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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I didn't mention Hamas. I condemn the massacre by them as well. It doesn't justify the war crimes which ensued. The solution is to give the Palestinians a homeland based on 1967 borders. You know, like the UN has wanted for 50 years/
  2. Revenmge attacks on citizens is not only morally evil but also a war crime. Revenge is the province of narcissists and sociopaths.
  3. Yes, possibly unindicted as a result of making a plea deal.
  4. Irrelevant to the question of whether a plea deal requires cooperation in prosecution.
  5. You may be right. Or maybe not. It's not up to me. I won't be associated with a haven for racists and misogynists.
  6. Tomorrow. Unless I see certain posts disappear, I'm out.
  7. For now, I'll just wait and see what the powers that be determine will be the future of this board's reputation.
  8. I'm sure many of your cohorts find my posts inconvenient.
  9. Not clear whether a plea deal requires cooperation with prosecutors? There's no other reason for a prosecutor to ever offer a plea deal. It's always explicitly stated as a requirement. Look at Hall's agreement.
  10. Yes. I don't like hate speech. I'm soon to quit this board unless it stops.
  11. Ban them from this board which is in danger of becoming a haven for hate speech.
  12. How close to Trump was Powell do you think? Plea deals will only be offered if the evidence is substantive and likely to result in a conviction for the target. Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro to be offered plea deal in Georgia case https://www.rawstory.com/sidney-powell-kenneth-chesebro/
  13. If he had nothing valuable to offer he would not have been offered a plea deal.
  14. Nope, I'm calling out his comments. They deserve to be called out for what they are. But yes, it would be good to silence all homophobes, misogynists and racists. Is that not a good thing?
  15. It's not calling anyone names. It;'s calling about a comment as being homophobic. Do you deny that's homophobic in the EXTREME?
  16. There's more chance of the pee tapes existing that Comer having any evidence. Actual evidence would seal his case but somehow he doesn't want to bring it.
  17. Nobody is looking for evidence. There is none and nobody in the know believes otherwise. It's all about the investigation to deflect from Trump.
  18. Please. This is a disgustingly homophobic comment. Reprehensible in the extreme..
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