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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. What Trump was mostly getting done as President was fraud. In one example, Amer noted how Trump repeatedly valued his South Florida oceanside estate of Mar-a-Lago at 28 times more than the official Palm Beach County government property appraiser. A chart displayed in the courtroom showed how the former president’s winter home was valued by the county in 2018 at $25 million—while the real estate mogul set the value at $714 million. In another example, the AG’s office pointed out how the Trumps’ simply slapped on a 30% “brand premium” at Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter, Florida. They also raised the theoretical purchase price of that business enterprise by tacking on $41 million in club memberships—even though those signups are reimbursable and under certain circumstances would have to be paid back. https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-tries-to-strike-down-new-york-ag-case-before-it-starts
  2. If you can't outperform the S&P in business you are a very bad businessman and hopeless at deal making.
  3. If it increases his support and contributions, more fool the idiots who are doing their dough. We can't have a legal system where it';s permitted the threaten judges and jurors. Lock him up!
  4. The next US election will be a contest between democracy and authoritarianism / fascism.
  5. I'm not sure why it stopped. There's conflicting information. One account has it stopping due to Palestinian support for Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Another says it dropped to 0 after allegations of Palestinian corruption in 2021. It was probably a gradual process. TThe Saudis have since reinstated aid to the Palestinians in order to help normalize the society and remove the most extremist elements from the PLO.
  6. All good, I think NATO should declare open war against Russia and get this over with. Russia is not going to use nuclear or chemical weapons. .
  7. No link? He doesn't even warrant a wiki page he must be very influential. Not.
  8. USA has very frosty relations with Israel right now and if the Dems win the next election Saudi Arabia is going to be on the outer big time.
  9. On your own admission you know nothing about this subject. You are not Israeli and you don't know anything about the single most contentious issue, the settlements. Stop trolling
  10. Wrong on the geographics but we'll let that pass. Last tine I checked the Russian border was not in Ukraine.
  11. You couldn't answer a straight and relevant question if your life depended on it. I know that you supported Trump taking military action.
  12. They're Russians and various fascist extremists who want Russia to win so democracy loses..
  13. Is what I said not true? It obviously is otherwise you wouldn't have gotten all butt hurt.
  14. You never wanted Trump to send troops to the border?
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