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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. 1. Saving Ukraine from Russia. 2 Saving Ukraine from Russia. 3 Saving Ukraine from Russia. 4 Saving Ukraine from Russia. 5 Saving Ukraine from Russia. 6 Saving Ukraine from Russia. 7 Saving Ukraine from Russia. 8. Saving Ukraine from Russia. 9 Saving Ukraine from Russia. 0 You can't count either.
  2. Western Europe will go to war against Russia if Ukraine is in danger of losing. The US will be drawn in. Meantime, Russia is losing and Ukraine is about to get long range missiles which will take out the bridge to Crimea.
  3. That wasn't an ad hominem. It was an observation that you know nothing about US politics and are only here to spread Russian propaganda.
  4. I don't think he will get a slap on his tiny hand for advocating assassination of a general.
  5. Which CURRENT Palestinian elected leader is advocating eradication of Israelis? Are the illegal settlements genocide?
  6. Yes, I remember your cult hero said there were good people on both sides. Some of those same people are now doing nearly 20 years or more.
  7. He caught Bush's falling knife and single handedly saved America and the world from another depression. That was very impressive! I suggest you read about the GFC and the recovery. Australia was one of the first to apply massive stimulus and our Treasurer was awarded Best Treasurer of the year by some renowned publication. Obama followed suit.
  8. And now the traitor wants to destroy the American economy by shutting the government down if they don't defund the prosecution against him. It doesn't get any more psychotic or sociopathic than that. Interest rates will rise because of an inevitable credit downgrade and many will lose their homes or not be able to buy new ones.
  9. He might seem to you to be apolitical but his message is decidedly right wing. He appeals to way more people on the right than the left.
  10. It would take over a year to mobilize for that invasion. But beyond personality, there’s a far more likely and logical explanation if you look at policy alignment between Russia and America during the two administrations: With Trump in office, Putin was already getting what he wanted. The election changed all that. Consider where Trump and Biden stand on three key issue areas the Kremlin cares deeply about: NATO, political leadership in Ukraine and undermining democracy. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/03/02/putin-invade-ukraine-trump-00012897 No, Trump would not have stopped Russia’s invasion of Ukraine For over a decade, Putin has made clear that he views the collapse of the Soviet Union as the “greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century.” As a former KGB intelligence officer, Putin laments the demise of the Soviet empire and is deeply consumed by a desire to restore Russia to some semblance of its former greatness. Indeed, the former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, declared that “Putin’s main interest is to try to restore the old Soviet Union.” https://thehill.com/opinion/international/596662-no-trump-would-not-have-stopped-russias-invasion-of-ukraine/
  11. It did happen and was all those MAGA anti crime vigilantes you support. You can't blame someone else for their actions and now they have decades to think long and hard about it. That Babbit's killing was not investigated is a flagrant lie. That would be an impossibility.
  12. He mobilized for an invasion. That isn't acting reasonably under anyone's definition. You want to deny this fact but not want to speculate on it? That is takes many months to prepare for an invasion is common knowledge. Are you sure you're qualified to engage in this debate? Do you think that Obama and Biden draw out Putin's worst instincts?
  13. And yet all those anti crime crusaders in MAGA hats were rioting in and ransacking the Capitol? How does that compute?
  14. How long do you think it took Putin to mobilize for that 2020 invasion? Putin anticipated that Trump would get a second term and had committed himself long before the election was lost. Putin l;aunched that invasion BECAUSE he thought Trump would destroy NATO for him and veto help for Ukraine. Trump had form in that direction.
  15. I also read that the transponder may have been faulty. I know he landed in a backyard.
  16. A person in a MAGA hat. Non existent in Thailand. I have never been to the US. I understand that many MAGA people there are deeply racist. Is that true?
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