WILL NEVER CHANGE. Pointless arguing sense with fools.
  23. so I post a factual upbeat report about the 1 Oct Phuket Restrictions Lifting which promptly gets a Denial Post and a Sad Face emoji ! typical doom & gloomers here I suppose……
  24. Wrong KB: i was down Bangla at 6pm Friday 1 Oct and it was in full swing just without nightclubs. same in Rawai that evening too…….
  25. jazzdog: “ I wouldn't be too sure of that, you obviously rolling along with quite the bitterstreak”. bitter ? about these pathetic moaning freeloading wasters leaving their wives, kids with <deleted> all…..its outrage ! explained why I’m not getting poisoned ( if thats what you mean). plus I only eat what shevand our boy eat ! ! .see there’s no disputing what I’ve stated re.these wasters…..
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