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Everything posted by WhiteBuffaloATM

  1. surely thats true ? fully western vaxxed sandboxxer tourists CAN catch it here and transmit it BUT only with Highly reduced numbers / viral load / symptoms AND they wont have any serious symptoms ….or die. So there is little or nothing to fear here…..
  2. Oct 1 Phuket: Bars, Bar Girls, Live Music, Alcohol all Legalized & Available. No Nightclubs yet. Mask Wearing was “optional” in Bangla Road last ( first) night ……..
  3. checked and you are right ! it was hep B they misdiagnosed, sorry…..
  4. Moderators: apologies please DELETE my above Bradiston Accidental Copy Post and replace with :- “ I contracted HCV (Hepatitis C virus), don't know how or when, not a drug user, but it showed up in my annual check up”. Had similar experience in Rome. Said Impossible as I’m vaccinated ! they checked and apologized…… even if not vaxxed would get immediate expert second opinion …….
  5. CHUBB PA Insurance. Best / Cheapest Thai / International Cover. Child or Age 40 (my Lady & Son) 7,500 baht each yearly. Age 65 (Myself) 15,000 baht yearly. 300,000 baht cover per Accident. Accepted by All Thai Hospitals for Direct Insurer Payment. No Deductible. Just Present your Chubb Carry Card at Hospital Reception & Sign Bill. Have Done It ! If Minor Accident use Private Hospital for greater Comfort / Service / English. If Major Accident use Best Public Hospital (Vachira Phuket for example) to consume cover limit at govt. tariff rates ( around one third private hospital rates). Recommend Mr. Eric Dohlon, my expert Swedish / Thai Insurance Broker. Website insurance- in - thailand. mobile 089 649 3012. Supplemental LMG Low Cost Health Insurance ( Thailand Only). 7,700 baht yearly at age 65. 440k baht cover per incident. 200k baht Deductible. 15k baht yearly with 100k Deductible (age 65).
  6. Life Rule : Dont Ever “Complain”. Damages Your Reputation & Harmony. Make Calm Requests.. Report Factual Deficiencies in Neutral Measured Proportionate Manner. Encourage Immediate Corrective Action with Please & Thank You. Personally I struggle to follow my own advice here but thats the standard I aim for……… Fully Agree with Complainants in this case though. Top Food Dollar Demands Top Food Quality / Service / Qty ! Even a 30 baht Street Meal confers the Rights to the Represented Food …..and not to be Poisoned.
  7. “how else do you meet govt std of then possibly leaving / returning ( Phuket or Thailand) with one AZ jab ?” this is known as a “rhetorical question” , one not needing any answer. your “answer” is that “ all countries are different” . such a masterful original statement ….. I would never have known that……thats sarcasm btw…..OP and my post refers only to Thailand
  8. “So you got burned but as a "professional expat father" with 40 <50 years soured experience you actually believe it qualifies you to Teach (take lessons from)” you seem unable to process plain english without drawing absurd conclusions about my life, beliefs and qualifications (which then bizarrely get “ liked” ). you have no clue what you are talking about. it is precisely because I have always protected myself that I have NOT been “ burned” or “soured” for 50 years …..or any years…. seems you have been though……. being married three times is nothing to publicize either……
  9. no “brinkmanship” mokwit, thats grandstanding politicians at play….. its all hidden tensions flaring up sometimes…. not “old” just truth…..
  10. kenny thanks. was of course over generalising / over simplifying. highly informative retort. pre -covid Phuket Patong sidecar food sellers could earn around 40 k monthly , as my thai lady…… her sister is really poorly paid by govt because she had some prior court trouble and lucky to be hired at all ( family connection). good to see govt teachers can be well paid. govt education disgraceful though and thailands worst problem after poverty…….
  11. reads like beta male / simp/ inferiority complex …. “ always” is correct & absolute & yes, hidden….. “ arguments” rarely to be tolerated….” upper hand” aint no illusion….. my money, my house, my rules……” most …negative stuff unimportant”… its Important. no “obssessing” shes just gone …..
  12. right so off topic, ignores OP, ignores my customised reply …… jeez
  13. kwasaki: not the grammar police here but seriously, 2 words from your 3 word trip -induced post are misspelled.…..if “ wow” is even a proper word……and no , I am not “weird” just 65 year old conservative educated professional expat father ….who has lived a broad life….. probably I have 40 (or 50) years extra experience on you, judging y your limited “comment”. wise people have learned to take lessons from older folk not to judge them……
  14. some highly naive romantics here I see. be romantic ….thats human but be practical and realistic… thats wise…… wise protects your body & soul …….zero tolerance guard / tripwire set…. NOW you can relax and enjoy……
  15. govt vax centre will or should always refer you after each shot to designated local govt. hospital with your vax batch paper to get your govt vax cert for first second third shots. one friend left the vax centre after first AZ jab with Nothing ! how else do you meet govt std of then possibly leaving / returning ( Phuket or Thailand) with one AZ jab ?
  16. speaking of related songs and time favoring males, how about the very apt : ” time iiiiiimmm…. is on my side, yes it is “ Under My Thumb ( Mick Jagger / Stones)
  17. finicky: exactly, so you didnt realize that this male- female stuff IS ALWAYS a competition if not an outright WAR ? ….
  18. “ we need to be honest” , yes with ourselves, not with women here, Tell Them Nothing. Explain Nothing. No Benefit to You ! Make & Judge ACTIONS not Words. Talk is Cheap & Weak here and seldom understood, respected or actioned from thai women side……..remember “ protect yourself at all times” and that they are Simply Not Rational in your western ethical or logical terms……. Very Material Culture masked by token Buddhism…….
  19. “supporting family” or “moving to her village” or “ assets in her name” or “ building/ buying her a house” ………ARE YOU CRAZY BOY OR JUST PLAIN STUPID ? ( said to Forrest Gump when he’s enquiring about buying a Shrimp Boat…… with his entire savings ……because his dead buddy says do it…..after shrimps gone ten years before …….)
  20. all Sports here at low level ( except Muay Thai, Golf, Badmington) for two reasons Material / Survival Culture and Humidity…..kills it all stone dead…….Rugby is a Temperate Country Sport …….outdoor physical exertion in humidity, without history, without sport culture…..good to see such early development…..dead end unfortunately…..like Rugby in Romania or Geogia…….
  21. sympathise mokwit but mistake right there to believe they will ever change, by recognizing western logic or any other event …. what flaw is presented is permanent…..get rid at once ! thats my zero tolerance in action ……served me so well over my time here…..
  22. “ teachers and govt. people” are “monied” ? seriously ? poverty level yes is 2k month. my lady’s sister is a thai govt worker on 12 k month. same for teachers in her town….. lets call them employed rather than monied ? so begs question which thai demographic earns less than basic govt. workers…? even the sidecar food sellers & local stall holders are pulling down min. 30-40 k arent they ? farmer types hard hit I believe by low friut * veg prices so stopped farming ?
  23. that .”fear” and resultant behaviour would have violated my successful very strict “zero tolerance”” policy immediately …..and she’d have been cut right there…….unless it came late on in the relationship and she deserved a “ concession” , especially if she had been cheated on………
  24. Great relationship for ten years now & child. Educated progressive lady. architect. 25 year age gap is no problem.had to suspend my “zero tolerance” policy few times. which protected me for years from less suitable women. have to show who the boss is too sometimes. marriage gives way too much value / power to women. little in it for men that I can see. she has travelled & stayed with me in Europe and Korea. great company. interested in ideas like me. she operated her own watch business pre- covid (which I was happy to fund). shes switched to online plant business. shes still very thai though. eats only thai food with occasional Italian, has her superstitions like ghosts & thai astrology (charts predicting future!). hates the self serving establishment. never asked for money or marriage. has renovated / refurnished house & built / planted our lovely garden. everything in my name. she gets all my thai assets in the will. plan to transfer the car & motorbike to her name next week.she’s earned that. never planned to invest more than the 3 mill baht here for small house. then bought off plan pool villa for 10 mill in pre- crash boom times thinking to make profit of 5 mill two years later when Built. 2008 / 9 crash left me stuck with it. so developed / lived / rented it. luckily its a great seaview pool villa property. good location & design. separate ground level apartment below house. so can live / rent either at same time.trying to sell (again) now to fulfill her dream of small self design / build house.( 6 mill budget) happy to fund that as shes earned it and well worth it and theres her and our childs future to financially secure here.
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