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Everything posted by WhiteBuffaloATM

  1. foreigners cant get bank or finance loans here. whats it for ? survival, sounds like desperation ? if unsecured loan, terms seem fair by local,stds. is this loan sharking secured against property or vehicle, etc.…. if so dont do it !
  2. 1OCT ; phuket only threevdays ago opened up bars, barbgirls, live music , alcohol…. first three months near useless for nightlife but good for DAY time ; beaches, temples, phuket old town, central mall, diving, sailing,golf
  3. No Worries. Much More chance of her dying from covid or road accident or pool / home mishap. it is JUST another approved SAFE vax like all the others shes had to have…..
  4. Damn ! so Jayboy its just the money they want for PR, i.e. Profitable Thai Company then ! Plus have to have a local Charity record right …. ?
  5. well sometimes I can let rip privately with my infamous “ Simpsons Burp Trophy” (Buffalo Burp) effort inside my sealed house alone which nevertheless penetrates the glass windows and wooden shutters and “carries” 100 yards or so……
  6. Surely IDP an unnecessary step.Use US Licence lebally on arrival here. use that to get Thai DL within two weeks or so.applies to all western DL.
  7. BUT i have made some other steps towards PR like Residence Lease Owner ( 10 mill baht invested 2007), Tabien Baan, Pink ID, Alien Reg. No. and Thai Dependent Child. Only ever had two ( expired) Longstay Visas though, Retirement 2015 and Education 2021. Now on “holding” first Covid Extention Visa.
  8. interested in PR for myself. Marriage & Thai Language not required I see. Thai Operating Company with Three Years Profit Accounts the Big Issue. As in I dont have that or plan to get that…….
  9. GP: NO, you have no reasonable point. incredible you cant see that and just dig yourself in deeper…….. whilst its true that science is constantly advancing and therefore naturally refining its findings, that by no means permits the 4.7 to “suddenly” become 45…… although yes it might become 4.5 or 4.8 based on new technologies aging the earths rocks more precisely . However, this is quite UNLIKE the unyielding dogmatic Creationists whose non- science bible story based “belief” of 4400 years old has NEVER changed…… you DO see the difference here between Fact and Fiction right….. maybe not then…..
  10. aint no chum. wont be explaining anything. certain folk here having insufficient capacity…. and rank bad attitudes….they fail to “find” anything of value….. not understanding simple factual or logicalstatements ….. constant little “throwaway” trolling soundbites…… in response to serious comments.. posting gratuitous insults instead of intelligence …. right, get it now… attack the messemger… unable to address subject……not normally down in that sewer…… since I’m asked, no, its far from “clever”, just moronic playground stuff….. embarassing actually. some people here care nothing for their own reputations ….or those of others…… only as expected from certain discredited members though…….
  11. transam: difficult I know but do try to process and understand posts before foring off replies which have no obvious connection…..”tabloids” and “ bloke down the pub” making zero sense here… is that somehow “ clever” then ?
  12. GP: disingenuous posts again. “ both sides” bs again. no tational or scientific equivalence here. only right and wrong. anti vaxxers are simply plain wrong. they remind me of Flat Earthers or Creationist Loons denying mountains of scientific evidence against their moronic pseudo-scientific “ claims”. no rational person cares a damn what is believed ot claimed, only what can be PROVEN. But there is “uncertainty” with Vax, Evolution, etc., they say….. NONSENSE. Sufficient Evidence Exists Beyond ANY Reasonable Doubt….. oh but they are not reasonable are they ? Earth Age is “disputed” they say, no it’s not . It’s agreed by ALL scientists that it’s between 4.6 or 4.7 billion years old. that fact is not a Dispute…… jeeeez.
  13. Be Cool….stupid bravado / decision to escalate threat of violence with actual violence….. likely result is hospital or prison…..or worse…..Unless you are Scott Adkins with skills and nothing to lose…. WALK AWAY, always…..its hard….i know…. but you never know just who you are dealing with……. the most harmless looking person could just be a stone cold psycho pencil killer from the movies…. or pull out a concealed gun or knife….or call over his five mates…or have police / mafia connections…… .oh yes….just count to ten, stay quiet, eyes on and walk away….. let it go …..or plot discrete cold third party retaliation, especially if wife or kids threatened by some madman…..offending foreigners can be hospitalized for 500 baht via a trusted local…….
  14. yes Kanada, for me its like farting or burping in front of strangers…..
  15. GP: certain outspoken yet irrational people (wrongly) expect to be treated “with respect” , as an “equal” , when spouting complete danherous nonsense. I will not be complicit in that. they are fools and nowhere near by equal in intellect or rationality. calling out such nonsense or being endlessly tolerant of it is not “being reasonable” it’s Cowardice.
  16. GP: disingenuous posts again. “ both sides” bs again. no tational or scientific equivalence here. only right and wrong. anti vaxxers are simply plain wrong. they remind me of Flat Earthers or Creationist Loons denying mountains of scientific evidence against their moronic pseudo-scientific “ claims”. no rational person cares a damn what is believed ot claimed, only what can be PROVEN. But there is “uncertainty” with Vax, Evolution, etc., they say….. NONSENSE. Sufficient Evidence Exists Beyond ANY Reasonable Doubt….. oh but they are not reasonable are they ? Earth Age is “disputed” they say, no it’s not . It’s agreed by ALL scientists that it’s between 4.6 or 4.7 billion years old. that fact is not a Dispute…… jeeeez.
  17. worldwide common “shared” pool etiquette & hygiene standard is to be Publically SEEN to shower poolside every time before entering water, regardless of unseen prior private cleaning activity …… surely all rational adult pool users know this………otherwise judged as uncivilised/thoughtless / dirty. brave of that guy to approach and raise it with another adult male…….probably an uncompromising type ……who knows how to handle himself……
  18. GP: disingenuous posts again. “ both sides” bs again. no tational or scientific equivalence here. only right and wrong. anti vaxxers are simply plain wrong. they remind me of Flat Earthers or Creationist Loons denying mountains of scientific evidence against their moronic pseudo-scientific “ claims”. no rational person cares a damn what is believed ot claimed, only what can be PROVEN. But there is “uncertainty” with Vax, Evolution, etc., they say….. NONSENSE. Sufficient Evidence Exists Beyond ANY Reasonable Doubt….. oh but they are not reasonable are they ? Earth Age is “disputed” they say, no it’s not . It’s agreed by ALL scientists that it’s between 4.6 or 4.7 billion years old. that fact is not a Dispute…… jeeeez.
  19. suchit: “ the long term effects of covid vax” are almost certainly NONE …… or about the same odds as finding the flying spaghetti monster orbiting Pluto or that God has a white beard. trialling vax for 15 years like in 1960’s is simply not required any more due to current medical / IT tech…….the knowledge we DO have already indicates NO long term risk….whereas risk of dying unvaxxed is relatively HIGH….. a “ no brainer” decision to vax isnt it ?
  20. tbl: yes UK is much reduced and declining but STILL possibly the greatest country overall. and far from “:pathetic” ……. your argument is factual but entirely negative with no positive balance
  21. Considering the widespread claims among vaccine denialists that vaccinations offer no protection against transmission of covid-19, it is a very timely article. And this information is extremely useful for epidemiologists in helpng them to make more accurate predictions. ”claims” from utterly discredited anti- vaxx (or flat earh) loons can be rightly ignored by sensible folk. specialist scientists will already have their necessary data from their own verified institute sources. study is probably just another academic money grab so is likely not “very” or “ extremely” anything.
  22. tbl : its not about you or living there. somebody here said “ UK pathetically named” so I challenged / debunked that with history. I ( too) go there only as a visiotor sinve 2000. I believe term “ world class” is clear; economy, culture, people, language, sports, achievements, nobel prizes, history, inventions, institutes, education….. really, do I need to go on……?
  23. right, think I’ll stay with western medical institute opinion on that… FDA/ EMA / MHRA
  24. atlantis: I forgot your “breakthrough” infections; my AZ gives me full 100% (99.99 then!) protection from death or hospital, per FDA AZ Phase III Vax Trials.can you actually name even one case in ten thousand as “breakthrough” of a fully AZ vaxxed person dying in hospital. bet in fact its zero……no UK case where it was invented and has the most usage….. no known case in thailand either……or anywhere that I heard so disingenuous to say I’m spreading misinformation… and can you stop using that word “very”…. and term “very very” …..unlettered practice.
  25. fair riposte Atlantis; higher standard than before; truly did not realize the extent of the anti vaxx lunacy in USA, make that “ few hundred thousands” then; but immune people who have survived covid obviously do not need the vax; good point on efficacy but shall be guided by AZ notices on when booster(s) required. yes, I am a “big picture” guy who drills down from the top of the data mountain only so far, big ideas, big statistics, big outcomes only……
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