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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. OK, lets resort to some logic. If you wanted to express remorse, would you say so or shut up and hope people would give you the benefit of the doubt based on a lack of a statement expressing no remorse?
  2. Generally agreed (I'm no expert) but the guy whose link I posted above claims there's little evidence that K2 does much for osteoporosis. There is more evidence that it benefits cardiovascular health although all K2 research is scant.
  3. Unfortunately, the gratuitous Thai bashing that goes on here every day poisons the ability of some to mention a legitimate complaint when they feel it's warranted.
  4. Sentence 2 is BS, the others I will gladly own. Understanding why things happen is NOT condoning them. I consider the ability to rationalize why some things happen to be a marker of my intelligence. Conversely, an inability to understand why things happen is generally intellectual dishonesty , assuming one is literate.
  5. The tail wagging the dog. A lack of a public statement of contrition is generally held to be a lack of remorse.
  6. And there's more... Trump ordered the withdrawal of troops and the release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners without consultation with the Afghan government. That prisoner release was the main reason why the Afghan government fell so quickly and the chief reason why the US military were blindsided and chaos ensued. Trump is a traitor. Mike Pompeo, Trump’s secretary of state, said on Feb. 29, 2020, that the agreement "entails a promise from the Taliban that terrorists can never again operate from Afghan soil." By August 2020, news reports said that the Afghan government, which was not a signatory in the Taliban-U.S. deal, had released 4,600 Taliban prisoners after pressure from the Trump administration. Afghan officials considered the release of 400 other prisoners problematic because they had committed major crimes, Voice of America reported. "We acknowledge that the release of these prisoners is unpopular," Pompeo said Aug. 6. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/aug/31/mitt-romney/mitt-romney-accurately-says-trump-administration-w/
  7. This just after you'd got done pointing the finger at Biden. You can't make this stuff up.
  8. Thanks entirely to Trump who decided against ALL military advice to pull out to benefit the Christian nationalist fundamentalist brother of Trumps education secretary. Trump literally handed Biden a poisoned chalice by ordering the withdrawal. Gen Milley said he was "shocked". Had he not done so the US would have bases right on Iran's doorstep right now. The far right just can't face facts. Trumps order for withdrawal at all was an unmitigated disaster and dishonored the deaths of thousands of troops who died in vain just to boost Trumps cronies and major donors. It was NOT a coincidence that Trump ordered this withdrawal AFTER he had lost the election. edit: The reason I mentioned ww2 and Lend Lease was because it was uneconomic to repatriate all that equipment then as it was in Afghanistan.I didn't think I'd need to spell that out.
  9. Always have done. Hat Yai was a rollicking town in the early 80's with soapies everywhere. I had my first soapy experience there.
  10. Did you know that mountains of brand new equipment were required to be buried after ww2 under the lend lease agreements? The good stuff in A was either brought back or destroyed. Lots of non militarily significant equipment was just left behind. Unfortunately the right wing added up the total amount of equipment ever sent to Afghanistan and pretended that it was still all useful in a massive travesty of dishonesty.
  11. Did you wish that western european countries sent some 34 million refugees back home in ww2 as well?
  12. Trust me you should. I'm a wasp with no known ancestors born outside Australia and no team allegiances. I call balls and strikes as I see them. It seems fundamental to me that every distinct population should have it's own state and I fail to understand why anybody should see it differently, especially Jews over all populations. The other major issue I have is why the Kurds don't have sovereignty over their own state. Does your head explode to contemplate that I can condemn both sides equally. Why exactly do you have a problem taking my statements at face value? Again, It's Israel who is the bigger problem right now. On October 7th that would have been Hamas. Biden said the obstacle to peace is Netanyahu. I agree with him. It's not Israelis, it's Bibi and his extremist cabal of war criminals. I applaud that Israel killed the most senior Hamas official since october 7th but do rather wish he was in the Hague instead.
  13. I would too. Too much information.
  14. This guy is my goto supplement guru https://www.youtube.com/@DrBradStanfield
  15. No, you misunderstand. He was referring to the rats of NY. The ones who sent him down the drain, lol. Trump is too dumb to engage in doublespeak.
  16. He's not the richest man anymore. Bezos got that back since Tesla's shares tanked.
  17. I am. I have condemned Hamas. But that was 5 months ago now. When was the last Israeli strike killing civilians? Oh that's right, it was today. And every day. Please give me a quick recap. Which actions of Israel have you "condemned"? They may not have all voted for her but she is their leader and therefore does speak for all of them.
  18. I take magnesium taurate, K2 and D3 (recommended to pair these) and NAC / glycine (ditto). Also a multivitamin. If you're into youtube doctors, take a look at Brad Stanfield. In the US you can buy his own formula all in one supplement.
  19. Every sentence has a subject and a predicate. In Biden's case the subject was "primary". In Trump's case it was "country". When he tells you who he is, believe him the first time.
  20. He was just following a "suggestion" from this education secretary's brother. Nepotism was a feature fo Trump's administration, not a bug.
  21. It'd be harder to find a Thai in Pattaya than a Russian.
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