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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I don't think you're Robinson Crusoe. :)
  2. Well, they lack the ability to care about how they are regarded by society writ large.
  3. In my opinion there is a cohort of racists, misogynists, incels, political extremists, religious zealots and other social misfits who really don't want their ability to cast their message of hate and intolerance to be curtailed by restrictions on what they post. You'll usually hear the words "first amendment" pretty quickly from these people.
  4. Anything to which people can reasonably and predicably draw offence.
  5. Most wealthy foreigners in PI live in gated communities. That's not the case in Thailand.
  6. I know they do. It's inconceivable that they don't. No government has ever not controlled its military.
  7. All I see are opinions and excuses that absolve mass killings of civilians, not evidence of non commission of war crimes. The Human shields claim is a classic example of this non defence.
  8. It does actually mean that. There are war crimes behind every mass civilian killing in war. Always has been, always will be.
  9. Is it possible it wasn't deliberate or that Israel did not know they would kill hundreds of civilians? This is what happens when far right religious governments get power.
  10. What circumstances can you conceeve of where it may not be?
  11. Hundreds of people died. That is indisputable. Here's a nother little factoid. Israel has dropped more bombs on Gaza than the US dropped on ISIS in a month. https://www.tbsnews.net/hamas-israel-war/israel-dropped-more-bombs-gaza-6-days-us-led-coalition-dropped-any-month-fighting
  12. Everybody, bar none, gets their info from the media. The facts are that hundreds of civilians died. Do you dispute that fact?
  13. Is there even the remotest possibility of Jabalaya not being a war crime?
  14. There's a saying in the Philippines about making a small fortune. I have run a factory on the Clark SEZ. My advice is don't. I also did soem work training staff for an IT company (call center) on the base. The factory left the base because the bribes on the base were more than the taxes.
  15. Was the bombing of Jabalaya even possibly not a war crime?
  16. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/2/un-rights-office-says-israeli-attacks-on-jabalia-could-be-war-crime Of course, Netanyahu will never do the right thing and protest his innocence at the ICC. Here's a man that will never travel outside his country again.
  17. Was the bombing of Jabalaya a war crime or not. If not, why not?
  18. Was Jabalaya an accident? Did Israel not anticipate hundreds fo civilian casualties? It seems soem lose their moral compass when it comes to their team.
  19. I just saw this thread. Get well soon, mate. cheers.
  20. I cited 2 world leaders. The apologists for Israel will clutch at any pearl rather than comment on the allegations. Here's a few more. https://www.ajc.org/news/world-leaders-condemn-hamas-terror-attacks-on-israeli-civilians
  21. Essentially why I haven't been here for a month and probably won't for a while longer. Huge time waster.
  22. I provided 2 links, and then linked to where i provided the first after you challenged my claim. Oh, l see you never responded to the challenge whether you a=re a one eyed team player or could actually conceivce of a circumstance in which you'd condemn your country for war crimes. That says a lot about partiality and inability to debate in good faith.
  23. I said my opinion was shared by world leaders. I have proven my point
  24. I would have thought that you should require a better standard of evidence than that. Most would characterise that as propaganda.
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