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Everything posted by grandpa

  1. 'Scores of Russians Injured.' In England, a score = 20, therefore there was only 1 score +7 = 27 Russians on the bus. 10 were uninjured, (27-10) leaving 17 injured. By my reckoning that is not even a dozen and a half (12 + 6 =18) let alone 'scores'!!
  2. I always admire someone who is prepared to stand up for his or her principles, even if it means a jail sentence. Everyone should have the right to refuse to do Military Service especially those who stand for Peace. My father was a Conscientious Objector in World War II. He was , as I am a Pacifist, and was imprisoned for his beliefs, before being released to do work on the land. Following the war, he was ridiculed, scorned, spat on, and generally seen as a persona non grata. In his work as a bank clerk he was overlooked for promotion due to his beliefs, whilst ex-servicemen, with far less experience or qualifications were advanced beyond their capabilities. So it takes a brave person to stand up for their beliefs, as in addition to imprisonment, they risk being shunned by society.
  3. A digital wallet is no good for the elderly who do not possess a smartphone, or those people in Isaan who live more than 4 km from shops that will accept the scheme! My 90 year old father-in-law fits both of those categories so it will be useless for him.
  4. Good to see they have got a Police General in charge of education. That should sort the shambolic education system out!
  5. In UK, the new Government takes over the day after an election. This is all a nonsense. I am sure that Sretta has his Cabinet already worked out and ready to go to the king to swear allegiance. Why does the secretariat need to check eligibilty, surely if they are eligible to be MPs they don't need any other qualifications, or do they?
  6. His daughter says he is returning to Don Muang Airport. But maybe be all a scam. If I were Thaksin, I would return to the Isaan heartland at Khon Kaen or Udon Thani Airports, claiming an emergency landing, which would catch everybody off guard and he would be welcomed by his old red shirt comrades.
  7. When the doors of the pictured bus are opened, the stickers will be virtually impossible to read. Imagine all the frustrated passengers waiting to get on a bus as the first passengers stop by the opened doors to read those miniscule stickers!!
  8. Is that the same as an aneasthetist in English?
  9. I love a catchy codename!
  10. Congratulations! I believe that I am related to you from way back through Genghis Khan and I would like to share your good fortune with you. Please send me 5,000 baht! Many thanks.
  11. She is certainly getting RC about it!
  12. There appears to be no urgency with regard to a rudderless country! Most democratic countries would have taken action one way or another by now in order to get the country moving again!
  13. Surely less holidays would be more beneficial for Thailand's productivity! In any event, the majority of people other than Government employees do not get these additional holidays!
  14. That says it all! MPs are clearly not people. Not sure what that makes Senators!
  15. I don't think that wasps bite, just sting. Only last year I got stung by six of them, when I got near to their nest. The force with which they hit you plus the sting made me fall down and I felt quite dizzy as they hit the back of my neck! The neighbour destroyed the nest by setting fire to it with burning straw on the end of a long stick!
  16. Do none of you have an ounce of compassion for someone who is suffering and being treated for depression, which is a serious mental health problem! Mental Health issues of any description can lead to what most people would regard as irrational outbursts, especially if they forget to take, or run out of their medication. People on here are far too quick to condemn without the full facts. Any of us could suffer from mental illness at some point in our lives, I know, I have been there, and the last thing that is needed is callous, derogatory remarks. Compasdsion and understanding is the best way to help someone with Mental health problems. Please remember this. Thank you.
  17. Wow! It will take billions of BAFS (Blue-Arsed Flies) years to do that! ????????
  18. The article writer does not seem to know much, so a bit of a non event! Facts are important!!!
  19. No wonder that you never see police officers out and about doing their jobs if they all have as many sidelines as this young lady does!
  20. Hope they gave them tazer instruction too. Firearms should be restricted to specially trained armed response teams rather than every plod on the beat!
  21. That's because it wasn't!...........................................They'd all been sold!
  22. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!
  23. Why do we have Border Patrol Police in Khon Kaen? As far as I am aware, Khon Kaen province does not border any other country.
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