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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. So, Israel could locate elsewhere too? I believe that neither could do so.
  2. Far right interpretation of the impossibility of moving 2 million people to where?
  3. Stop the OT nonsense. I've got better things to do that read this tripe.
  4. AP seem to disagree that what you claim as evidence actually is.
  5. Indiscriminant bombing of civilians is playing by the rules? Some seem to be distracted by a lack of uniforms as not playing by the rules.
  6. How a bout Macron? Does he count? Refer a thread dedicated to his criticism of Israel
  7. Does the distinction somehow matter? Stop clutching at straws.
  8. To the extent that Hamas is using human shields they should be condemned but you are using that as a pretext or deflection from a factual war crime.
  9. Israel says Hamas militants are using hospitals as shields for fighters but hasn’t provided evidence of that, while Palestinians and rights groups accuse Israel of recklessly harming civilians seeking shelter. https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-gaza-hospitals-be55b16dd18e55be1b8ad395163ca19b
  10. anyone elected to a federal government position in their country.
  11. https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/israel-palestine-war-hamas-gaza-one-of-the-most-densely-populated-places-on-earth-scarred-by-war-4461971 You'r eon record for accepting targeting of civilians as acceptable.
  12. When it';s absolutely impossible to avoid massive civilian casualties, it is disingenuous to claim it was not deliberate.
  13. Are they wrong? Does their status under PM, President or KIng render their opinion irrelevant?
  14. Trying to twist logic. Ask yourself how hard would it be to avoid "hiding" among civilians in the most densely populated are of the world.
  15. Is this a ham sandwich? https://aseannow.com/topic/1308598-israel-is-at-war/?do=findComment&comment=18496936
  16. I posted one above. Here's another. How about you produce a single link that shows they are not protected by international law.
  17. You claimed that Hamas was firing from hospitals and when challenged for evidence you run away like a child.
  18. You misquoted me. I said that world leaders are making that accusation, not just me.
  19. I provided links, always do and you should be well aware of it. Are there any circumstances in which you would accept that your government committed war crimes and condemn them? Do you think your country has ever committed a war crime?
  20. Yep. In the most popualted 25 km2 in the world, human shield accusations are moot. Are there any circumstances in whci you would accept that your government committed war crimes and condemn them?
  21. Wilful targeting of civilians is not collateral damage. Collateral damage is accidental. Reread my posts and tell me which one I didn't support with links to a claim of fact.
  22. Pathetic in the extreme. If you had an argument you'd support it with links. You're only capable of vitriol
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