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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Doesn't threatening to jail his opponents amount to a plan for dictatorship?
  2. No, they put them on trial when credible evidence emerges, like any crime. Don't accuse me of lying. I asked if any of Israel's apologists would condemn Israel for war crimes. You are obviously not among them. Would you support even trying the case? I doubt it.
  3. The problem here is that absolutely everybody thinks Hamas should be tried for war crimes but let even one apologist for Israel say the same thing about the Israeli government. Crickets. I come from a country which tries its war criminals.
  4. It started on October 7th now? The level of disinformation on this site is incredible,
  5. The quote makes it clear that it's a direction. I don't care whatb my government calls it. I've read the definition of genocide and mass displacement of civilians is a war crime. Have you ever considered that your posting style is inflammatory?
  6. Off topic but many of those bombings were war crimes as well, along with the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  7. How did he figure that out? There is no Palestine, ergo no Palestinian civilians. Did Palestinians sign up to be terrorists? How is this not propaganda?
  8. Only 75%? I'd say 99% of able bodied citizens of Gaza are now "terrorists". Israel have only increased the number of terrorists and raised the threat level. When did terrorism begin to justify war crimes?
  9. Where I come from we call this "Genocide". Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has tasked his top adviser, Ron Dermer, the minister of strategic affairs, with designing plans to “thin” the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip “to a minimum,” according to a bombshell new report in an Israeli newspaper founded by the late Republican billionaire Sheldon Adelson. https://theintercept.com/2023/12/03/netanyahu-thin-gaza-population/
  10. This will be my last comment on this board for a while longer. Anyone who can't see war crimes on both sides is a blind, racist bigot.
  11. Well, they were correct, Israeli couldn't be reasoned with. That's not a sentiment that they shouldn't be reasoned with but an acknowledgement of the reality. History has shown that Israel was never interested in a two state solution on UN agreed terms.
  12. Then how was that Israel was still shooting kids on Gaza land and stealing land with the illegal settlements? Anyway, here it is from the horse's mouth. https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-to-keep-security-control-in-gaza-indefinitely-after-war-netanyahu-says/
  13. Then I guess you'd support laws against hate speech? That's what this is.
  14. I agree. I saw that Biden said that there now needs to be a 2 state solution and that many agree that Israel can no longer rule Gaza. I also note that Israel insists it will maintain security control over Gaza so the killings will continue on both sides. Palestine needs to be occupied by a blue helmet army.
  15. That's free speech. Yeah, nah. Australia has had the Racial Vilification Act for many years now. The country is better off for it.
  16. You're lucky. Mine ordered the giant river prawn at terminal 21 today.
  17. Let me get this right. One side is saying they want to kill as many Israelis as they can (as deplorable as that is) and the other side is actually doing it.
  18. The farangs who support the animal ambulance deserve a shout out. I saw them patiently take 2 hours to coax a soi dog with a broken leg into their net.
  19. It's impossible that it was unintentional. Is that your contention?
  20. Stuck around might be a bit strong. I was kind of overdoing it here a little in terms of wasting time and my productivity was suffering. Also, the futility of arguing with the same dozen intransigent people doesn't escape me. And I perceived, rightly or wrongly that there was a relaxation of enforcement of the rules, undertandably since many deliberately flagrantly ignored them. It must be like herding cats. Anyway, I have more or less finished a long coding project and was a bit triggered by a couple of news stories the last couple of days.
  21. Maybe don't shoot kids and don't steal land and they won't bomb you either?
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